Table of contentes
Health-related training: investigating practices within undergraduate courses
Batista, Nildo Alves; Batista, Sylvia Helena
Dossier – Training in Health
Curricular change: construction of a new pedagogical training project in the field of Speech Therapy
Trenche, Maria Cecília Bonini; Barzaghi, Luisa; Pupo, Altair Cadrobbi
Academic Leagues and medical education: contributions and challenges
Torres, Albina Rodrigues; Oliveira, Gabriel Martins de; Yamamoto, Fábio Massahito; Lima, Maria Cristina Pereira
Reflexive formation: teachers’ representations about the use of reflexive portfolio in the forming of medical doctors and nurses
Silva, Roseli Ferreira da; Sá-Chaves, Idália
Pediatric residents confronted with domestic violence against children and adolescents
Bourroul, Maria Lúcia de Moraes; Rea, Marina Ferreira; Botazzo, Carlos
Communication within the context of user welcoming into a family health unit in São Carlos, São Paulo
Oliveira, Adriano de; Silva Neto, João Carneiro da; Machado, Maria Lúcia Teixeira; Souza, Mariza Borges Brito de; Feliciano, Adriana Barbieri; Ogata, Márcia Niituma
Therapeutic follow-up during hospitalization: social inclusion, redemption of active citizenship and respect for singularity
Fiorati, Regina Célia; Saeki, Toyoko
Code of rights and obligations of hospitalized patients within the Brazilian National Health System (SUS): the daily hospital routine under discussion
Gomes, Annatália Meneses de Amorim; Sampaio, José Jackson Coelho; Carvalho, Maria das Graças Barreto de; Nations, Marilyn Kay; Alves, Maria Socorro Costa Feitosa
The family also becomes sick! Changes secondary to stroke occurring within families
Brito, Eliana Sales; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira
Successful aging: paths for a construct and new frontiers
Lima, Ângela Maria Machado de; Silva, Henrique Salmazo da; Galhardoni, Ricardo
Cultural diversity in health-related videos
Moraes, Alice Ferry de
School meals program in the municipality of João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil: school meal cooks in focus
Carvalho, Alice Teles de; Muniz, Vanessa Messias; Gomes, Josiane Fernandes; Samico, Isabella
Analysis on the interfaces between causal models for accidents: a case study on maintenance activities in a hospital complex
Ballardin, Lucimara; Franz, Luis Antonio; Saurin, Tarcísio Abreu; Maschio, Adriana
The baton of death orchestrating life
Loureiro, Altair Macedo Lahud
Open Space
Meanings of the diagnosis of female breast cancer for couples who have experienced it
Ferreira, Cintia Bragheto; Almeida, Ana Maria de; Rasera, Emerson Fernando
Sociopoetics as a device for knowledge production
Silveira, Lia Carneiro; Almeida, Arisa Nara Saldanha de; Macedo, Simara Moreira de; Alencar, Monyk Neves de; Araújo, Michell Ângelo Marques
Discussion lists as a teaching and learning strategy for postgraduate health studies
Ruiz-Moreno, Lidia; Pittamiglio, Silvia Elsa Lizarralde; Furusato, Meiry Akiko
Drug promotion and advertising in teaching environments: elements for debate
Palácios, Marisa; Rego, Sergio; Lino, Maria Helena
Medical education: university business, no of the pharmaceutical industry
Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone
Drug promotion and advertising in teaching environments
Barros, José Augusto Cabral de
Advertising of medications within the context of the Brazilian Health System (SUS) and medical education: why discuss it?
Oliveira, Neilton Araujo de
Política, direitos humanos e Aids: uma conversa com Paulo Roberto Teixeira
França, Martha San Juan
Educação, comunicação e tecnologia educacional: interfaces com o campo da saúde
Marcondes, Willer Baumgarten
Undergraduates as players in the curriculum evaluation process of the nursing course at FAMEMA
Tonhom, Silvia Franco da Rocha
The management process in Family Health Units: limits and possibilities for its construction
Rezende, Kátia Terezinha Alves