Editorial – thematic text written by the editors or by invited researchers (up to two thousand words).

Dossier – set of thematic essays or analytical texts invited by the editors, resulting from original studies and research of interest to the journal (up to six thousand words).

Articles – analytical texts resulting from original theoretical or empirical research referring to themes of interest to the journal (up to six thousand words).

Review – texts of literature review about well-established themes pertinent to the journal’s scope (up to six thousand words).

Debates – set of texts about current and/or polemic themes proposed by the editors or by collaborators and debated by specialists, who expound their points of view (Opening text: up to six thousand words; debaters’ texts: up to one thousand and five hundred words; reply: up to one thousand and five hundred words.

Experience reports – theoretically grounded texts that describe and critically analyze experiences that are relevant to the journal’s scope (up to five thousand words).

Interviews – testimonies of people whose life stories or professional achievements are relevant to the journal’s areas (up to six thousand words).

Critical reviews – critical analysis texts of works published in Brazil or abroad in the last two years, presenting new knowledge in addition to the simple summary of the publication, in the form of books, films or other recent productions that are relevant to the themes in the journal’s scope (up to three thousand words).

Creation – reflection texts on themes of interest to the journal, in an interface with the fields of Arts and Culture, which use, in their formal presentation, iconographic, poetic, literary, musical and audiovisual resources, among others, in order to strengthen and give consistency to the proposed discussion.

Brief notes – notes on events, happenings, innovative projects and obituaries with an analysis of the person’s work and scientific contribution (up to two thousand words).

Letters to the editor – comments on journal’s publications and notes or opinions about matters of interest to the readers (up to one thousand words).

The text’s total number of words includes references, charts and tables and excludes title, abstract and keywords.

Format and Structure

1 The manuscripts must be keyboarded in Word or RTF, using 12-point Arial font, respecting the maximum number of words established for each section of the journal.

All the manuscripts submitted for publication, without exception, must contain authorship with complete affiliation (institution, city, state and country), ORCID ID, title in the journal’s three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish), different from the section’s, citations and references. They must also contain abstract and keywords related to the theme in the journal’s three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish), except the following sections: Critiques, Interviews, Brief Notes and Letters to the Editor.

When submitting a manuscript, author order should be defined and agreed upon by all authors, because if the article is approved for publication, the authors’ names will be presented in the exact order established when the article was submitted.

. The initial text of the Debates section must contain title, abstract and keywords related to the theme in the journal’s three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). The other texts of this section must only contain the title in the journal’s three languages.
. Interviews must contain title and keywords in the three languages.
.Critiques reviews must contain, in the first page of the text,  title related to the theme written by the critical review’s author.

Authors must take the following precautions when they submit their manuscript:
– To remove, from the text, all information that identify the text’s authorship in references, footnotes and citations, replacing them by NN [eliminated for peer review purposes]. Authors’ data are informed only in a specific field of the submission form.
– In Microsoft Office documents, to remove the author’s identification from the Document’s Properties (in the menu File > Properties), starting on File, in the main menu, and clicking in sequence: File > Save as… > Tools (or Options in Mac) > Security options… > Remove personal information from file properties on save > OK > Save.
– In PDFs, to remove the authors’ names from the Document’s Properties, in File, in the main menu of Adobe Acrobat.
 Informations on institutions that supported the research and/or on people who collaborated with the study but do not meet the authorship criteria are also included in a specific field of the submission form.

. If the manuscript is approved for publication, all omitted information must be included again by its authors.

The maximum number of authors is limited to five. In the event of more than five authors, a justification must be given to be analyzed by the Editor. Authorship implies assuming responsibility publicly for the content of the manuscript submitted for publication and must be based on the effective contribution of the authors in: a) conception and design of the study or participation of the discussion of the study’s results; b) drafting the manuscript or critical revision of its contents; c) approving the manuscript’s final version. All three conditions should be met and described to each of the authors.

. The maximum number of manuscripts by the same author in the Supplements is limited to three.

4 The manuscript’s initial page (Main Document) must contain the following information (in Portuguese, Spanish and English): title, abstract and keywords. The title and keywords are not included in the abstract’s total number of words. Regarding this information, please note the exceptions mentioned in item 1.

