v.20 n.58, jul./set. 2016

Table of contents


Medical paradigms and Primary Health Care: surveillance of the population and/or production of life?
Carvalho, Sérgio Resende; Andrade, Henrique Sater de; Cunha, Gustavo Tenório; Armstrong, David


Participatory research methodologies and popular education: reflections on quality criteria
Streck, Danilo Romeu

A politic of narratives: experimentation and care in the reports by agents of harm reduction in Salvador, Brazil
Dias, Rafael Mendonça; Passos, Eduardo; Silva, Marco Manso Cerqueira

Practical discourses about events, decisions processes and effects of Health municipal conferences in Brazil
Miranda, Alcides Silva de; Moreira, Ana Ester Maria Melo; Cavalcanti, Caio Garcia Correia Sá; Bezerra, Fernanda Machado; Oliveira, Jéssica da Costa de; Rezende, Regiane

Managerial work in Basic Health Units of small municipalities in Parana, Brazil.
Nunes, Elisabete de Fátima Polo de Almeida; Carvalho, Brigida Gimenez; Nicoletto, Sônia Cristina Stefano; Cordoni Junior, Luiz

Social organizations as management model of healthcare in Pernambuco, Brazil: perceptions of managers
Pacheco, Hélder Freire; Gurgel Júnior, Garibaldi Dantas; Santos, Francisco de Assis da Silva; Ferreira, Simone Cristina da Costa; Leal, Eliane Maria Medeiros

Health care from the view of male workers with chronic diseases
Yoshida, Valéria Cristina; Andrade, Maria da Graça Garcia

Adressing sex trafficking in women from the viewpoint of institutional agents of Brazil and Portugal
Zúquete, José Gonçalo; Souza, Edinilsa Ramos de; Deslandes, Suely Ferreira

Matrix support in mental health: a tool for support in care in crisis situations
Lima, Maura; Dimenstein, Magda

Theater of the oppressed in mental health: social participation with art
Santos, Érika Sales dos; Joca, Emanuella Cajado; Souza, Ângela Maria Alves e

The expansion of agribusiness in Ceará semiarid region and their implications for health, work and environment
Ferreira, Marcelo José Monteiro; Viana Júnior, Mário Martins

Participants’ representations of a psychosocial intervention to improve adherence to AIDS treatment
Nasser, Ana Cristina Arantes; Nemes, Maria Ines Battistella

Assessment of professionalism in students of health-related courses: a systematic review
Mendonça, Erica Toledo de; Cotta, Rosângela Minardi Mitre; Lelis, Vicente de Paula; Carvalho Junior, Paulo Marcondes

Specialization training courses on Family Health: what can training change in the work?
Scherer, Magda Duarte dos Anjos; Oliveira, Camila Izabela de; Carvalho, Wania Maria do Espírito Santo; Costa, Marisa Pacini

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder case (ADHD) and the medicalization of education: an analysis from parents and teachers’ reports
Cruz, Murilo Galvão Amancio; Okamoto, Mary Yoko; Ferrazza, Daniele de Andrade

Mentoring in medical students: a humane and developmental experience
Martins, Ana da Fonseca; Bellodi, Patrícia Lacerda

Patient safety teaching in undergraduate health programs: reflections on knowledge and practice
Bohomol, Elena; Freitas, Maria Aparecida de Oliveira; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm


The fair measure of treatment: compulsory treatment of tuberculosis in debate
Fortes, Pablo Dias

Limits for a fair measure dose?
Gomes, Jacqueline de Souza

Nothing in excess
Gracia, Diego

From compulsory treatment toward the ethics of the bond
Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues

Autonomy and coercion in the fair measure for tuberculosis treatment
Zoboli, Elma

Fortes, Pablo Dias

Open Space

Educational intervention due to illegal possession of drugs: an experience report
Dias, André Bomfim; Cunha, Eliseu de Oliveira; Dejo, Vania Nora Bustamante

Supervised Field Work II: a curricular experience of insertion in Primary Health Care
Almeida, Patty Fidelis de; Bastos, Matheus Oliveira; Condé, Michele Agostinho; Macedo, Natália Janoni; Feteira, Julia de Mattos; Botelho, Felipe Pacelli; Silva, Rodolpho Luiz da

Interprofessional education and the Education through Work for Health Program “Stork Network”: leveraging changes in education
Forte, Franklin Delano Soares; Morais, Hannah Gil de Farias; Rodrigues, Shirley Arruda Guimarães; Santos, Joyce da Silva; Oliveira, Priscila Farias de Albuquerque; Morais, Maria do Socorro Trindade; Lira, Talitha Emanuelle Barbosa Galdino de; Carvalho, Maria de Fátima Moraes


Powers of freedom, governamentality and the psy knowledges: dialogues with Nikolas Rose (Part 2)
Carvalho, Sergio Resende; Lima, Elizabeth Maria Freire Araújo


Métodos de pesquisa: manual de produção científica
Inoue, Silvia Regina Viodres; Maia, Thais Laudares Soares


Wounds don’t speak for themselves. Suffering and migrants’ healing strategies through ethnography-based art practices
Pussetti, Chiara



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