Table of contents
Bonifácio, André Luis
Oliveira, Maria Waldenez de; Pedrosa, José Ivo
Public space in Primary Health Care: Popular Education and health promotion at brasilian health-school centers
Reis, Inês Nascimento de Carvalho; Silva, Ilda Lopes Rodrigues; Un, Julio Alberto Wong
Spaces of Health and Culture: the experience of the World Social Forum and the Tents of Popular Education in Health
Maranhão, Thaís; Bonetti, Osvaldo Peralta; Daron, Vanderleia Laodete Pulga; Torres, Odete Messa
Culture Points: contributions to Popular Health Education in the perspective of their coordinators
Nespolo, Gabriela Fabian; Duarte, Êrica Rosalba Mallmann; Rocha, Cristianne Maria Famer; Ferla, Alcindo Antônio; Ferreira, Gímerson Erick; Oliveira, Gustavo Costa de; Lima, Beatriz Santana de Souza
Continuing Education for Community Health Agents: potentialities of an education guided by the framework of Health and Popular Education
Queiroz, Danielly Maia de; Silva, Maria Rocineide Ferreira da; Oliveira, Lúcia Conde de
Community Health Agent’s Handbook: an experience of shared knowledge production
Marteleto, Regina Maria; David, Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal
The debate on health education in the scope of the Municipal Health Council of Vitória, Southeastern Brazil
Lazarini, Welington Serra; Sodré, Francis; Dalbello-Araujo, Maristela
Educating Community Health Agents to face gender violence: contributions from Popular Education and feminist pedagogy
Berger, Sônia Maria Dantas; Barbosa, Regina Helena Simões; Soares, Cecília Teixeira; Bezerra, Cláudia de Magalhães
Como os profissionais da atenção primária percebem e desenvolvem a Educação Popular em Saúde?
Flisch, Tácia Maria Pereira; Alves, Rodrigo Henrique; Almeida, Thiara Amanda Corrêa de; Torres, Heloísa de Carvalho; Schall, Virginia Torres; Reis, Dener Carlos dos
Subjectivity, spirituality, management and State in Popular Health Education: a discussion based on the work of Eymard Mourão Vasconcelos
Gomes, Luciano Bezerra; Merhy, Emerson Elias
The political meanings of MobilizaSUS through the eyes of Gramsci and the lens of Brazilian sanitary reform
Silva, Tiago Parada Costa; Teixeira, Carmen Fontes de Souza
Limits and potentialities of the circles of conversation: analysis of an experience with young people in the backcountry of Pernambuco, Brazil
Sampaio, Juliana; Santos, Gilney Costa; Agostini, Marcia; Salvador, Anarita de Souza
Comunication devices for health promotion: methodological reflections from de process of sharing of Work Case “Recognizin Manguinhos”
Zancan, Lenira; Pivetta, Fátima; Sousa, Fabiana Melo; Cunha, Marize Bastos da; Porto, Marcelo Firpo de Sousa; Freitas, Jairo; Alentejo, Gleide Guimarães
Challenges and prospects of Health Popular Education in its contribution to the praxis of Community Health Agents
Bornstein, Vera Joana; Morel, Cristina Massadar; Pereira, Ingrid D’avilla Freire; Lopes, Marcia Raposo
Health care practices of peasant women
Teixeira, Iraí Maria de Campos; Oliveira, Maria Waldenez de
Active teaching-learning methodologies and popular education: agreements and disagreements in the context of health professionals’ education
Simon, Eduardo; Jezine, Edineide; Vasconcelos, Eymard Mourão; Ribeiro, Katia Suely Queiroz Silva
Popular education and social nutrition: theoretical considerations on a possible dialogue
Cruz, Pedro José Santos Carneiro; Melo Neto, José Francisco de
Popular education and social control in worker health: challenges based on experience
Lacerda, Dailton Alencar Lucas de; Cruz, Pedro José Santos Carneiro; Hoefel, Maria da Graça Luderitz; Costa, Iris do Céu Clara; Barbosa, Andreia Marinho; Alencar, Islany Costa; Luna, Rodrigo Mendes Silva
Popular participation in health education initiatives: challenges for primary healthcare professionals
