Table of contents
Interface: a project moving ahead
Cyrino, Antonio Pithon; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Foresti, Miriam
The originality of Georg Groddeck’s works and some of his contributions to the field of healthcare
Santos, Lucas Nápoli dos; Martins, André
Orthothanasia: a decision upon facing terminality
Sanchez y Sanches, Kilda Mara; Seidl, Eliane Maria Fleury
Towards clinical care for infinitely tiny babies: what the body is capable of in a neonatal intensive care unit
Barone, Luciana Rodriguez; Fonseca, Tania Mara Galli
Anthropological dilemmas of a public health agenda: Rede Cegonha program, individuality and plurality
Carneiro, Rosamaria Giatti
Home visits within the family health strategy (estratégia de saúde da familia – ESF): the challenges of moving into the territory
Cunha, Marcela Silva da; Sá, Marilene de Castilho
Family health strategy and workers’ health: is a dialogue possible?
Lacaz, Francisco Antonio de Castro; Trapé, Andrea; Soares, Cássia Baldini; Santos, Ana Paula Lopes dos
Analysis on nurses’ communication relating to sexuality to patients in the context of breast cancer care
Junqueira, Lilian Cláudia Ulian; Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni; Giami, Alain; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
Religious youth and homosexuality: challenges for promotion of health and sexual rights
Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves da; Paiva, Vera; Parker, Richard
The construction of the diagnosis of autism in a Brazilian virtual community
Ortega, Francisco; Zorzanelli, Rafaela; Meierhoffer, Lilian Kozslowski; Rosário, Celita Almeida; Almeida, Clarissa Freitas de; Andrada, Bárbara Fonseca da Costa Caldeira de; Chagas, Beatriz da Silva; Feldman, Clara
Adolescents as research subjects: use of genograms as support for life history
Cardim, Mariana Gomes; Moreira, Martha Cristina Nunes
Tracking what troubles the body and upsets eating: the meanings of loss of self-control and “eating compulsions”
Nunes, Mônica de Oliveira; Bittencourt, Liliane de Jesus
Professional practice relating to food and nutritional security from the perspective of coordinators of undergraduate nutrition courses
Vieira, Viviane Laudelino; Utikava, Natália; Cervato-Mancuso, Ana Maria
Esthetic experiencing of literature as a means for humanization of healthcare: the Humanities Laboratory at São Paulo Medical School, Federal University of São Paulo
Bittar, Yuri; Sousa, Maria Sharmila Alina de; Gallian, Dante Marcello Claramonte
Medical education under debate: perspectives from the intersection of teaching institutions and the public healthcare system
Azevedo, Bruno Mariani de Souza; Ferigato, Sabrina; Souza, Tadeu de Paula; Carvalho, Sergio Resende
Open Space
The experience of reflective diaries in the training process of Multiprofessional Residence in Family Healthcare
Oliveira, Filipe Guterres Venancio Costa de; Carvalho, Maria Alice Pessanha de; Garcia, Margareth Rose Gomes; Oliveira, Simone Santos
A reflection on the multiple senses of healthcare teaching
Oliveira, Gilson Saippa; Koifman, Lilian
Popular health education with the Xukuru do Ororubá indigenous people
Brito, Juliana Santos Siebra; Albuquerque, Paulette Cavalcanti de; Silva, Edson Hely
Psicologia Médica: abordagem integral do processo saúde-doença
Rios, Izabel Cristina
Resources and adversities in crack users’ family environment
Seleghim, Maycon Rogério
Assim é, se lhe parece: “em-cena-ação” científica num país fictício em tempos de publicar ou perecer… mas bem que poderia ser no Brasil
Vilaça, Murilo Mariano; Pederneira, Isabella Lopes
Sightseeing: paisagens arquivadas
Valent, Isabela Umbuzeiro