v.17 n.47, out./dez. 2013

Table of contents


Interface – Comunicação, Saúde, Educação at the 15th anniversary of the SciELO network
Cyrino, Antonio Pithon; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Foresti, Miriam


Healthcare residency: what has been produced in theses and dissertations?
Dallegrave, Daniela; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg

Effects of psychoeducational intervention on the use of healthcare services by elderly men
Borges, Lilian Maria; Seidl, Eliane Maria Fleury

The use of scientific argumentation in choosing risky lifestyles within the scenario of aids
De Luiz, George Moraes

Health professional-patient communication and care: evaluation of an intervention for HIV/AIDS treatment adherence
Bellenzani, Renata; Nemes, Maria Ines Baptistella; Paiva, Vera

Training and qualification: a study on the educational dynamics in mental health teams in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gomes, Maria Paula Cerqueira; Abrahão, Ana Lúcia; Azevedo, Flávia Fasciotti Macedo; Louzada, Rita de Cássia Ramos

Identity of community health agents: composing emerging rationalities
Rocha, Natália Hosana Nunes; Barletto, Marisa; Bevilacqua, Paula Dias

Towards an education that moves like the tide and floods the everyday routines of healthcare services
Meyer, Dagmar Estermann; Félix, Jeane; Vasconcelos, Michele de Freitas Faria de

The domains of Educational Technology in the field of healthcare
Nespoli, Grasiele

The position of physical education professionals within primary healthcare and the challenges in their training
Falci, Denise Mourão; Belisário, Soraya Almeida

Contribution towards studying the contemporary social imaginary: rhetoric and images of biosciences in popular scientific periodicals
Luz, Madel Therezinha; Sabino, Cesar; Mattos, Rafael da Silva; Ferla, Alcindo Antônio; Andres, Barbara; Dall Alba, Rafael; Machado, Anderson dos Santos; Assimos, Richard


How has Brazil dealt with the topic of provision of physicians?
Carvalho, Mônica Sampaio de; Sousa, Maria Fátima de

Management of healthcare education and work: dealing with crises or dealing with the problem?
Ferla, Alcindo Antônio; Possa, Lisiane Bôer

Physicians for the Brazilian National Health System (SUS): management of healthcare education and work at the eye of the hurricane!
Feuerwerker, Laura Camargo Macruz

Some comments on the topic
Da Ros, Marco Aurelio


Open Space

The impact of university extension on academic training in Dentistry
Fadel, Cristina Berger; Bordin, Danielle; Kuhn, Eunice; Martins, Luciana Dorochenko

Fieldwork as a teaching, research and extension device in undergraduate Medicine and Dentistry
Ribeiro, Carlos Dimas Martins; Maksud, Ivia; Koifman, Lilian; Alves, Márcia Guimarães de Mello; Gouvêa, Mônica Villela

Participative methods in teaching administration within nursing
Kalinowski, Carmen Elizabeth; Massoquetti, Reinaldo Miguel Dolny; Peres, Aida Maris; Larocca, Liliana Müller; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm; Gonçalves, Luciana Schleder; Calixto, Riciana do Carmo

Active teaching-learning methodologies for pharmaceutical education: a report on experience
Limberger, Jane Beatriz


Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas
Aureliano, Waleska de Araújo

O que é saúde?
Silva, Alan Camargo; Ferreira, Jaqueline


The conception of the human condition in the teacher-nurse’s pedagogic practice in a dialogue with the complex though
Barbosa, Elane da Silva

Psychiatrization of existence: from asylum to the neurochemistry of subjectivity
Ferrazza, Daniele de Andrade

Brief Notes

Undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy courses in Brazil: convergences and strengthening of capacities
Leite, Silvana Nair; Galdino, Suely Lins


Humanized disassembly through photographs within public health
Garcia Júnior, Carlos Alberto Severo; Gomes, Radilson Carlos

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