Table of contents
D’Oliveira, Ana Flávia Pires Lucas
Dossier – Violence
Dialogues on the notion of victim and identity construction
Azevedo, Letícia Rodrigues de
Femicide: narratives of gender crimes
Meneghel, Stela Nazareth; Ceccon, Roger Flores; Hesler, Lilian Zielke; Margarites, Ane Freitas; Rosa, Stefania; Vasconcelos, Valmir Dorn
The challenge of understanding the fatal consequences of violence in two Brazilian municipalities
Silva, Juliana Guimarães e; Valadares, Fabiana Castelo; Souza, Edinilsa Ramos de
Construction of the identity of Public Health players in Brazil: a review of the literature
Silva, Vinício Oliveira da; Pinto, Isabela Cardoso de Matos
Resistance movements in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS): rhizomatic participation
Quintanilha, Bruna Ceruti; Sodré, Francis; Dalbello-Araujo, Maristela
Joy and sadness in the daily activities of community health agents: scenarios of passions and emotions
Galavote, Heletícia Scabelo; Franco, Túlio Batista; Lima, Rita de Cássia Duarte; Belizário, Antônio Márcio
Health communication and healthy lifestyles: contributions towards reflection on collective health
Rojas-Rajs, Soledad; Soto, Edgar Jarillo
Converging gender and popular education through action research to address female smoking within contexts of social vulnerability
Borges, Márcia Terezinha Trotta; Barbosa, Regina Helena Simões
Contributions of medicinal plants to care and health promotion in primary healthcare
Antonio, Gisele Damian; Tesser, Charles Dalcanale; Moretti-Pires, Rodrigo Otávio
Support for diversification of housing for people with severe mental disorders in Brazil: a review
Furtado, Juarez Pereira
Impact of family home visits on medical students’ learning in the field of social pediatrics
Cárdenas, Leonor Angélica Galindo; Kambourova, Miglena; Arango, Liliana Zuliani; Peña, María Eugenia Villegas
Marks on the body, fatigue and experience: nuances of aging as a physical education teacher
Lüdorf, Sílvia Maria Agatti; Ortega, Francisco Javier Guerrero
Open Space
The silence of the innocents: for a narrative study of medical practice
Carelli, Fabiana Buitor; Pompilio, Carlos Eduardo
Communication, humanities and humanization: technical, ethical, esthetic and emotional education for students and healthcare professionals
Marco, Mario Alfredo De; Degiovani, Mariella Vargas; Torossian, Miriam Sansoni; Wechsler, Rudolf; Joppert, Silvia Mara Herbelha; Lucchese, Ana Cecília
Prevention of problematic drug use in schools: teacher training strategy in Argentina using ICT
Camarotti, Ana Clara; Kornblit, Ana Lía; Di Leo, Pablo Francisco
The use of films as an educational resource on neuropharmacology teaching
Santos, Setsuko Noro dos; Noro, André
The Historical-Cultural Activity Theory and its contributions to Education, Health and Communication: interview with Yrjö Engeström
Lemos, Monica; Pereira-Querol, Marco Antonio; Almeida, Ildeberto Muniz de
Para além da comunidade: trabalho e qualificação dos agentes comunitários de saúde
Andrade, Cristiane Batista
El discurso de lo cotidiano y el sentido común: la teoría de las representaciones sociales
Monteiro, Priscila de Vasconcelos; Pereira, Maria Lúcia Duarte
Models of Primary Care in Botucatu-SP: working conditions and the meanings of Integrality presented by workers in basic health units
Macedo, Lilian Magda de
Action research in health sciences: bibliometric and conceptual analysis in the theses and dissertations at the university of São Paulo
Carvalho, Sarah Tarcisia Rebelo Ferreira de
Groups in primary health care: a hermeneutics of clinical practice and training
Furlan, Paula Giovana
compositions… words… images… stitching…
Castro, Eliane Dias de; Isoda, Nara Mitiru de Tani; Duarte, Renan Tobias; Galheigo, Sandra Maria; Almeida, Eduardo Augusto Alves de