Oliveira, Lucia Conde de; Ávila, Maria Marlene Marques; Gomes, Annatália Meneses de Amorim; Sampaio, Maria Homéria Leite de Morais
Ethics in educational and health care actions oriented by popular education
Batista, Patricia Serpa de Souza; Vasconcelos, Eymard Mourão; Costa, Solange Fátima Geraldo da
Questioning the Institutionalization of Popular Education in Health in the Unified Health System (SUS – acronym in Portuguese)
Bonetti, Osvaldo Peralta; Odeh, Muna Muhammad; Carneiro, Fernando Ferreira
The popular education and the health care: a study from the work of Eymard Mourão Vasconcelos
Gomes, Luciano Bezerra; Merhy, Emerson Elias
I have lived it, nobody told me: popular health education in the Family Health Strategy at the borders of Pantanal – Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil
Prado, Ernande Valentin do; Sales, Cibele; Nomiyama, Seiko
Social support networks in practice of popular health education: reflections of an action-research
Ribeiro, Kátia Suely Queiroz Silva; Vasconcelos, Eymard Mourão
The pedagogical care in a experience of being hypertensive
Maia, Otávio Fabrício Lemos Corrêa; Cunha, Marize Bastos da
Popular Education and Health, and Democracy in Brazil
Stotz, Eduardo Navarro
Popular Education in Health and democracy
Krefta, Noemi Margarida
Popular Education and power issues
Fleury, Sonia
Popular Education and Health and democracy in Brazil
Souza, Maria do Socorro de
Open Space
Popular Education in Health: human milk donation in a community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Pellegrine, Jenifer Borges; Koopmans, Fabiana Ferreira; Pessanha, Halyne Limeira; Rufino, Cleide Gonçalo; Farias, Helena Portes Sava de
“Popular participation, social movements and the right to health”: an experience of popular education in Health, in Bahia, based on MobilizaSUS.
Chaves, Luciana; Alves, Alba da Cunha; Souza, Jamilly; Barros, Larissa; Araújo, Patricia Dantas de; Silva, Tiago Parada Costa
Pedagogical practices of Popular Health Education and technical training of Community Health Agents in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Souza, Kátia Mendes de; Goldschmidt, Irene Leonore; Bornstein, Vera Joana; Acioli, Sonia
Voices: Popular Education about STDs via community radio
Oliveira, Maria Liz Cunha de
The PalhaSUS and the Family Health Strategy for Homeless People: a report of the meeting
Matraca, Marcus Vinicius Campos; Araújo-Jorge, Tania Cremonini; Wimmer, Gert
Dialogues between the Field Health and the Mental Health: the experience of the “Popular Education on Mental Health of MST Workshop” in ESP MG
Rückert, Bianca; Machado, Ana Regina; Santos, Carine Constancia Alves e; Brito, Patrícia Cássia Duarte de
The teaching of Popular Education in Health for SUS: experience of articulation between nursing students and Community Healthcare Agents
Amaral, Maria Carmélia Sales do; Pontes, Andrezza Graziella Veríssimo; Silva, Jennifer do Vale e
Popular Education in Health and participation of prostitutes: contributions to participatory management of SUS
Sousa, Fabiana Rodrigues de
Popular Extension in professional training in health for SUS: reflecting an experience
Leite, Maria Francilene; Ribeiro, Kátia Suely Queiroz Silva; Anjos, Ulisses Umbelino dos; Batista, Patrícia Serpa de Souza
Education processes and knowledge production: five perspectives on Popular Education and Health
David, Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal; Batista, Ivanilde Vieira; Um, Julio Alberto Wong; Cavalcanti, Paulette; Barbosa, Regina Helena Simões; Heck, Selvino
Popular extension: the pedagogy of student participation in its national movement
Cruz, Pedro José Santos Carneiro
Knowledge construction and dissemination in the field of Popular Education and Health
Silva, Marcus Vinícius Pereira da
Infocommunicative Devices in Health or health area
Marteleto, Regina; David, Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal; Bteshe, Mariana