4.1 Title: must be concise and informative (up to twenty words).

. If the title contains an acronym, its full meaning must be included in the twenty words.
. If the title contains a city name, the state and country must also be included, to be counted towards the twenty words.

4.2 Abstract: must highlight the work’s fundamental aspects. It can include the main objective, the theoretical focus, the methodological procedures, the most relevant results and the main conclusions (up to 140 words).

Authors should avoid structuring the Abstract in topics (Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusions).

. If the abstract contains an acronym, its full meaning must be included in the 140 words.
. If the abstract contains a city name, the state and country must also be included, to be counted towards the 140 words.

4.3 Keywords: must reflect the addressed themes (from three to five words).

5 Footnotes are identified by small superscript letters in parentheses.
They must be sequential to the letters used in the manuscript’s authorship. They must also be succinct and used only when strictly necessary.

6 Manuscripts referring to research with human beings must include information on the approval by an Ethics Committee in the area, according to Resolution no. 466/2013 of Brazil’s National Health Council or Resolution no. 510/2016 related to ethical specificities of researches in Human and Social Sciences. Only the process number must be included in the body text, at the end of the methodology section. This number must be kept in the manuscript’s final version if it is approved for publication.

Manuscripts with illustrations must include their respective credits or captions. In case of images of people, the authorization for the use of these images by the journal should also be included.

Images, figures or drawings must be in tiff or jpeg format, with minimum resolution of 300 dpi, maximum size of 16 x 20 cm, caption, and 9-point Arial font. Tables and bar graphs can be produced in Word or Excel. Other types of graphs (circle graph, line graph, etc.) must be produced in an image program (Photoshop or Corel Draw). All illustrations must be in files separated from the original text (Main Document), with their respective credits or captions and numeration. In the text there should be an indication of the place in which each one must be included.

. In the case of texts submitted to the Creation section, the images must be scanned with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and sent in jpeg or tiff formats, minimum size of 9 x 12 cm and maximum size of 18 x 21 cm.

9 Supplementary material may be included in the manuscript, denominated Appendix [authored by the author(s)] or Annex (by another author). The supplementary material should be inserted straight after the Conclusion section of the manuscript, before the copyright information and references.

10 Interface adopts the Vancouver system for the style of citations and references in its manuscripts. Details about this system and other notes related to the manuscript format can be found at the end of these Instructions.

The journal Interface Comunicação, Saúde, Educação is aligned with the Open Science guidelines and is in the process of gradually adopting the Open Science principles and practices. This means the following:

Voluntary adherence of authors to the publication of articles in the preprint format.

We recommended that authors deposit the primary research data that gave rise to the article in certified repositories.

Voluntary adherence of authors to the publication of reviews.

When submitting a manuscript, it is important to be aware of what a preprint is and how to proceed to adhere to this first stage of Open Science.

Preprints make articles and other communications available before, or in parallel with, the journal’s review process. Preprints therefore speed up the dissemination of research results, guarantee intellectual authorship and allow the author to receive comments that contribute to improving their work before submitting it to a journal. While the article remains in the preprints repository (if the author does not want to submit it to a journal), journals continue to play a fundamental role in reviewing, preserving and disseminating research. In light of the above:

1 You can now submit your article to the SciELO preprints server ( or to another credible server. If you do so, the article will be reviewed by a panel of experts from the servers to assess whether the manuscript meets the basic criteria for text structure and document type. If approved, it will receive a DOI, guaranteeing immediate international dissemination.

2 At the same time, if you wish, you may submit the article to Interface Comunicação, Saúde, Educação. The two processes are compatible.

3 You can opt to submit the article only to Interface Comunicação, Saúde, Educação. Submission to the preprint repository is not mandatory

The submission process is performed only on-line, in the system ScholarOne Manuscripts. To submit manuscripts, is required to be registered in the system,  accessing  the link and following the instructions on screen. Once registered and logged in, just click on Author to begin the submission process.

. In the register of all the authors, it is necessary that the keywords referring to their areas of action are filled out. To edit the register, each author must log in the system with his/her username and password, access Menu, click on the item Edit Account, located in the upper right corner of the screen, and enter the areas of action at step 3. The areas of action are described in the system as Areas of expertise.

