Editorial EN

Hellmann F, Guedert JM. The Ethical Crisis of Clinical Research in Brazil: Law 14.874/2024 and the Flexibilization of Brazilian Regulations for Participant Protection. Interface (Botucatu). 2024; 28: e240271
Haddad AE, Lima NT. Digital Health in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). Interface (Botucatu). 2024; 28: e230597
Vieira-Meyer APGF, Freire RWJ, Dias MSA, Júnior FJGS, Pinto AGA, Forte FDS. Family Health Strategy: resonances in the attention, management, education and health promotion. Interface (Botucatu). 2022; 26 (Supl. 1):e220556.
Rocha F, Pinheiro R, Miskolci R, Signorelli MC, Martin D, Pereira PPG. Monkeypox and the return of a specter: the healthcare field in dark times. Interface (Botucatu). 2022; 26:e220473
Batista LE, Proença A, Silva A. Covid-19 and the black population. Interface (Botucatu). 2021; 25:e210470.
Facchini LA, Guilam MCR, Teixeira CP, Cyrino APP. Professional Master’s in Family Health (ProfSaúde): education in the workplace, research and innovation for the development of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). Interface (Botucatu). 2020; 24(Supl. 1):e200667
Almeida-Filho N. Quality-equity in health: new challenges in a social ill-fare state Interface (Botucatu). 2020; 24:e200171
Interface (Botucatu) vol.24 Botucatu 2020 Epub 17-Ago-2020

Janaína Marques de Aguiar,Yuri Nishijima Azeredo,Ana Flávia P L d’Oliveira,Lilia Blima Schraiber - Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo.

Interface (Botucatu) vol.22 n.64 Botucatu jan./mar. 2018

Gastão Wagner de Sousa Campos College of Medical Sciences, Campinas University, SP. President of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health.
Carapinheiro GMGS. Paradoxes and contradictions in health under the effect of global pressures: the case of the Portugal-Brazil-Africa geopolitical space Interface (Botucatu). 2019; 23:e180476