v.13 n.30, jul./set. 2009

Table of contents


Garcia, Vera Lúcia


Women’s health in the Brazilian press: analysis of scientific quality in weekly magazines
Oliveira, Mariella Silva de; Paiva, Lucia Helena Costa; Costa, José Vilton; Pinto-Neto, Aarão Mendes

Childhood without secrets: the journalistic newsworthiness of the crime of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents
Campos, Maria Amélia Tostes Filgueiras; Vieira, Carmen Dulce Diniz; Mota, Joaquim Antônio César

Legal, medical and lay understanding of embryos in Portugal: alignment with biology?
Silva, Susana; Machado, Helena

Conventional therapeutics and non-conventional therapeutics for cancer treatment: the meanings of religious practices
Spadacio, Cristiane; Barros, Nelson Filice de

Disability, everyday life and subjectivity: the narrative of workers with RSI/WMSD
Neves, Robson da Fonseca; Nunes, Mônica de Oliveira

Therapeutic Accompaniment (TA): tool for psychosocial care within mental healthcare
Pitiá, Ana Celeste de Araújo; Furegato, Antonia Regina Ferreira

Planographs in research: maps and photographs within mental healthcare
Diehl, Rafael; Maraschin, Cleci; Tittoni, Jaqueline

Education for type 2 diabetes mellitus self-care: from compliance to empowerment
Cyrino, Antonio Pithon; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues

Health promotion from work situations: points relating to an experience among public school workers
Silva, Edil Ferreira da; Brito, Jussara; Neves, Mary Yale; Athayde, Milton

Educational activities for primary healthcare workers: permanent education and inservice healthcare education concepts in the daily life of primary healthcare units in São Paulo
Peduzzi, Marina; Guerra, Débora Antoniazi Del; Braga, Carina Pinto; Lucena, Fabiana Santos; Silva, Jaqueline Alcântara Marcelino da

Teachers’ and students’ notions regarding teaching-learning methodologies: analysis on the case of the nursing course at the State University of Vale do Acaraú, in Sobral, Ceará
Teófilo, Tiago José Silveira; Dias, Maria Socorro de Araújo

Complexity in Family Healthcare and the training of future healthcare professionals
Moretti-Pires, Rodrigo Otávio

Analysis on the situation of human resources for sanitary surveillance Salvador (Bahia, Brazil)
Leal, Cristian Oliveira Benevides Sanches; Teixeira, Carmen Fontes

Scientific recognition in numbers: analysis of the profile of the vanguard from Lattes curricula vitae
Montagner, Miguel Ângelo; Montagner, Maria Inez; Hoehne, Eduardo Luiz

Open Space

Towards resistance clinics: deinstitutionalizing experimentation in times of biopolitics
Romagnoli, Roberta Carvalho; Paulon, Simone Mainieri; Amorim, Ana Karenina de Melo Arraes; Dimenstein, Magda

Centers for permanent healthcare education: an analysis on the experience of social players in the north of the state of Paraná
Nicoletto, Sônia Cristina Stefano; Mendonça, Fernanda de Freitas; Bueno, Vera Lúcia Ribeiro de Carvalho; Brevilheri, Eliane Cristina Lopes; Almeida, Daniel Carlos da Silva e; Rezende, Lázara Regina de; Carvalho, Gisele dos Santos; Durán González, Alberto

Recovering lives: a care proposal
Moreira, Celeste Anunciata Baptista Dias; Silva, Andreia da; Martins, Sara Araújo


Ciência e metafísica na homeopatia de Samuel Hahnemann
Basques, Messias


Social network: knowledge and practices in daily life of ex-leprosy
Rocha, Ana Carolina

The social representations of the users about the Family Health Program
Hemmi, Ana Paula Azevedo

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