Table of contents
Bioethics: an invitation to walk on a bridge…
Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone
Dossier – Bioethics
Bioethics and professional identity: the healthcare worker’s constrution of the experience of him/herself
Ramos, Flávia Regina Souza; Do Ó, Jorge Ramos
Solidarity in family medicine in Brazil and in Italy: reflecting on ethical issues and contemporary challenges
Lima, Rita de Cássia Gabrielli Souza; Verdi, Marta Inez Machado
Right to health, biopower and bioethics
Junges, José Roque
Innovative care experiences at Family Health Program (PSF): potential and limits
Uchôa, Alice da Costa
Health practices, constructed meanings and senses: theoretical instruments to help the interpretative analysis
Carvalho, Maria Cláudia da Veiga Soares; Luz, Madel Terezinha
An epistemological analysis of the diagnosis of depression
Caponi, Sandra
Dentistry science, Sisyphus and the “chameleon effect”
Emmerich, Adauto; Castiel, Luis David
The social construction of smoking as a public health problem: a merging of political interests and scientific legitimation processes
Spink, Mary Jane Paris; Lisboa, Milena Silva; Ribeiro, Flávia Regina Guedes
Evaluation of a health promotion project at the Elderly People’s Care Center: an exploratory study
Assis, Mônica de; Hartz, Zulmira Maria de Araújo; Pacheco, Liliane Carvalho; Valla, Victor Vincent
Contributions from the internet for elderly people: a review of the literature
Miranda, Leticia Miranda de; Farias, Sidney Ferreira
Families of women with breast cancer: challenges associated with care and coping resources
Tavares, Jeane Saskya Campos; Trad, Leny Alves Bomfim
A contribution from semiotics towards visual communication within the field of healthcare
Oliveira, Sandra Regina Ramalho e; Gaspar, Débora da Rocha; Oliveira, Guilherme Augusto Ramalho e
Time, science and consensus: the different times involving scientific research, political decision and public opinion
Oliveira, José Aparecido de; Epstein, Isaac
Open Space
Aging according to conceptual, social, demographic, political and educational views: emphasis on the experience of the state of Piauí, Brazil
Alencar, Maria do Socorro Silva; Carvalho, Cecília Maria Resende Gonçalves de
Services planning and management as contents of professional education in Occupational Therapy: reflections based on the students’ perception
De Carlo, Marysia Mara Rodrigues do Prado; Santana, Carla da Silva; Elui, Valéria Meirelles Carril; Castro, José Marcelo de
Reflections on health management teaching in the medicine internship of the School of Medical Sciences – State University of Campinas : Unicamp
Carvalho, Sérgio Resende; Campos, Gastão Wagner de Sousa; Oliveira, Gustavo Nunes de
Habilidades de comunicação com pacientes e famílias
Cerqueira, Ana Teresa de Abreu Ramos
Narratives of women about parturition: comprehension of experiences and needs of care
Moreira, Karla de Abreu Peixoto
The scientific production about biosafety in Brazil
Neves, Tatiana Pereira das
Proposal of creating an “Academic Group for Research in Medical Education”: student’s concern about medical training and their engagement to it
Hamamoto Filho, Pedro Tadao; Venditti, Vinicius Cunha; Miguel, Licério; Silva, Ludmila Almeida; Oliveira, Cristiano Claudino; Comes, Giovana Tuccille; Abe, Erika Hissae Sassaki; Vicentini, Henrique Cláudio; Móz, Luis Eduardo Silva; Peraçoli, José Carlos