v.21 n.63, out./dez. 2017

Table of contents


Zika Virus, a research agenda for (thinking about) the Social and Human Health Sciences
Carneiro, Rosamaria Giatti

Dossier – The Government of Mental Health in Portugal and in Brazil

Torrenté, Maurice de; Nunes, Mônica

Madness and cultural diversity: innovation and rupture in experiences of art and culture from Psychiatric Reform and the field of Mental Health in Brazil
Amarante, Paulo; Torre, Eduardo Henrique Guimarães

When the city “hears voices”: what democracy has to learn from madness
Paulon, Simone Mainieri

The Policy Gap. Global Mental Health in a Semi-Peripheral Country (Portugal, 1998-2016)
Marques, Tiago Pires

Lay rationalities and Mental Health governance in Portugal
Alves, Fátima; Nicolau, Karine Wlasenko


De-institutionalization experiences in the Brazilian psychiatric reform: a gender approach
Andrade, Ana Paula Müller de; Maluf, Sônia Weidner

Connections on transformation of mental suffering experience: relationship between memory and history
Braga, Cláudia Pellegrini

Mental health and primary care in alcohol and drug users care
Santos, Francéli Francki dos; Ferla, Alcindo Antônio

From moral treatment to the psychosocial care: occupational therapy in the aftermath of Brazilian psychiatric reform
Shimoguiri, Ana Flávia Dias Tanaka; Costa-Rosa, Abílio da

Care production in health team focused on living work: the existence of life on death territory
Chagas, Magda de Souza; Abrahão, Ana Lúcia

Vital needs in the dying process
Combinato, Denise Stefanoni; Martin, Sueli Terezinha Ferrero

Ambivalences in mental health care: craziness at work and health workers. A case study of the labor health clinic
Silva, João de Deus Gomes da; Aciole, Giovanni Gurgel; Lancman, Selma

Health, care and risk: what do they mean to adolescents living in the Mare favela, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lisboa, Marcia Rodrigues; Lerner, Katia

Participatory culture: citizenship-building process in Brazil
Ventura, Carla Aparecida Arena; Miwa, Marcela Jussara; Serapioni, Mauro; Jorge, Márjore Serena

Towards an ”ecology of lore and knowledge” in health: an invitation from the terreiros to dialogue
Silva, Rafael Afonso da; Fernandez, Juan Carlos Aneiros; Sacardo, Daniele Pompei

Perceptions of health managers and facilitators of the Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) in Northeastern Brazil and Peru
Borda-Olivas, Alfredo; Palma-Ruiz, Matilde; Amaral, João Joaquim Freitas do

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in health centers: the practititoners’ point of view in Catalonia, Spain
Oliver-Mora, Martí; Iñiguez-Rueda, Lupicinio

Why has a large Legionnaires’ disease outbreak been absent from public debate?
Lopes, Felisbela; Araújo, Rita

Palliative care seen from the point of view of the lung cancer patients’ families
Furtado, Maria Edilania Matos Ferreira; Leite, Darla Moreira Carneiro

The 2010 Brazilian Oral Health Survey (SBBrasil 2010 Project): what do the coordinators propose for future surveys?
Soares, Fabíola Fernandes; Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Reis, Sandra Cristina Guimarães Bahia

Knowledge and expertise from traditional universities for the development of Open University of Brazilian National Health System (UNA-SUS) distance courses
Carvalho, Rodrigo Alcantara de; Struchiner, Miriam


Inter-capitalistic disputes, biomedicalization and hegemonic medical model
Iriart, Celia; Merhy, Emerson Elias

Commentary on Celia Iriart and Emerson Elias Merhy: “Inter-capitalistic disputes, biomedicalization and hegemonic medical model”
Clarke, Adele E.

Biotechnology medicine and the phenomenon of (bio) medicalization: tensions and disputes in the field of health care practices
Carvalho, Sergio Resende; Oliveira, Cathana Freitas de; Andrade, Henrique Sater

Work on health, body and capitalist subjectivation
Ferla, Alcindo Antônio

Iriart, Celia; Merhy, Emerson Elias

Open Space

Considerations for the design of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention programs for lesbian and bisexual women
Palma, Diana M.; Orcasita, Linda Teresa


Strategies, expertise and experience of hearing voices: interview with Cristina Contini
Kantorski, Luciane Prado; Andrade, Ana Paula Müller de; Cardano, Mario


Maternidade en el nuevo siglo
Petracci, Mónica

Brief Notes

O Centro de Saúde-Escola Samuel B. Pessoa (Butantã, São Paulo, Brasil) completa 40 anos
Nasser, Mariana Arantes; Dalmaso, Ana Sílvia Whitaker; Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita; Lopes Junior, Ademir; Figueiro, Miriam de Toledo Leitão; Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues; Kon, Rubens; Pereira, Maria Goreti Barros Salgueiro; Silva, Norma Sueli Colucci da; Correa, Yessame Maria Gregório; Pereira, Lygia Maria de França


The section on Creation at the journal Interface: twenty years of experimentation
Castro, Eliane Dias de; Almeida, Eduardo Augusto Alves de; Asanuma, Gisele Dozono; Silva, Juliana Araújo; Buelau, Renata Monteiro; Quarentei, Mariangela Scaglione; Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues; Lima, Elizabeth Maria Freire Araújo



Download the full volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/v21.n.63.out-dez.2017.pdf

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