Table of contents
Functional health literacy: reflections and concepts on its impact on the interaction among users, professionals and the health system
Passamai, Maria da Penha Baião; Sampaio, Helena Alves de Carvalho; Dias, Ana Maria Iorio; Cabral, Lisidna Almeida
Health education in the context of Family Health from the user’s perspective
Figueiredo, Maria Fernanda Santos; Rodrigues Neto, João Felício; Leite, Maisa Tavares de Souza
Dialogue with Bakhtin: some contributions to the understanding of verbal interactions in the health field
Corrêa, Guilherme Torres; Ribeiro, Victoria Maria Brant
Young men’s discourses regarding access to healthcare services
Machado, Michael Ferreira; Ribeiro, Maria Auxiliadora Teixeira
Drug advertising: health as a consumer product
Rabello, Elaine Teixeira; Camargo Júnior, Kenneth Rochel de
Distinct approaches towards anabolic steroids: risks to health and hypermasculinity
Cecchetto, Fátima; Moraes, Danielle Ribeiro de; Farias, Patrícia Silveira de
The influence of religiousness on living with HIV
Ferreira, Débora Carvalho; Favoreto, Cesar Augusto Orazem; Guimarães, Maria Beatriz Lisbôa
STD/Aids counseling for pregnant women who underwent the anti-HIV test on admission for delivery: the meanings of practice
Fonseca, Patrícia de Lima; Iriart, Jorge Alberto Bernstein
Body, sexual violence, vulnerability and liberation education in the film “Precious: based on the novel ‘push’ by sapphire”
Godoi, Marcos Roberto; Neves, Luciene
Signs, meanings and practices of crisis management in Psychosocial Care Centers
Lima, Mônica; Jucá, Vládia Jamile dos Santos; Nunes, Mônica de Oliveira; Ottoni, Vitória Eugênia
Therapeutic itineraries: paths crossed in the search for care
Pinho, Paula Andréa; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes
Modest witnesses and invisible populations in media coverage of human genetics in Colombia
Díaz del Castillo, Adriana; Olarte Sierra, María Fernanda; Pérez-Bustos, Tania
The dialogic process of knowledge construction in discussion forums
Bicalho, Rute Nogueira de Morais; Oliveira, Maria Cláudia Santos Lopes de
The visibility of nursing work in the surgical center through photography
Reus, Lucia Helena; Tittoni, Jaqueline
Being a mentor in medicine: an archetypal view on motivations and changes in the journey
Gonçalves, Marina de Castro Nascimento; Bellodi, Patrícia Lacerda
Contributions to the construction of Integrative and Complementary Nutrition
Navolar, Thaisa Santos; Tesser, Charles Dalcanale; Azevedo, Elaine de
Integrated curriculum for teaching dentistry: new directions for training in the field of healthcare
Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti; Stobäus, Claus Dieter; Mosquera, Juan José Mouriño; Moysés, Samuel Jorge
Open Space
Collaborative learning networks: the contribution of distance education in the qualification process for managers of the Brazilian National Health System – SUS
Rangel-S, Maria Ligia; Barbosa, Ana de Oliveira; Riccio, Nicia Cristina Rocha; Souza, Joseilda Sampaio de
Occupation, wellness and life-satisfaction: the experience of an alternative training model within occupational therapy in Australia
Pfeifer, Luzia Iara; Stagnitti, Karen; Panuncio Pinto, Maria Paula
Physical education in mental health: constructing development from an interdisciplinary perspective
Roble, Odilon José; Moreira, Maria Inês Badaró; Scagliusi, Fernanda Baeza
Metodologia da pesquisa qualitativa na saúde
Medeiros, Samara Lênis Araújo de; Araújo, Ana Beatriz Pereira de; Valença, Cecília Nogueira; Germano, Raimunda Medeiros
Investigation of students’ development within the Undergraduate Nursing course in relation to the topic of human sexuality
Philbert, Larissa Angélica da Silva
The nursing political pedagogic project and the Brasilian Health System: a vision of students
Cavalcante, Rosangela Diniz