5 Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação accepts collaborations in Portuguese, Spanish and English for all sections. Just original and unpublished works submitted only to this journal shall be evaluated. The authors must state they complied with these conditions in a specific field of the submission form. In case a simultaneous publication or submission to another journal is identified, the manuscript shall be disregarded. Submission must be accompanied by an authorization for publication signed by all the authors of the manuscript. The model of the document is available for upload in the system.

6 Authors’ data are informed in a specific field of the submission form and include:
– Main author: institutional affiliation (only one, in full), in this order: Department, Unit, University, city, state, country. Institutional e-mail. Full institutional address for correspondence (street, number, neighborhood, city, state, country and ZIP code). Telephones (landline and cell phone) and only one e-mail (preferably institutional).
– Coauthors: institutional affiliation (only one, in full), in this order: Department, Unit, University, city, state, country. Institutional e-mail. ORCID ID.

. The data of the main author and of the author who submit the manuscript must include the ORCID ID (the links to create or associate the existing ORCID ID are available in the ScholarOne system, Stage 3 of submission). The ORCID must include at least the institution to which the author belongs and his/her role.
. If there is no institutional affiliation, please inform professional education.
. If the author is an undergraduate or graduate student, it is necessary to inform: Undergraduate/graduate student of the …………course, indicating in parenthesis if it is a Master's Degree, Doctoral Degree or Postdoctoral Degree.
. Authors’ titles, positions and roles must not be informed.
. Whenever the author uses compound names in references and citations, these data must also be informed.
Example: author Fabio Porto Foresti; in references and citations, authors must use Porto-Foresti, Fabio.
If the text contains illustrations, they must be included as additional documents to the Main Document, in a specific field of the submission form.

. In case of images of people, the authors must provide authorization for the use of these images by the journal. They must also be included as additional documents to the Main Document, in a specific field of the submission form.

7 The title (up to twenty words), the abstract (up to 140 words), the keywords (from three to five), in the manuscript’s original language, and the illustrations must be included in a specific field of the submission form.

To submit the manuscript, in Cover Letter, the author must write a letter explaining whether the text is original, whether it is the result of a Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation, whether there are conflicts of interest (any commitment by the authors with the financing sources or any type of affiliation or rivalry that may be understood as conflict of interest must be explained) and, in case of research with human beings, whether it was approved by an Ethics Committee in the area, informing the process number and the institution. If the manuscript does not involve research with human beings, it is also necessary to state that in the Cover Letter, justifying the Ethics Committee’s non-approval. Similarly, if the authors include undergraduate students, it is necessary to inform that in this field of the form.

9 Information on institutions that supported the research and/or on people who collaborated with the study but do not meet the authorship criteria are also included in this field of the form.

10 If the text has two authors or more, the individual responsibilities of each one in the preparation of the manuscript must be specified in the Cover Letter, respecting the following authorship criteria: a) conception and design of the study or participation of the discussion of the study’s results; b) drafting the manuscript or critical revision of its contents; c) approving the manuscript’s final version. All these conditions should must be met and may be indicated by the following statement: All authors had actively participated in all stages of the manuscript preparation.

11 If a Critical review is submitted, authors must include all information about the reviewed work in the Cover Letter following the reference standard used in Interface (Vancouver), namely:
Author(s). City: Publisher, year. Critique of: Author(s). Work title. Journal. Year; v(n): initial and end pages. It must also include the reviewed work’s cover as additional document to the Main Document, in a specific field of the submission form.
Borges KCS, Estevão A, Bagrichevsky M. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 2010. Critique of: Castiel LD, Guilam MC, Ferreira MS. Correndo o risco: uma introdução aos riscos em saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2012; 16(43):1119-21.

12 In the item Contribution to Current Literature, the author must answer the following question:
What does your text add to what has already been published in the national and international literature?

. In this brief description, it is necessary to address the specificity of the research results and of the review or experience in the scenario of national and international literature about the matter, highlighting the original nature of the work and the dialogue with international literature. Manuscripts that focus on issues of local interest only and present essentially descriptive approaches to the problem are not this journal’s priority and should be avoided.

13 The author can indicate one referee (from Brazil or abroad) to evaluate his/her work, provided that they do not belong to the same institution as the manuscript’s author(s). If it is necessary, he/she should also inform about researchers with whom there may be conflicts of interest arising from the article.

