v.13 supl.1, 2009

Table of contents


Humanization of SUS as a common policy
Pasche, Dário Frederico; Passos, Eduardo; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de


An instrumental seminar: humanization of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) under discussion
Heckert, Ana Lúcia Coelho; Passos, Eduardo; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de

Biopolitics, healthcare production and another humanism
Neves, Claudia Abbês Baêta; Massaro, Altair

For a clinic to expand life
Machado, Leila Domingues; Lavrador, Maria Cristina Campello

New possibilities for militancy in the field of healthcare: affirmation of deviations in encounters among SUS workers, managers and users
Oliveira, Gustavo Nunes de; Pena, Ricardo Sparapan; Amorim, Simone Cristina de; Carvalho, Sergio Resende; Azevedo, Bruno Mariani de Souza; Martins, Anderson Luiz Barbosa; Guerra, Maíra Barros

Intense micropolitical and pedagogical action: humanization between ties and perspectives
Ceccim, Ricardo Burg; Merhy, Emerson Elias

The death of Ivan Ilyich, by Leo Tolstoy: points to be considered regarding the multiple dimensions of healthcare management
Cecilio, Luiz Carlos de Oliveira

Participative management and co-responsibility in healthcare: limits and possibilities within the scope of the Family Health Strategy
Trad, Leny Alves Bomfim; Esperidião, Monique Azevedo

Humanization within adult intensive care units (ICUs): comprehension among the nursing team
Costa, Silvio Cruz; Figueiredo, Maria Renita Burg; Schaurich, Diego

Challenges of humanization in the context of pediatric nursing care of medium and high complexity
Alves, Camila Aloísio; Deslandes, Suely Ferreira; Mitre, Rosa Maria de Araújo

Humanizing childbirth care: brief theoretical framework
Rattner, Daphne

The National Humanization Policy as a policy produced within the healthcare labor process
Santos Filho, Serafim Barbosa; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira

Internal management contracts within the context of the Humanization Policy: experimenting with methodology within the reference frame of co-management
Santos Filho, Serafim Barbosa; Figueiredo, Vera de Oliveira Nunes

Collectives for the National Humanization Policy (PNH): co-management in action
Mori, Maria Elizabeth; Oliveira, Olga Vânia Matoso de

Communicative process and humanization in healthcare
Deslandes, Suely Ferreira; Mitre, Rosa Maria de Araujo

On fraternity: a psychosociological view of healthcare and the humanization of healthcare practices
Sá, Marilene de Castilho

Open Space

Biopolitics and healthcare production: another humanism?
Fuganti, Luiz

The concept of humanization within the National Humanization Policy (PNH)
Souza, Luiz Augusto de Paula; Mendes, Vera Lúcia Ferreira

The collective level as a dimension for creation within the field of Public Health
Escóssia, Liliana da

Humanization of healthcare practices: cutting across, in defense of life
Pedroso, Raquel Turci; Vieira, Maria Edna Moura

National Humanization Policy as a bet for collective production of changes in management and care methods
Pasche, Dário Frederico

The network as a methodological strategy for the National Humanization Policy: the experience of a university hospital
Falk, Maria Lúcia Rodrigues; Ramos, Márcia Ziebell; Salgueiro, Jennifer Braathen

Expanded Research Community (ECR) as a device for co-management: a bet at the collective level
Mori, Maria Elizabeth; Silva, Fábio Hebert da; Beck, Fernanda Luz

Institutional support and network production: lack of tranquility in the current maps for public health
Vasconcelos, Michele de Freitas Faria de; Morschel, Aline

Pedagogical practice in the process of forming the National Humanization Policy (PNH)
Mello, Vania Correa de; Bottega, Carla Garcia

Distance learning as a tool for encouraging healthcare networks
Paulon, Simone Maineiri; Carneiro, Mara Lúcia Fernandes

Humanizing childbirth care: pondering on public policies
Rattner, Daphne


Principles of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and the humanization of healthcare practices
Mattos, Ruben Araujo de

What kind of life do we want to affirm in constructing a humanization policy for the healthcare practices of SUS?
Neves, Claudia Abbês Baêta

Humanization: transforming healthcare practices and radicalizing the principles of SUS
Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues

SUS and the webs of pertinent and irrelevant dialogue for transforming the training of healthcare workers with a view to humanization of practices
Lima, Rita de Cássia Duarte



Notas sobre humanização e biopoder
Lancetti, Antonio

Antropologia da Face Gloriosa
Omar, Arthur

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