v.21 n.62, jul./set. 2017

Table of contents


Interface, twenty years: Collective Health going through difficult times
Scheffer, Mário; Schraiber, Lilia Blima

Dossier – Dermeval Saviani: Fifty Years of Work and Education

Ramos, Marise Nogueira

Dermeval Saviani: a fifty-year trajectory
Marsiglia, Ana Carolina Galvão; Cury, Carlos Roberto Jamil

Dermeval Saviani and the ontological centrality of work for building the “New Man”, maker of the socialist society
Frigotto, Gaudencio

The curriculum conception in Dermeval Saviani and its relations with the marxist category of freedom
Gama, Carolina Nozella; Duarte, Newton

The dialectic of teaching and learning in historical-critical educational activity
Lavoura, Tiago Nicola; Martins, Lígia Márcia


Work, social being and health care: an approach from Marx and Lukács
Souza, Diego de Oliveira; Mendonça, Henrique Pereira Freitas de

Care process in the health field: ontology, hermeneutics and teleology
Contatore, Octávio Augusto; Malfitano, Ana Paula Serrata; Barros, Nelson Filice de

Family Health Support Teams, potentialities and barriers: the primary care health outlook
Tesser, Charles Dalcanale

The care of elderly as a field of inter-subjective relations: ethic reflections
Cherix, Katia; Coelho Júnior, Nelson Ernesto

Diverse meanings of comprehensiveness: between the presupposed and the experienced in a multi-disciplinary team
Silva, Marcos Valério Santos da; Miranda, Gilza Brena Nonato; Andrade, Marcieni Ataíde de

Multiprofessionality and interprofessionality in a hospital residence: preceptors and residents’ view
Araújo, Thaise Anataly Maria de; Vasconcelos, Ana Claudia Cavalcanti Peixoto de; Pessoa, Talitha Rodrigues Ribeiro Fernandes; Forte, Franklin Delano Soares

Essay on ‘blind spots’: therapeutic itinerary and access barriers in eye care
Lima, Natalia Carvalho de; Baptista, Tatiana Wargas de Faria; Vargas, Eliane Portes

Pregnancy and maternal brain death: decisions on the fetal life
Menezes, Rachel Aisengart; Luna, Naara

Meanings to family members living with an elderly affected by stroke sequelae
Reis, Rogério Donizeti; Pereira, Elaine Cristina; Pereira, Maria Isabel Marques; Soane, Ana Maria Nassar Cintra; Silva, José Vitor da

The difficult longitudinal care of a female patient in a severe chronic situation: analysis of an emblematic case
Junges, José Roque; Fernandes, Raquel Brondísia Panizzi; Herbert, Noéli Daiam Raymundo; Tomasini, Francine; Werle, Leonice; Pereira, Cátia; Moretti, Andressa Wagner

Teaching career path and training of occupational therapists to primary health care
Silva, Rodrigo Alves dos Santos; Oliver, Fátima Corrêa

Ethical foundations of decision-making in physical therapy students
Ladeira, Talita Leite; Silva Junior, Aluísio Gomes da; Koifman, Lilian

Meanings of agroecology in the production, distribution and consumption of agroecological food in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil
Warmling, Deise; Moretti-Pires, Rodrigo Otávio

Open Space

Between health and education: a clinic for youngsters and children’s mental health
Brandão Junior, Pedro Moacyr Chagas; Canavêz, Fernanda; Ramos, Patricio Lemos


From inspiration to the formulation of Historical-Critical Pedagogy (PHC). The three PHC moments that every truly critical theory must contain
Saviani, Dermeval


Bikes vs cars
Loch, Mathias Roberto; Guerra, Paulo Henrique


What a body can do? Bodygraphics of resistance
Ávila, Mayna Yaçanã Borges de; Ferla, Alcindo Antônio

Download the full volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/interface-62.pdf

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