14 All authors of manuscripts submitted to Interface – Comunicação, Saúde, Educação must fill in the Open Science Compliance Form, made available in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system at the moment of submission. It is important to note that authors who have deposited their research data in a repository must mention the URL and respective link on the form.

Interface adopts the strict editorial policy of scientific merit evaluation by peers conducted in two stages: pre-evaluation and peer review. It is important to highlight that the peer review policy adopts the same criteria for manuscripts submitted to preprint servers or other platforms.

Pre-evaluation: all manuscripts submitted to Interface undergo initial screening to verify whether the topic is within the scope of the journal and if they meet the editorial guidelines, and to identify pending items, including the identification of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Article submission will only be confirmed if all the journal’s guidelines are met and when all requested documents have been filled out and uploaded to the system. Initial screening is completed by the editors and associate editors and only texts that meet the journal’s requirements go on to the peer review stage:

  •  meet the minimum requisites of a scientific paper and comply with the journal’s scope;
  •  dialogue with the international literature around the theme of the article;
  •  present relevance and thematic originality and of results and adequacy of theoretical and methodological approach.

Peer review: the text whose submission is confirmed follows for double-blind peer review and is evaluated by, at least, two referees considering the following criteria: theme originality and relevance, scientific rigor, and theoretical and methodological consistency. Referees are selected among the Editorial Board’s members or ad hoc consultants, researchers in the scope of work area, from different regions, and education and/or research institutions. The material is returned to the author if the referees suggest small changes and/or corrections. In this case, there will be a second round of evaluation of the revised manuscript.

. In case of divergence of opinions, the text is sent to a third referee for arbitration.
. The Editorial Board (editors and associate editors) is responsible for the final decision about the work’s scientific merit.

Approved article edition
After the article’s approval, the authors receive a correspondence with specific guidelines on sending the final version of the text in order to begin the editing process for article’s publication. These guidelines include:
– updating all the authors’ data, confirming their institutional affiliation or professional education, and the OCID ID, as already indicated in item 3 of SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS;
– final review of the text, including title, keywords, citations and references, and of the abstracts (Portuguese, English and Spanish) by specialized professionals, highlighting the corrections made in this last version in a different font color;
– in case of an article with two or more authors, adding the item Contributors before References in the text’s final version, specifying the individual responsibilities of each one of them in creating the manuscript, as explicitly indicated in item 6 of SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS;
– in case of acknowledgments to people or institutions, inserting them also in the text’s final version, before References, under Acknowledgments.

The approved article’s editing process includes standardization, desktop publishing and review by Interface’s technical team and approval of the final version by the authors.

The authors are responsible for their texts. The texts do not necessarily coincide with the point of view of the journal’s Editorial Board.

. Should they be interested in publishing their manuscript in English, authors must express it and immediately contact the journal’s Office for information on deadlines, costs, contact with accredited professionals, etc. These expenses shall be borne entirely by the authors. Both versions (Portuguese and English) will be published in SciELO Brazil.

Interface started to adopt the continuous publication of its articles, published in a single volume per year, uninterruptedly, in accordance with SciELO guidelines. In the electronic summary of the journal, in SciELO and on its website, only the section to which the article was submitted will be indicated.

Interface is an open-access electronic journal. The international open-access initiative aims at providing universal access to a benefit that should belong to all human beings: knowledge. The production costs of journals under this open-access model require public funding, since they are not financed by readers.

For 19 years, Interface was maintained almost exclusively with public resources. As this fundraising partially covers its costs, the journal has adopted a publication fee for approved manuscripts, in order to ensure regularity, quality and open-access to published articles.

Article processing charge (APC)
Procedures for paying this fee will be informed by the journal’s office after the article’s approval. This fee will only be charged for approved articles for the following sections: Articles, Review and Experience reports. Publications in other sections are exempt from the article processing charge.

1 For manuscripts with up to 5,000 words: R$ 800.00
2 For manuscripts with more than 5,000 words: R$ 900.00

The amount does not include costs of translation of the article into English, if interested.

The article’s authors are responsible for bearing this cost.

This fee may vary depending on whether more or less public funds are raised.

Please note that teachers, students and/or technical and administrative staff of the Unesp are exempt from the article processing charge.

