v.12 n.25, abr./jun. 2008

Table of contents



Dossier – Homeopathy in the Unified Health System

Homeopathic care and the principle of integrality
Santanna, Carolina; Hennington, Élida Azevedo; Junges, José Roque

The teaching of homeopathy and practices within Brazilian Public Health System (SUS)
Galhardi, Wania Maria Papile; Barros, Nelson Filice de

The teaching of homeopathy in pharmacy undergraduation: pedagogical conceptions and practices in institutions from the state of Rio de Janeiro
Corrêa, Anderson Domingues; Leite, Sidnei Quezada Meireles


Stress and suffering: an Heideggerian interpretation
Nogueira, Roberto Passos

Psychological stress among relatives of users of a Psychosocial Care Center
Pegoraro, Renata Fabiana; Caldana, Regina Helena Lima

Sensitive listening: a study on the relationship between people and health environments
Grossman, Elio; Araújo-Jorge, Tania C.; Araújo, Inesita S.

The topic of humanization within healthcare: some issues for debate
Souza, Waldir da Silva; Moreira, Martha Cristina Nunes

Subjectivity and work: some conceptual contributions from Michel Foucault
Ramminger, Tatiana; Nardi, Henrique Caetano

Towards a stated position in pedagogical discourse mediated by virtual learning environments
Mutti, Regina Maria Varini; Axt, Margarete

Ethnography: its uses, potentials and limits within health research
Caprara, Andrea; Landim, Lucyla Paes

Aesthetic experience and institutional daily life: new maps for subjectively dealing with spaces for mental healthcare
Mecca, Renata Caruso; Castro, Eliane Dias de

Adolescence: actions and perceptions of doctors and nurses within the Family Healthcare Program
Ferrari, Rosângela Aparecida Pimenta; Thomson, Zuleika; Melchior, Regina

Evaluation of the 2005 “Criança saudável: educação dez” teaching material
Oliveira, Kathleen Sousa

Open Space

The proposal of Permanent Heath Care Education in capacitating dental surgeons to care for DST/HIV/Aids patients
Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Pereira, Márcio Florentino; Alves, Renata Tolêdo; Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues

Love in the time of Narcissus
Rios, Izabel Cristina

The Elephant Man: reflections on health, disease and abnormality
Meneghel, Stela Nazareth


Dengue: education, communication and mobilization with the perspective of controlling – innovative proposals
Rangel-S, Maria Ligia

Dengue control: relevance of interactive gathering of transdisciplinary knowledge
Teixeira, Maria Glória

Communication frames on health: challenges and perspectives
Montoro, Tânia



Olhares socioantropológicos sobre os adoecidos crônicos
Montagner, Miguel Ângelo; Montagner, Maria Inez 


To receive and to provide care: the historical path of a woman with mental disorder
Pegoraro, Renata Fabiana

The consecration of vanguards: collective memory and biography of scientific practices at the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Campinas
Montagner, Miguel


First National Forum for Pharmaceutical Education: the pharmacist that Brazil needs
Leite, Silvana Nair; Nascimento Jr., José Miguel do; Costa, Luiz Henrique; Barbano, Dirceu Aparecido Bras

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