Table of contentes
Humanization-alienation dialectic as a tool for the critical comprehension of health practices dehumanization: some conceptual elements
Gomes, Rogério Miranda; Schraiber, Lilia Blima
The management of nursing work in a pediatric ward of medium and high complexity: a discussion about co-management and humanization
Alves, Camila Aloísio; Deslandes, Suely Ferreira; Mitre, Rosa Maria de Araújo
Moral conflicts and AIDS healthcare: conceptual contributions to a discourse ethics of care
Oliveira, Luzia Aparecida; Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita; Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone
Vulnerability and violence: a new conception of risk for the study of youth homicides
Ruotti, Caren; Massa, Viviane Coutinho; Peres, Maria Fernanda Tourinho
Healthcare services and violence during pregnancy: perspectives and practices of healthcare professionals and teams in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro
Berger, Sônia Maria Dantas; Giffin, Karen Mary
Social representations of violence against women in the nursing perspective
Leal, Sandra Maria Cezar; Lopes, Marta Julia Marques; Gaspar, Maria Filomena Mendes
Social value indices: mass media, language and aging
Stacheski, Denise Regina; Massi, Gisele Aparecida Athayde
Depression in focus: a study of the media discourse in the process of medicalization of life
Soares, Giovana Bacilieri; Caponi, Sandra
Pro-anorexia cultural Identity: characteristics of a lifestyle in a virtual community
Ramos, Juliana de Souza; Pereira Neto, André de Faria; Bagrichevsky, Marcos
The medical home visit as a space for interaction and communication in Florianópolis – Santa Catarina
Borges, Renata; D’Oliveira, Ana Flávia Pires Lucas
Narrative as a tool for the development of clinical practice
Favoreto, César Augusto Orazem; Camargo Jr, Kenneth Rochel de
Pain communication: a study of narratives about the impacts of the temporomandibular disorder
Studart, Luciana; Acioli, Moab Duarte
Acupuncture in a hospital setting in Argentina: users’ experiences and perspectives
Freidin, Betina; Abrutzky, Rosana
Contextual analysis of frequent hospital readmissions of the individual with mental disorder
Ramos, Déborah Karollyne Ribeiro; Guimarães, Jacileide; Enders, Bertha Cruz
A discursive analysis of health promotion meanings incorporated into the Family Health Strategy
Beato, Mônica Soares da Fonseca; Van Stralen, Cornelis Johannes; Passos, Izabel Christina Friche
Power relations in a Family Health multidisciplinary team according to an Arendtian theoretical model
Oliveira, Hadelândia Milon de; Moretti-Pires, Rodrigo Otávio; Parente, Rosana Cristina Pereira
Challenges of integrality: revisiting concepts about the physical therapist’s role in the Family Health Team
Neves, Laura Maria Tomazi; Aciole, Giovanni Gurgel
Health conception according to reports of elderly people living in an urban environment
Ferretti, Fátima; Nierotka, Rosane Paula; Silva, Márcia Regina da
Alcohol drinkers, Primary Health Care and what is “lost in translation”
Fontanella, Bruno José Barcellos; Demarzo, Marcelo Marcos Piva; Mello, Guilherme Arantes; Fortes, Sandra Lúcia Correia Lima
Open Space
Theoretical and conceptual notes on evaluative processes taking the multiple dimensions of healthcare management into account
Cecilio, Luiz Carlos Oliveira
Foucaultian analysis of educational videos for the Health Sciences: testing a methodology
Sá, Marcia Bastos de; Siqueira, Vera Helena Ferraz de
Compreender a dor
Canesqui, Ana Maria
The experience of Nursing courses coordinators in regard to the national Evaluation System of Higher Education (SINAES)
Paula, Alessandra Santos de
Um corpo na multidão: do molecular ao vivido
Favre, Regina