v.18 n.50, jul./set. 2014

Table of contents


Uses and abuses of qualitative healthcare research under analysis
Cyrino, Antonio Pithon

Dossier – Use ( and abuse ) of qualitative health research

Researching at the interface: problems and challenges from qualitative health research
Gonçalves, Helen; Menasche, Renata

Expansion of the social sciences within public health: uses and abuses of qualitative research
Knauth, Daniela Riva; Leal, Andréa Fachel

Pertinent comments about the use of qualitative methodologies in the public health field
Gomes, Mara Helena de Andréa; Martin, Denise; Silveira, Cássio


Assessment of quality of scientific evidence on musical interventions in caring for cancer patients
Silva, Vladimir Araujo da; Leão, Eliseth Ribeiro; Silva, Maria Júlia Paes da

The Family Health Program in the Bom Retiro district, São Paulo, Brazil: communication between Bolivians and healthcare workers
Aguiar, Marcia Ernani de; Mota, André

Nutritional education groups in two contexts in Latin America: São Paulo and Bogotá
Vincha, Kellem Regina Rosendo; Cárdenas, Alexandra Pava; Cervato-Mancuso, Ana Maria; Vieira, Viviane Laudelino

Prospects of food and nutritional security in the Tijuaçu Quilombo, Brazil: family agricultural production for school meals
Carvalho, Andréia Santos; Oliveira e Silva, Denise

Therapeutic attendants in the Greater Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil: who are they and what do they do?
Tristão, Kelly Guimarães; Avellar, Luziane Zacché

Clinical and institutional supervision as a tool for changes in mental health work management
Severo, Ana Kalliny de Sousa; L’Abbate, Solange; Campos, Rosana Teresa Onocko

Hearing voices: a study on exchanges of experiences in a virtual environment
Barros, Octávia Cristina; Serpa Júnior, Octavio Domont de

Education through work: reshaping the education of health professionals
Fonsêca, Graciela Soares; Junqueira, Simone Rennó; Zilbovicius, Celso; Araujo, Maria Ercilia de

“He is like the other patients”: perceptions of dentistry students in the HIV/AIDS clinic
Rossi-Barbosa, Luiza Augusta Rosa; Ferreira, Raquel Conceição; Sampaio, Cristina Andrade; Guimarães, Patrícia Neves

Open Space

Being and living in the wilderness: chapters of life as visceral philosophy
Taddei, Renzo

The doctor-patient relationship and the healthcare market in Colombia
Jorge Márquez, V


Cuidados da doença crônica na atenção primária de saúde
Miwa, Marcela Jussara

Diálogos sobre a boca
Villela, Wilza Vieira


Innovation of prenatal care from a user-centered technology
Collares, Patrícia Moreira

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