v.15 n.38, jul./set. 2011

Table of contents




Donation of organs and tissues: the centrality of the heart and the emergence of the brain expressed in an art project
Sartori, Zenilda Cardozo; Santos, Luís Henrique Sacchi dos

Meanings and senses of healthcare practices: fundamental ontology and the reconstruction of healthcare
Anéas, Tatiana de Vasconcellos; Ayres, José Ricardo Carvalho de Mesquita

Qualitative research, cartography and healthcare: connections
Ferigato, Sabrina Helena; Carvalho, Sérgio Resende

Production of comprehensive prenatal care: a pregnant woman’s route at a primary family healthcare unit
Albuquerque, Renata Alves; Jorge, Maria Salete Bessa; Franco, Túlio Batista; Quinderé, Paulo Henrique Dias

Autonomy and care in pediatric intensive care: the paradoxes of practice
Duarte, Maria Cristina Senna; Moreira, Martha Cristina Nunes

A life story and an institutional path: youth, medicalization and social distress
Malfitano, Ana Paula Serrata; Adorno, Rubens de Camargo Ferreira; Lopes, Roseli Esquerdo

Territory and mental health: a study on the experience of users of a psychosocial care center, Salvador, Bahia
Santos, Marcos Roberto Paixão; Nunes, Mônica de Oliveira

Narratives and experiences about madness: a reflection by communication professionals
Santos, Josenaide Engrácia dos; Cardoso, Cristina Maria Sousa

Music therapy in the waiting room in a primary healthcare unit: care, autonomy and protagonism
Pimentel, Adriana de Freitas; Barbosa, Ruth Machado; Chagas, Marly

The moral vision of professionals at a primary healthcare unit and humanization
Junges, José Roque; Schaefer, Rafaela; Prudente, Jessica; Mello, Raquel Elisa Ferreira De; Silocchi, Cassiane; Souza, Marielli de; Wingert, Guilherme

Kidney donation in scientific texts: between the metaphors of gift and commodity
Fernandes, Luciana Freitas; Germano, Idilva Maria Pires

An open-system approach to medical professionalism: a controversy within the sociology of professions
Correia, Tiago

The concept of equity for designing social policies: political and ideological assumptions of the development proposal of CEPAL
Rizzotto, Maria Lucia Frizon; Bortoloto, Claudimara

Penetration of the gender perspective and critical analysis on the development of this concept within scientific production on public health
Araújo, Maria de Fátima; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Cohen, Diane Dede

Mandatory notification of sexual abuse against children and adolescents: a comparison between American and Brazilian mechanisms
Lima, Jeanne de Souza; Deslandes, Suely Ferreira

Harm reduction approach in non-formal educational situations: a qualitative study in the state of Rio de Janeiro
Souza, Kátia Mendes de; Monteiro, Simone

Issues of male sexuality in primary health care: gender and medicalization
Pinheiro, Thiago Félix; Couto, Márcia Thereza; Silva, Geórgia Sibele Nogueira da

Knowledge and practices of community health agents in workers’ healthcare
Silva, Thais Lacerda e; Dias, Elizabeth Costa; Ribeiro, Eliana Cláudia de Otero

Needs and difficulties of tutors and facilitators in implementing a continuing health education policy in a large municipality in Paraná
Mendonça, Fernanda de Freitas; Nunes, Elisabete de Fátima Polo de Almeida

The Brazilian National Health System as a paradigm in dentists’ social representations
Camargo, Sérgio Xavier de; Nakama, Luiza; Cordoni Junior, Luiz


Health and anthropology: contributions to the interpretation of the human condition in the health sciences
Seppilli, Tullio

The most profound is the skin
Merhy, Emerson Elias

“We never fulfill ourselves”: invisibilities, incompleteness, crossroads
Martínez-Hernáez, Angel; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg

New knowledge, senses and meanings by means of practices generated by interrelated individuals
Luz, Madel Therezinha; Sabino, César

Beyond binaries in medical knowledge: a call for epistemological reflexivity
Donetto, Sara; Cribb, Alan


Open Space

Adaptation and sympathy: critical trajectories in the clinic
Inforsato, Erika Alvarez

The practice of literacy in Health Information and Communication: the opinion  of the community health agents about the Digital Inclusion project in Sergipe, Brazil
Paixão, Pablo Boaventura Sales; Freire, Valéria Pinto; Lima, Maria de Fátima Monte; Linhares, Ronaldo Nunes; Mendonça, Ana Valéria Machado; Sousa, Maria Fátima

Political representation and private interests in health: a case study on the financing of voting campaigns by private health plans in Brazil
Scheffer, Mário; Bahia, Lígia


A saúde do homem em foco
Separavich, Marco Antonio


“QUALÉ a desse ÓRGÃO??? Arte-reflexão sobre o amor
Di Pascucci, Alessio; Petrechen, Marília Pinto; Quarentei, Mariângela Scaglione

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