v.18 n.49, abr./jun. 2014

Table of contents




Consultation office of/in the street: challenge for a healthcare in verse
Londero, Mário Francis Petry; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg; Bilibio, Luiz Fernando Silva

Integrative and complementary practices and the relationship with health promotion: experience of a municipal healthcare service
Lima, Karla Morais Seabra Vieira; Silva, Kênia Lara; Tesser, Charles Dalcanale

Occupational health in primary care: perceptions and practices in family health teams
Lacerda e Silva, Thais; Dias, Elizabeth Costa; Pessoa, Vanira Matos; Fernandes, Luisa da Matta Machado; Gomes, Edinalva Maria

Ethics and healthcare professionals’ commitment subsequent to productive restructuration in a metropolitan region in southern Brazil
Gomes, Doris; Ramos, Flávia Regina Souza

Healthcare professionals and abortion: what is said and not said in a professional healthcare capacitation
Lemos, Adriana; Russo, Jane Araújo

Healthcare training and micropolitics: concept tools in teaching practices
Abrahão, Ana Lúcia; Merhy, Emerson Elias

Macropolitical and micropolitical movements in undergraduate teaching in nursing
Chaves, Simone Edi

Interdisciplinarity in healthcare education: the preceptor’s view of family health
Bispo, Emanuella Pinheiro de Farias; Tavares, Carlos Henrique Falcão; Tomaz, Jerzuí Mendes Tôrrez

Healthcare training with experience in the National Health System: students’ perceptions regarding the dentistry course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
Bulgarelli, Alexandre Favero; Souza, Kellyn Rocca; Baumgarten, Alexandre; Souza, Juliana Maciel de; Rosing, Cassiano Kuchenbecker; Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Cerioti

Mediatization of crack and stigmatization: bodies inhabited by stories and scars
Romanini, Moises; Roso, Adriane

Esthetic reception of theatrical presentations by actors with histories of psychological distress
Milhomens, Aline Ernandes; Lima, Elizabeth Maria Freire de Araújo

Circumstances surrounding the suicide of elderly people
Sousa, Girliani Silva de; Silva, Raimunda Magalhães da; Figueiredo, Ana Elisa Bastos; Minayo, Maria Cecília de Souza; Vieira, Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza

Body factory: body and power in the Tupy foundry
Castro, Odilon; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gome

Open Space

Eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to do: activity workshops on Therapy Occupacional as a data-gathering method
Pereira, Paulo Estevão; Malfitano, Ana Paula Serrata


La etnografía, método, campo y reflexividad
Siegel, Pamela; Barros, Nelson Filice de

Cultura moral y educación
Cámara, Ana María Novella


Ownership and decoding of the healthy and beautiful body senses: personal trainers perceptions
Gomes, Isabelle Sena


Paper Mosaic Therapeutic Workshop: the place of materiality in the field of Occupational Therapy
Corrêa, Maria Cecilia Martins Ribeiro

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