Table of contents
Padilla, Mónica
The Brazilian More Doctors Program: evaluat ing the implementation of the Provision axis from 2013 to 2015
Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Oliveira, Felipe Proenço de; Santana, José Santos Souza; Santos, Felipe de Oliveira de Souza; Araujo, Sidclei Queiroga de; Figueiredo, Alexandre Medeiros de; Araújo, Grasiela Damasceno de
An analysis of the Brazilian medical associations struggles confronting the More Doctors Program
Gomes, Luciano Bezerra; Merhy, Emerson Elias
Public use of reason and argumentation: analysis of discussions about the More Doctors Program
Lima, Juliano de Carvalho
Ideas, images and beliefs in the production of public policies: the case of the More Doctors Program
Ferla, Alcindo Antônio; Pinto, Hêider Aurélio; Possa, Lisiane Bôer; Trepte, Renata Flores; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg
The More Doctors Program: elements of tension between the government and medical associations
Alessio, Maria Martins; Sousa, Maria Fátima de
The More Doctors in Brazil Project and the construction of myths: a Barthean reading
Aciole, Giovanni Gurgel
More Doctors Project in indigenous health: reflections from an opinion survey
Fontão, Maria Angélica Breda; Pereira, Éverton Luís
The challenges faced by the More Doctors Program in providing and ensuring comprehensive health care in rural areas in the Amazon region, Brazil
Pereira, Lucélia Luiz; Pacheco, Leonor
A gender equity approach as a management strategy for the settlement of physicians in vulnerable areas
Martinez, Maria Regina
Qualification and provision of physicians in the context of the National Policy on Comprehensive Care of People with Rare Diseases in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS)
Melo, Débora Gusmão; Germano, Carla Maria Ramos; Porciúncula, Carlos Guilherme Gaelzer; Paiva, Isaias Soares de; Neri, João Ivanildo da Costa Ferreira; Avó, Lucimar Retto da Silva de; Demarzo, Marcelo Marcos Piva; Galera, Marcial Francis
Government provision programs: profile and motivations of physicians who migrated from Provab to the More Doctors Program in 2016
Araújo, Cássia de Andrade; Michelotti, Fernando Canto; Ramos, Tuanny Karen Souza
Nutritional care by foreigners in the More Doctors Project for Brazil
Soares, Amanda Massi; Furtado, Juarez Pereira
The More Doctors Program: documentary analysis of critical events and positioning of social actors
Jesus, Rebeca Amorim de; Medina, Maria Guadalupe; Prado, Nília Maria de Brito Lima
The More Doctors for Brazil Project – challenges and contributions to Primary Care in the vision of the cooperated physicians
Silva, Hilton P.; Tavares, Roseane Bittencourt; Comes, Yamila; Pereira, Lucélia Luiz; Shimizu, Helena Eri; Merchan-Hamann, Edgar; Bermúdez, Ximena Pamela
Perceptions of city health managers about the provision and activity of physicians from the More Doctors Program
Arruda, Carlos André Moura; Pessoa, Vanira Matos; Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha; Carneiro, Fernando Ferreira; Comes, Yamila; Trindade, Josélia de Souza; Silva, Diego Dewes da;Santos, Leonor Maria Pacheco
Users’ perceptions on social impact of the colaboration project of the More Doctors Program: a case study
Liz, Rafael Gustavo de; Lima, Rita de Cássia Gabrielli Souza
More Doctors in Brazil Project: an analysis of Academic Supervision
Almeida, Erika Rodrigues de; Martins, Adriano Ferreira; Macedo, Harineide Madeira; Penha, Rodrigo Chávez
Expanding family and community medicine residency vacancies by municipalities and the More Doctors Program
Storti, Moysés Martins Tosta; Oliveira, Felipe Proenço de; Xavier, Aline Lima
Open Space
Immersion in reality: the Brazilian National Health System and the organization of the More Doctors Program in São Paulo, Brazil
Alencar, Vinícius Pena de; Guimarães, Maria Sortênia Alves; Mucari, Talita Buttarello
Increasing healthcare access and changing the model: an experience with the More Doctors Program
Herval, Álex Moreira; Rodrigues, Elisa Toffoli
The Multicampi School of Medical Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in the context of the More Doctors Program: challenges and potentialities
Melo, Lucas Pereira de; Santos, Marcelo dos; Câmara, Rafael Barros Gomes da; Braga, Liliane Pereira; Oliveira, Ana Luiza de Oliveira e; Pinto, Tiago Rocha; Costa, Pâmera Medeiros da; Azevedo, George Dantas de
Territorialization in Primary Health Care: an experience in Medical Education
Justo, Larissa Galas; Severo, Ana Kalliny de Sousa; Félix-Silva, Antônio Vladimir; Soares, Lorena Sousa; Silva-Júnior, Fernando Lopes e; Pedrosa, José Ivo dos Santos
Integrated experience in the community: longitudinal health care insertion as medical education strategy
Oliveira, Ana Luiza de Oliveira e; Melo, Lucas Pereira de; Pinto, Tiago Rocha; Azevedo, George Dantas de; Santos, Marcelo dos; Câmara, Rafael Barros Gomes da; Costa, Pâmera Medeiros da; Mata, Ádala Nayana de Sousa
Medical recruitment and retention in the Australian health system: a dialogue with Megan Cahill
Vanni, Tazio; Cyrino, Antonio Pithon; Ribeiro, Anna Cristina Rodopiano de Carvalho
From gates to block notes: art and institutional support in the More Doctors for Brazil Project
Germany, Heloísa; Costa, Luciano Bedin da; Liberman, Flavia; Nardi, Henrique Caetano
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