Table of contents
Narratives on the health-disease process: experiences in health education operational groups
Favoreto, Cesar Augusto Orazem; Cabral, Cristiane Coelho
Why are alcoholics anonymous? Anonymity and identity in treating alcoholism
Campos, Edemilson Antunes de
Singularities of aging: reflections from conversations with an institutionalized elderly person
Gamburgo, Lilian Juana Levenbach de; Monteiro, Maria Inês Bacellar
Female sexuality in magazines
Zucco, Luciana Patrícia; Minayo, Maria Cecília de Souza
Knowledge and curricular practices: an analysis on a university-level healthcare course
Lemos, Cristiane Lopes Simão; Fonseca, Selva Guimarães de
Medical training grounded in problem-based learning: a qualitative evaluation
Gomes, Romeu; Francisco, Anete Maria; Tonhom, Silvia Franco da Rocha; Costa, Maria Cristina Guimarães da; Hamamoto, Cássia Galli; Pinheiro, Osni Lázaro; Moreira, Haydée Maria; Hafner, Maria de Lourdes Marmorato Botta
The place of psychology in medical education
Aragaki, Sérgio Seiji; Spink, Mary Jane Paris
The body and training for physical education teachers
Lüdorf, Sílvia Maria Agatti
Construction of professional identity in undergraduate courses for nutritionists
Banduk, Maria Luiza Sampaio; Ruiz-Moreno, Lidia; Batista, Nildo Alves
Subjective aspects of living and working within the same community: the realities experienced by community healthcare agents
Jardim, Tatiana de Andrade; Lancman, Selma
Discourse construction among subjects involved in the process of psychiatric reform: a study on the municipality of Joinville, Santa Catarina
Bueno, Maria Lúcia da Silva; Caponi, Sandra
De-institutionalization of care for people with mental disorders within primary healthcare settings: contributions towards implementation of actions
Dalla Vecchia, Marcelo; Martins, Sueli Terezinha Ferreira
Actions addressing violence against women at two primary healthcare centers in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro
Borsoi, Tatiana dos Santos; Brandão, Elaine Reis; Cavalcanti, Maria de Lourdes Tavares
Open Space
Disabled people in primary healthcare: professionals’ discourse and practice in a healthcare teaching center
Othero, Marilia Bense; Dalmaso, Ana Sílvia Whitaker
Young people and drug consumption: workshops to provide tools for workers in social institutions, from a collective health perspective
Soares, Cássia Baldini; Campos, Célia Maria Sivalli; Leite, Adriana de Souza; Souza, Cristina Lourdes Leite de
The social representations of employees of a long-stay institution in the interior of Minas Gerais regarding violence
Kullok, Alcione Tavora; Santos, Ivana de Cássia Baptista dos
In the eye of the hurricane, on fantasy island: the invention of multiprofessional residence within healthcare
Dallegrave, Daniela; Kruse, Maria Henriqueta Luce
About the multiprofessional residence in health
Haddad, Ana Estela
The eye of hurricane: contribution to the debate about the multiprofessional residence in health
Feuerwerker, Laura
About the “eye of hurricane”
Da Ros, Marco Aurélio
“To connect people: sweet wave of the war”- about the invention of multiprofessional residence in health
Ceccim, Ricardo Burg
Interação mediada por computador: comunicação, cibercultura, cognição
Lüersen, Angélica
Meaning of life, spirituality, sociopoetics: convergens for the production of new knowledge and the clinical care
Araújo, Michell Ângelo Marques
An examination of São Paulo’s pioneer response to the Aids epidemic
França, Martha San Juan
“Mercosul: por onde passa a saúde”
Gomes, Radilson Carlos