v.22 n.66, jul./set. 2018



Critical technological competence in Health
Naomar Almeida-Filho(a)

Dossier – Zika virus: an epidemic in/and its social world

Therapeutic paths, care and assistance in the construction of ideas about maternity and childhood in the context of the Zika virus.
SCOTT, Russell Parry et al. 

Care in the time of Zika: notes on the ‘afterlife’ of the epidemic in Salvador (Bahia), Brazil.

Zika, women’s prominent role and care: rehearsing contact zones.
MOREIRA, Martha Cristina Nunes; MENDES, Corina Helena Figueira  e  NASCIMENTO, Marcos. 

“I never expected this, it was a big shock”: conception, pregnancy and birth in times of zika through the eyes of women in Recife, PE, Brazil.
CARNEIRO, Rosamaria  e  FLEISCHER, Soraya Resende. 


The concept of medicalization in Michel Foucault in the 1970s.
Zorzanelli, Rafaela Teixeira; Cruz, Murilo Galvão Amancio

The principles and values implied in the practice of palliative sedation and the euthanasia.
EICH, Melisse; VERDI, Marta Inez Machado; FINKLER, Mirelle  e  MARTINS, Pedro Paulo Scremin. 

Treatment for dependency from the perspective of people who use crack.
ALMEIDA, Renata Barreto Fernandes de et al. 

“My child gave me my life back”: cartography of the “Rede Cegonha”.
CARVALHO, Maria Raquel Rodrigues; JORGE, Maria Salete Bessa  e  FRANCO, Túlio Batista.

Sex hormones, gender moralities and emergency contraception in Brazil.
BRANDAO, Elaine Reis.

Experiences of lesbian users about the process of perinatal care in the metropolitan region of Chile in 2016.
VIDELA, Camila Fuenzalida  e  MUNOZ, Andrea Velásquez.

Experiences of women in situation of violence seeking care in the health sector and in the intersectoral network.
SOARES, Joannie dos Santos Fachinelli  e  LOPES, Marta Julia Marques.

Matrix support in Mental Health in primary care: the effects on the understanding and case management of community health workers.
AMARAL, Carlos Eduardo Menezes; TORRENTE, Mônica de Oliveira Nunes de; TORRENTE, Maurice de  e  MOREIRA, Carolina Pinheiro. 

Institutional Support according to the perspective of managers, supporters and workers: coming closer to reality from different places.
MACHADO, Sávia Souza; MOREIRA, Luiz Carlos Hubner; NASCIMENTO, Maria Ângela Alves do  e  CASOTTI, Elisete. 

Assessment mandala: supply of an instrument to conduct evaluative processes in institutional support.
BARROS, Rebeca Silva de; PEREIRA, Maria José Bistafa  e  SANTOS, Claudia Benedita dos. 

In the current of life: the discovery of chronic kidney disease.
XAVIER, Suênia Silva de Mesquita et al.

Perceptions, meanings and adaptations to hemodialysis as a liminal space: the patient perspective.
SANTOS, Viviane Fernandes Conceição dos; BORGES, Zulmira Newlands; LIMA, Sônia Oliveira  e  REIS, Francisco Prado.

Interweaving voice and emotion as perceived by teachers from the point of view of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology.
BRASIL, Christina César Praça et al.

Learning meetings and singular pedagogical projects in health residency programs.
DALLEGRAVE, Daniela  e  CECCIM, Ricardo Burg.

The evasion in a Management Health specialization course in the distance modality. Interface (Botucatu).
RODRIGUES, Luciana Soares et al.


Healthcare knowledge and practices of the rural population: an integrative literature review.
RUCKERT, Bianca; CUNHA, Daisy Moreira  e  MODENA, Celina Maria.

The effect of the context on the incidence of homicides: is there enough evidence?.
SOUSA, Carlos Augusto Moreira de; SILVA, Cosme Marcelo Furtado Passos da  e  SOUZA, Edinilsa Ramos de.

Open space

Life narratives as a teaching-learning strategy in health education.
IMBRIZI, Jaquelina Maria; KINKER, Fernando Sfair; AZEVEDO, Adriana Barin de  e  JURDI, Andrea Perosa Saigh.

Strategic management promoting teaching and service integration: multidisciplinary residency deployment in Onco-Hematology.
JAGGI, Leila Maria de Abreu; CANABARRO, Simone Travi; RABIN, Eliane Goldberg  e  CAREGNATO, Rita Catalina Aquino.

My Specialization Course on Health Policy Management Informed by Evidence (ESPIE) travel: how active methodologies stimulate significant learning in health policy management.
MAIADANIC, Alma Nina Cohn  e  NORDI, Aline Barreto de Almeida.

Short notes

(Inter)Connecting the academic world and the world of health practices: a trajectory of Regina Marsiglia (1943-2017)
Cássio Silveira(a)  Nivaldo Carneiro Junior(b) Patrícia Martins Montanari(c) Paulo Artur Malvasi(d) 


Religion, body and health: an interview with Thomas Csordas
Rodrigo Toniol(a)  Regina Matsue(b)  Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira(c) 


Download the full volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/v.22.n.662018.pdf

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