v.14 n.32, jan./mar. 2010

Table of contentes


Health relationships and disease relationships
Silva, Márcia Regina Barros da

Dossier – Health , History and Education

Cleaning up the race through the hands of ruralist education: the case of the Butantan Rural School Group in the 1930s
Mota, André

Health education in 16mm: audiovisual memory of the Special Office of Public Health – SESP
Guimarães, Maria Cristina Soares; Silva, Cícera Henrique da; Souza, Rosinalva Alves de; Santos, Rosemary Teixeira dos; Silva, Luiza Rosângela da

Collection of educational materials on Hansen’s disease: a tool for memory and communicative practices
Kelly-Santos, Adriana; Monteiro, Simone Souza; Ribeiro, Ana Paula Goulart


University teaching pathways in a postgraduate public health program
Ribeiro, Marinalva Lopes; Cunha, Maria Isabel da

Teaching-learning practices based on real scenarios
Moimaz, Suzely Adas Saliba; Saliba, Nemre Adas; Zina, Lívia Guimarães; Saliba, Orlando; Garbin, Cléa Adas Saliba

Violence: concept and experience among health sciences undergraduate students
Rosa, Rosiléia; Boing, Antonio Fernando; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Coelho, Elza Berger Salema

Community health agents: reconstruction of the risk concept at local level
Bornstein, Vera Joana; David, Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal; Araújo, José Wellington Gomes de

Psychiatric reform, mental health workers and the family’s “partnership”: the discourse of distancing
Pinho, Leandro Barbosa de; Hernández, Antonio Miguel Bañon; Kantorski, Luciane Prado

“Risk”, “dangerousness” and “subjective implication”: an analysis from psychiatric hospitalization decisions in the city of Buenos Aires
Mantilla, María Jimena

Mental healthcare through therapeutic groups in a day hospital: the healthcare workers’ point of view
Benevides, Daisyanne Soares; Pinto, Antonio Germane Alves; Cavalcante, Cinthia Mendonça; Jorge, Maria Salete Bessa

Acupuncture and health promotion: possibilities in public health services
Cintra, Maria Elisa Rizzi; Figueiredo, Regina

Fibromyalgia: perspectives of a problematic field
Aragon, Luis Eduardo Ponciano

Dialogue between parents and teenagers about sexuality: moral and medical discourse reproducing gender inequalities
Jones, Daniel Eduardo

The contribution of a science museum towards formation of healthcare concepts among young visitors
Rocha, Vânia; Schall, Virgínia Torres; Lemos, Evelyse dos Santos

Open Space

The National Health System as an observatory for universal rights: a reflection based on the Social Sciences
Nascimento, Paulo Roberto do; Zioni, Fabiola

Health promotion and reduction of vulnerabilities: a strategy for knowledge production and (trans)formation of healthcare work, based on Ergology
Sant’Anna, Suze Rosa; Hennington, Élida Azevedo

Communication laboratory: expanding medical students’ skills for interview practice
Marco, Mario Alfredo De; Vessoni, Ana Luiza; Capelo, Augusto; Dias, Cíntia Camargo


Saúde bucal no Brasil: muito além do céu da boca
Santos, Adriano Maia dos; Rodrigues, Ana Áurea Alécio de Oliveira


From hoe to trowel: occupational trajectories of social unstable works in civil construction
Cockell, Fernanda Flávia

Social representations about the conditions of life, health and disease according to the Potiguara indians concept
Oliveira, Rita de Cassia Cordeiro de


Mostra FSESP – três décadas da experiência Fundação Serviço de Saúde Pública: fragmentos da imagem da educação em saúde
Guimarães, Maria Cristina Soares; Silva, Cícera Henrique da; Souza, Rosinalva Alves de; Santos, Rosemary Teixeira dos; Silva, Luiza Rosângela da

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