Citations should be numbered consecutively, according to the order in which they are presented in the text. They should be identified by superscript Arabic numbers.
According to Teixeira1
According to Schraiber2 ...

Specific cases of citations:

1 Reference with more than two authors: in the body of the text, only the name of the first author should be cited, followed by the expression "et al."

2 Literal citations: These should be inserted in the paragraph between quotation marks (Double quotation marks), and accompanied by the citation page in parentheses, with the point at the end.
Starting from this relation, we can affirm that the nature of educational work corresponds to "[...] the act of producing, directly and intentionally, in each singular individual, the humanity produced historically and collectively by all men" 2 (p. 13).

If the quote comes with double quotation marks in the original text, replace them by the apostrophe or single quotation marks.
"The 'Uniform Requirements' (Vancouver style) are largely based on the style standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), adapted by the NLM” 1 (p. 47).
At the end of a quote the punctuation mark will be inside the quotation marks if the sentence begins and ends with quotation marks.
"We are, therefore, in a context where, as Gramsci said, it is a struggle between the new who wants to be born and the old man who does not want to leave the scene." 9 (p.149)
When the phrase is not complete within the quotation marks, the punctuation should be outside the quotation marks.
In CFM's view, "there has never been such a violent aggression against the category and against the assistance offered to the population" (p.3).

3 Literal citation of more than three lines: in a paragraph inset from the text (with a one-line space before and after it), with 4cm indentation on the left side, without quotation marks, and accompanied by the citation page in parentheses (after the citation punctuation).
This meeting has expanded and evolved into the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and has established the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Presented to Biomedical Journals: the Vancouver Style 2. 2 (p. 42)

Citation fragment in text
- use bracket: [...] we found some flaws in the system [...] when we re-read the manuscript, but nothing could be done [...].

REFERENCES (Transcribed and adapted from Pizzani L, Silva RC, Feb 2014; Jeorgina GR, 2008)

All the authors cited in the text should appear among the references listed at the end of the manuscript, in numerical order, following the general standards of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
The names of the journals should be abbreviated in accordance with the style used in Index Medicus.
The references should be aligned only with the left margin and, so as to identify the document, with single spacing and separated from each other by a double space.
The punctuation should follow the international standards and should be uniform for all the references:
Leave one space after a full stop/period.
Leave one space after a semicolon.
Leave one space after a colon.
When the reference occupies more than one line, restart in the first position.


Author(s) of the book. Title of the book. Edition (number of the edition). City of publication: Publishing house; Year of publication.
Schraiber LB. O médico e suas interações: a crise dos vínculos de confiança. 4a ed. São Paulo: Hucitec; 2008.
* Up to six authors, separated by commas, followed by "et al.", if this number is exceeded.
** Without indicating the number of pages.

. If the author is an entity:
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. Manjuba (ancharella lepidentostole) no rio Ribeira de Iguape. São Paulo: Ibama; 1990.
. In the case of series and collections:
Example: Migliori R. Paradigmas e educação. São Paulo: Aquariana; 1993 (Visão do futuro, v. 1).

Author(s) of the chapter. Title of the chapter. In: name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s). Title of the book. Edition (number). City of publication: Publishing house; Year of publication. First-last page of the chapter.
- Book author is the same as the author of the chapter:
Hartz ZMA, organizador. Avaliação em saúde: dos modelos conceituais à prática na análise da implantação dos programas. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 1997. p. 19-28.
- Book author is different from the author of the chapter:
Cyrino, EG, Cyrino AP. A avaliação de habilidades em saúde coletiva no internato e na prova de Residência Médica na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Unesp. In: Tibério IFLC, Daud-Galloti RM, Troncon LEA, Martins MA, organizadores. Avaliação prática de habilidades clínicas em Medicina. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2012. p. 163-72.
* Up to six authors, separated by commas, followed by "et al.", if this number is exceeded.
** It is obligatory to indicate the first and last pages of the chapter, at the end of the reference.

Author(s) of the article. Title of the article. Abbreviated title of the journal. Date of publication; volume (number/supplement): first-last page of the article.
Teixeira RR. Modelos comunicacionais e práticas de saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 1997; 1(1):7-40.
Ortega F, Zorzanelli R, Meierhoffer LK, Rosário CA, Almeida CF, Andrada BFCC, et al. A construção do diagnóstico do autismo em uma rede social virtual brasileira. Interface (Botucatu). 2013; 17(44):119-32.
* Up to six authors, separated by commas, followed by "et al.", if this number is exceeded.
** It is obligatory to indicate the first and last pages of the article, at the end of the reference.

