v.12 n.24, jan./mar. 2008

Table of contents


The dissemination of the dimension of care in health, the invention of worlds and the communication of knowledge as surfaces of contagion
Ceccim, Ricardo Burg

Dossier – Care

Care for terminal patients: the experience of medical students
Sadala, Maria Lúcia Araújo; Silva, Mayle Paulino da

Healthcare at work: implications for nurse training
Sena, Roseni Rosângela de; Silva, Kênia Lara; Gonçalves, Alda Martins; Duarte, Elysângela Dittz; Coelho, Suelene

Healthcare during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle from the perspective of public service users
Parada, Cristina Maria Garcia de Lima; Tonete, Vera Lúcia Pamplona


Old age, institution and subjectivity
Maia, Gabriela Felten da; Londero, Susane; Henz, Alexandre de Oliveira

Significance of corporal practices in treating chemical dependence
Pimentel, Giuliano Gomes de Assis; Oliveira, Edna Regina Netto de; Pastor, Aparecida Paulina

Telling patient’s storie
Costa, Lizete Pontes Macário

Faith healing and the field of healthcare in Brazil
Puttini, Rodolfo Franco

New social practices constituting the right to health: the experience of a community phytotherapy movement
Guizardi, Francini Lube; Pinheiro, Roseni

Brazilian Public Health System and medical training: possible dialog?
Ciuffo, Roberta Signorelli; Ribeiro, Victoria Maria Brant

Living innovation: experiences in the course of nutrition
Pedroso, Maísa Beltrame; Cunha, Maria Isabel da

Discourse among dentists within the Family Healthcare Program: crisis and change of habitus within public health
Chaves, Mônica Campos; Miranda, Alcides Silva de

Characterization of support houses for people with HIV/Aids in Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo, Brazil) and their administrative practices
Soares, Marisley Vilas Bôas; Forster, Aldaísa Cassanho; Santos, Manoel Antonio dos

Health promotion in primary school
Gonçalves, Fernanda Denardin; Catrib, Ana Maria Fontenele; Vieira, Neiva Francenely Cunha; Vieira, Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza

Open Space

From scientific to journalistic: comparative analysis of health-related discourse
Cunha, Rodrigo Bastos

Knowledge and attitudes of pediatricians in relation to dental caries
Dalto, Vanessa; Turini, Barbara; Cordoni Junior, Luiz


Relación clínica: guía para aprender, enseñar e investigar
Perosa, Gimol Benzaquen


Obstetric training: competence and care in birth assistance
Hotimsky, Sonia Nussenzweig

Obstetric training: competence and care in birth assistance
Hotimsky, Sonia Nussenzweig


7th Botucatu Medical Education Symposium: interdisciplinarity and evaluation on Medical course
Hamamoto Filho, Pedro Tadao; Miguel, Licério; Silva, Ludmila Almeida; Caldas, Ana Cristina Paschoal e; Comes, Giovana Tuccille; Venditti, Vinicius Cunha; Fracalossi, Thalita Azevedo; Silva, Vanessa dos Santos

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