v.5 n. 9, ago. 2001

Table of contents



Essays – Education

Environments of virtual reality and education: what is this reality?
Axt, Margarete; Schuch, Eny M.M.

Environmental education: theoretical references in higher education
Tozzoni-Reis, Marília Freitas de Campos

Educating the working class: Marx vs. Marxist pedagogues
Mazzotti, Tarso Bonilha

The Hegelian concept of education
Novelli, Pedro Geraldo

The quality of higher education: isomorphism, diversity and fairness
Morosini, Marília Costa


Significant learnings in the Preservice Teacher Education: a study with students and professors enrolled in undergraduate programs
Cunha, Maria Isabel da

Ethnography of medical teaching at an Intensive Care Unit
Menezes, Rachel Aisengart


The Family Healthcare Program and the challenges involved in training professionals and continuing education
Campos, Francisco Eduardo de; Belisário, Soraya Almeida

Family Healthcare: space for reflection and counter-hegemony
Paim, Jairnilson Silva

E daí surge o PSF como uma continuidade e um aperfeiçoamento do PACS
Merhy, Emerson Elias

The challenge of teamwork in providing Family Healthcare: building “new autonomies” in the workplace
Almeida, Maria Cecília Puntel de; Mishima, Silvana Martins

Brief reflections on the Family Healthcare Program…
Nemes Filho, Alexandre

Discussion is open!
Campos, Francisco Eduardo de; Belisário, Soraya de Almeida


Psicanálise: contribuições à prática em Educação
Cromberg, Renata Udler


Thirteen girls and their stories… a study of teenage mothers
Almeida, Margareth Aparecida Santini de

Gravidez na adolescência: um estudo exploratório sobre o início da experiência da gravidez
Foresti, Raquel G. Ribeiro

Leaving adolescence behind with the life (of others) in one’s hands: a study on the ethical training of medical students
Rego, Sergio Tavares de Almeida

Experiences of family members to a person with metal suffering
Moreno, Vânia

Religious pluralism inside urban poor families: power, gender and reproduction
Falcão, Márcia Couto

Brief Notes

Higher Education Symposium: an academic network in the process of consolidation
Morosini, Marília Costa

Open Space

University teaching and the challenges of pedagogical training
Fernandes, Cleoni Maria Barboza

When someone under our care passes away
Figueiredo Junior, Merval Marques

The space for clinical practice
Aragon, Luis Eduardo Ponciano

Edições anteriores