Author. Title of study [type]. City (State): Institution where it was presented; year when study was defended.
Macedo LM. Modelos de Atenção Primária em Botucatu-SP: condições de trabalho e os significados de Integralidade apresentados por trabalhadores das unidades básicas de saúde [thesis]. Botucatu (SP): Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu; 2013.
Martins CP. Possibilidades, limites e desafios da humanização no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) [dissertation]. Assis (SP): Universidade Estadual Paulista; 2010.

Author(s) of the study. Title of the study presented. In: editor(s) responsible for the event (if applicable). Title of the event: Proceedings or Annals of ... title of the event; date of the event; city and country of the event. City of publication: Publishing house; Year of publication. First-last page.
Paim JS. O SUS no ensino médico: retórica ou realidade [Internet]. In: Anais do 33° Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Médica; 1995; São Paulo, Brazil. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica; 1995. p. 5 [accessed Oct 30, 2013]. Available
* When the study has been consulted online, mention the data of access (abbreviated month and day followed by comma, year) and the electronic address: Available at: http://www......

Title of the law (or bill of law, or code...), publication data (city and date of publication).
Constituição (1988). Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Brasília, DF: Senado Federal; 1988.
Lei n° 8.080, de 19 de Setembro de 1990. Dispõe sobre as condições para a promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde, a organização e o funcionamento dos serviços correspondentes e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, 19 Set 1990.
*This follows the standards recommended in NBR 6023 of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT, 2002), with its graphical standard adapted to the Vancouver Style.

Author(s). Place: Publishing house, year. Review of: Author(s). Title of the study. Journal. Year;v(n):first-last page.
Borges KCS, Estevão A, Bagrichevsky M. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 2010. Resenha de: Castiel LD, Guilam MC, Ferreira MS. Correndo o risco: uma introdução aos riscos em saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2012;16(43):1119-21.

Author of the article. Title of the article. Name of the newspaper. Date; Section: page (column).
Gadelha C, Mundel T. Inovação brasileira, impacto global. Folha de São Paulo. 2013 Nov 12; Opinião:A3.

Author [letters]. Journal (City). Year;v(n.):first-last page.
Bagrichevsky M, Estevão A. [letters]. Interface (Botucatu). 2012;16(43):1143-4.

When the interview consists of questions and answers, the entry is always according to the interviewee.
Yrjö Engeström. A Teoria da Atividade Histórico-Cultural e suas contribuições à Educação, Saúde e Comunicação [interview conducted by Lemos M, Pereira-Querol MA, Almeida, IM]. Interface (Botucatu). 2013;715-29.
When the interviewer transcribes the interview, the entry is always according to the interviewer.
Lemos M, Pereira-Querol MA, Almeida, IM. A Teoria da Atividade Histórico-Cultural e suas contribuições à Educação, Saúde e Comunicação [interview with Yrjö Engeström]. Interface (Botucatu). 2013:715-29.

Author(s). Title [Internet]. City of publication: Publishing house; date of publication [date of access with the expression "accessed"]. Address of the website with the expression "Available at:"

With page numbering:
Wagner CD, Persson PB. Chaos in cardiovascular system: an update. Cardiovasc Res. [Internet],1998 [accessed Jun 20, 1999]; 40. Available at:

Without page numbering:
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [accessed Aug 12, 2002];102(6):[about 1 p.]. Available at:
* The authors should check whether the electronic addresses (URLs) cited in the text are still active.

.If the reference includes the DOI, this should be maintained. Only in this case (when the citation was taken from SciELO, the DOI always comes with it; in other cases, not always).
Other examples can be found at

Titles and subtitles
1 Title of the manuscript - in bold, with the first letter in upper case
2 Section titles (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Final considerations ...) - in bold, with only the first letter in upper case
3 When there is subdivision in the section mark as [subtitle],
4 If this subdivision still has another subdivision: tick [sub-subtitle] and so on.

.Delete automatic numbers and bookmarks before titles and subtitles.
Example: 1 Introduction, 2 Methodology ...It is only Introduction, Methodology ...

