v.19 supl.1, 2015

Table of contents


Pinto, Hêider Aurélio


Informal evaluative views: PET-Saúde, the educational program for healthcare work, in the spotlight
Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes De; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb; Cyrino, Antonio Pithon; Foresti, Miriam; Pinto, Tiago Rocha


Thematizing the impact of health work on education: opening drawers, enunciating questions, and writing.
Gusmão, Renata Castro; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg; Drachler, Maria de Lourdes

Pro-Health and PET-Health as interprofessional education spaces.
Costa, Marcelo Viana da; Patrício, Karina Pavão; Câmara, Ana Maria Chagas Sette; Azevedo, George Dantas; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva

PET-Health: micro-policy, education, and health work.
Cruz, Kathleen Tereza da; Merhy, Emerson Elias; Santos, Maria de Fátima Lima; Gomes, Maria Paula Cerqueira

The potential of formative evaluation on the change processes of professional healthcare education.
Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes De; Lopes, César Vinicius Miranda; Domingues, Sidney Marcel; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb

Education in Health: reflections from the Pro-Health and PET-Health Programs.
Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva; Jansen, Beatriz; Assis, Elaine Quedas de; Senna, Maria Inês Barreiros; Cury, Geraldo Cunha

The Pro-PET-Health and the challenges of the professional education in health.
Costa, Marcelo Viana da; Borges, Flávio Adriano

Listening to the primary health care worker: potential and challenges in educational practices.
Pinto, Tiago Rocha; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb

Challenges and opportunities in the Pró-PET-Health preceptorship.
Lima, Patrícia Acioli de Barros; Rozendo, Célia Alves

Contributions of the PET-Health/Psychosocial Healthcare Networks to Family Healthcare.
Rézio, Larissa de Almeida; Moro, Thais Nagano; Marcon, Samira Reschetti; Fortuna, Cinira Magali

The PET-Family Health and the education of health professionals: students’ perspectives.
Madruga, Luciana Margarida de Santana; Ribeiro, Kátia Suely Queiroz Silva; Freitas, Cláudia Helena Soares de Morais; Pérez, Ingrid de Almeida Becerra; Pessoa, Talitha Rodrigues Ribeiro Fernandes; Brito, Geraldo Eduardo Guedes de

Interprofessional education in the PET-Health Program: perception of tutors.
Camara, Ana Maria Chagas Sette; Grosseman, Suely; Pinho, Diana Lucia Moura

Reorienting dental education: the preceptor’s view of supervised internship in the Brazilian Health System (SUS).
Forte, Franklin Delano Soares; Pessoa, Talitha Rodrigues Ribeiro Fernandes; Freitas, Claudia Helena Soares Morais; Pereira, Camila Araujo Lins; Carvalho Junior, Paulo Marcondes

Creative interference in the teaching-service relationship: itineraries of an Education by Work for Health Program (PET-Health).
Conceição, Mírian Ribeiro; Vicentin, Maria Cristina Gonçalves; Leal, Bianca Mara Maruco Lins; Amaral, Marcos Martins do; Fischer, Andreia Badan; Kahhale, Edna Maria Peters; Rosa, Elisa Zaneratto; Spolaor, Jussara; Saes, Debora

Healthcare and education from the Education by Work for Health Program.
Ferreira, Vitória Solange Coelho; Andrade, Cristina Setenta; Fontes, Ana Maria Dourado Lavinsky; Araújo, Maria da Conceição Filgueiras de; Anjos, Soraya Dantas Santiago dos

PET-Health monitors perceptions regarding their education and interdisciplinary teamwork.
Pereira, Simone Cardoso Lisboa; Reis, Vanessa de Oliveira Martins; Lanza, Célia Regina Moreira; Aleixo, Ivana Montandon Soares; Vasconcelos, Monica Maria de Almeida

Intersectorality as a strategy for promoting adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
Higa, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro; Bertolin, Fernando Henrique; Maringolo, Larissa Fernandes; Ribeiro, Thais Fernanda Silva Almeida; Ferreira, Liliana Harumi Kuabara; Oliveira, Vanessa Aparecida Sanches Campassi de

Open Space

PET-Health: a potentially transforming experience in the undergraduate course
Santos, Marize Melo dos; Nétto, Otacílio Batista de Sousa; Pedrosa, José Ivo dos Santos; Vilarinho, Lúcia da Silva

Experiences of the teachin-service integration produced by the Education by Work for Health Program (PET-Health Networks)
Gonçalves, Rita de Cássia Ribeiro; Gonçalves, Luana Gaigher; Covre, Luanna; Lazarini, Welington Serra; Dalbello-Araujo, Maristela

Indicators and Care Network: an experience of the Education for Work in Health Surveillance Program
Andrade, Selma Regina de; Vidor, Ana Cristina; Ribeiro, Janara Caroline; Ribeiro, Cely Edna Pereira

Evaluation of the Education by Work for Health Program PET-Health/Surveillance Public Health by their actors
Flores, Liziane Maahs; Trindade, Ana Luiza; Loreto, Daiane Rodrigues de; Unfer, Beatriz; Dall’Agnol, Marinel Mór

Constructing knowledge in mental health work: experiences of health education
Rosa, Roberta Pereira Furtado da; Andrade, Ana Lúcia Freitas de; Oliveira, Sheila Prado de; Silva, Arthur Gomes Leite da; Ferreira, Arthur Marilac; Inácio, Juliana de Sousa; Araújo, Sandra Maria dos Santos da Silva

PET-Health/Surveillance of port workers: a shared experience
Queiróz, Maria de Fátima Ferreira; Valeiras, Ana Paula Nunes Viveiros; Lerin, Rafaela dos Santos; Lino, Francine de Souza; Fornazier, Vivian de Castro Pires; Dias Junior, Ubiratan de Souza; Yano, Vinicius Akio; Nogueira, Juliana Rebecca Capelletti Imperatore

PET-Health/Networks for indigenous people: beyond the university, a reflection on knowledge and health practices
Cuervo, Maria Rita Macedo; Radke, Mariane Brusque; Riegel, Elaine Maria

Informative group: harm reduction strategies for people apprehended for illicit drug consumption and/or possession
Pinto, Leila de Oliveira; Oliveira, Daniele Jesus de; Duarte, Fabia Maria Ribeiro

Health and education by work: reflections about the PET-Health as an educational proposal for the Brazilian Health System
Silva, André Luís Façanha da; Ribeiro, Marcos Aguiar; Paiva, Geilson Mendes de; Freitas, Cibelly Aliny Siqueira Lima; Albuquerque, Izabelle Mont’Alverne Napoleão

Health education and bonding: an experience with Education by Work for Health Program (PET-Health) in the health service network of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Santos, Carla de Gouvêa dos; Portugal, Fernanda Tosta de Alcântara; Silva, Maria Alice Bastos; Souza, Ândrea Cardoso de; Abrahão, Ana Lúcia

Comprehensive and care networks: experience in PET-Health/Health Attention Networks
Kemper, Maria Lenz Cesar; Martins, Jessica Prado de Almeida; Monteiro, Sabrina Felipe Serra; Pinto, Thaisa da Silva; Walter, Fernanda Resende

The experience of PET-Health students with indigenous health and the More Doctors Program
Silva, Reijane Pinheiro da; Barcelos, Aline Costa; Hirano, Bruno Queiroz Luz; Izzo, Renata Sottomaior; Calafate, Jaqueline Medeiros Silva; Soares, Tássio de Oliveira

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