Table of contents
The place of subjects and the issue of hypo-sufficiency in health promotion
Fernandez, Juan Carlos Aneiros; Westphal, Marcia Faria
Analysis of the narratives on menopause of a brazilian website
Separavich, Marco Antonio; Canesqui, Ana Maria
Methylphenidate: medication as a “gadget” of contemporary life
Brant, Luiz Carlos; Carvalho, Tales Renato Ferreira
Transsexuality: psychological characteristics and new demands on the healthcare sector
Sampaio, Liliana Lopes Pedral; Coelho, Maria Thereza Ávila Dantas
Commensality and care: orphan girls and young women in the context of HIV/Aids
Moreira, Sueli Aparecida; França Júnior, Ivan; Ayres, José Ricardo; Medeiros, Michelle
The role of religious experience in facing up to afflictions and health problems
Mota, Clarice Santos; Trad, Leny Alves Bomfim; Villas Boas, Maria José Villares Barral
State of the art of curriculum research relating to healthcare professional training courses: a survey on articles published between 2005 and 2011
Braid, Liana Maria Carvalho; Machado, Maria de Fátima Antero Sousa; Aranha, Ágatha Cristina
Home visits in doctors’ training: from conception to the challenge of practice
Romanholi, Renata Maria Zanardo; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb
The national reorientation of vocational healthcare training (Pro-Saúde) and encouragement of inclusion of differentiated learning scenarios within dentistry courses in Brazil
Silva, Marcos Alex Mendes da; Amaral, João Henrique Lara do; Senna, Maria Inês Barreiros; Ferreira, Efigênia Ferreira e
Interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in health: analysis of a new higher education curriculum in Brazil
Mendes, Layza Castelo Branco; Caprara, Andrea
Topics and analysis reference points in Bioethics in undergraduate teaching of naturology in Brazil, in the light of social bioethics
Hellmann, Fernando; Verdi, Marta Inez Machado
Gender and healthcare work: a critical view of community health agents’ work
Barbosa, Regina Helena Simões; Menezes, Clarissa Alves Fernandes de; David, Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal; Bornstein, Vera Joana
Matrix support: a study on the perspective of mental health professionals
Ballarin, Maria Luisa Gazabim Simões; Blanes, Lara de Sousa; Ferigato, Sabrina Helena
Limitations of the hegemonic scientific paradigm for dealing with mental distress at primary healthcare units
Faria, Maria Luisa Vichi de Campos; Guerrini, Ivan Amaral
Family support from the perspective of patients in psychiatric rehospitalization: a qualitative study
Machado, Vanessa Cristina; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
Open Space
Heidegger’s phenomenology as a framework for health education studies
González, Alberto Durán; Garanhani, Mara Lúcia; Bortoletto, Maira Sayuri Sakay; Almeida, Marcio José de; Melchior, Regina; Nunes, Elisabete de Fátima Polo Almeida
Comprehensive health care, construction and socialization of knowledge in the context of permanent education and actions of health professionals
Stahlschmidt, Ana Paula Melchiors
Innovative training in Occupational Therapy
Barba, Patrícia Carla de Souza Della; Silva, Roseli Ferreira da; Joaquim, Regina Helena Vitale Torkomian; Brito, Cristiane Miryam Drumond de
Yoga body: the origins of modern posture practice
Siegel, Pamela; Barros, Nelson Filice de
Images of diversity
Leite, Amanda Maurício Pereira
Action-research with undergraduate Nursing course students in the identification of stress, fatigue and physical discomfort to promote the physical and mental health in the academic routine
Corral-Mulato, Sabrina
The deconstruction of (in)visible chevrons around the access to health in the region of the MERCOSUR frontier municipalities
Cetolin, Sirlei Favero
Egendenring territories through the cartographic approach: pinhole workshops as a health promotion dispositif
Reis, Sílvia; Santos, Bruna Lisboa Mendes dos; Mello, Eliana Dable de; Wilhelms, Daniela Montano
Efeitos colaterais da desmedicalização
Vilaça, Murilo Mariano; Palma, Alexandre