Only the first letter in the upper case, the rest in the lower case. Endpoint between keywords.

1 Footnote linked to the title of the text must be marked with an asterisk (*) at the end of the title.
Authors' information should be indicated as a footnote, beginning with (a), indicated in parentheses.

.These notes should be short because of the restricted space on the cover page of the paper.

3 In the body of the text footnotes should follow the sequence that begins on the cover page (if the text has two authors, for example, the first footnote of the text should be (c)).

.Footnotes should be brief, used only when necessary.

Highlight of words or excerpts in the text
Must be enclosed in quotation marks (double quotation marks).
Interface does not use bold or italic for highlighting.
Italic is only used for spelling foreign words.
The highlights in quotation marks should be succinct, used only when necessary.

Use of capital or lowercase letter (based on: FRITSCHER, Carlos Cezar et al., Medical Emergency Manual, Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2002, p 468.)

It is used capital letter:
1 At the beginning of period or citation.
2 In the names of the celestial bodies: Saturn, Sun, Mars, Milky Way.


.Lowercase  letter is used in cases such as the following: space age, nuclear era, pre-industrial era, etc.
3 In the names of the cardinal and collateral points when they indicate the great regions of Brazil of the world: South, Northeast.

.When designating directions or when they are used as an adjective, they are written with lowercase: the northeast of Rio Grande do Norte.
4 In the word state, when personified or individualized: the State, the Nation (Brazil)
5 In the pronouns of treatment and in their abbreviations: Your Excellency, Lord, Mrs.

.Lowercase is used in the designation of professions and position of occupants: president, minister, senator, secretary, pope, director, coordinator, lawyer, professor, dean.

6 In acronyms:
Can be pronounced by the letters (UFGRS, UFF, OMS): all in capital letter.
If pronounceable as word (Unesp, Unicef ​​...): only the first letter in capital letter. Exceptions: ONU, UEL, USP.

.When using acronym, first write in length and then the acronym, in parentheses.

7 In the first letter of words that indicate official dates and names of facts or historical epochs, religious festivals, solemn acts and great public or institutional undertakings: September 7th, Middle Ages, Divine Feast, Christmas Day.
8 In the first letter of words that indicate names of disciplines of a curriculum or examination: History of Education, Psychology, Exam of the Order.
9 In the first letter of words that indicate areas of knowledge, institutions and religions: Collective Health, Epidemiology, Medicine, Nursing, Education, History, Social Sciences, Ministry of Health, Municipal Health Secretariat, Christianity.
10 In the first letter of words that indicate names of laws, decrees, official acts or diplomas: Copyright Law 9,609.
11 In the first letter of all the elements of a compound proper name, united by hyphen: Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate, Graduate in Finances.
12 In the first letter of words that indicate names of events (courses, lectures, conferences, symposia, fairs, parties, exhibitions, etc.): International Symposium on Epilepsy; Paulista Conference of Radiology, Brazilian Congress of Soils.
13 In the first letter of words that indicate names of several sectors of an administration or institution: Rectory, Pro-Rectory of University Extension, Legal Advice, Departmental Council, Department of Journalism, University Pastoral Center.
14 In the first letter of words that indicate geographical accidents and their denomination: Antas River, Sea Mountain, Persian Gulf, Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic Ocean.
15 In the first letter of words that indicate public street names: Faria Lima Avenue, Madalena Street, Trianon Park, Michelangelo Square.

Low cash is used:
In the designation of professions and occupants of office: president, minister, senator, secretary, pope, director, coordinator, lawyer, professor, dean.
In cases such as the following: space age, nuclear age, pre-industrial age, etc.

Use of numerals
Write out:
- from zero to nine;
- tens and hundreds "full": ten patients; Twenty cars; Three hundred people; Eighty students, six hundred inmates ...
- approximate amount: There were about four hundred students.
- units of high order: The great São Paulo has about twenty million inhabitants.
Write in numeric numerals:
- from the number 11;
- when followed by standard units: 10cm; 6l; 600m.

Use of cardinals numbers
Write out:
- from zero to ten.

Approved articles: 13,4% (2022);
Number of submissions / year: 614 (2023);
Average time between submission and evaluation: 152 dias (2022);
Average time between approval and publication: 114 dias (2022).