v.6 n.11, ago. 2002

Table of contents



Dossier – Aids

Educational practices and the prevention of HIV/Aids: lessons learned and current challenges
Ayres, José Ricardo Carvalho Mesquita

Beyond magical solutions: prevention of HIV and Aids and the process of “psychosocial emancipation”
Paiva, Vera

Medical culture and reproductive decisions among women infected with Aids
Knauth, Daniela Riva; Barbosa, Regina Maria; Hopkins, Kristine; Pegorario, Marion; Fachini, Regina

Children living with HIV and Support Homes in São Paulo: culture, experiences and housing context
Abadia-Barrero, César Ernesto

Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS in the school environment
Fonseca, Angélica


Betrayal in the University’s workplace
Iguti, Aparecida Mari

The establishment of the physician’s identity: implications for undergraduate medical teaching
Ramos-Cerqueira, Ana Teresa de Abreu; Lima, Maria Cristina Pereira


Evidence Based Medicine: “a new paradigm for teaching and the provision of care?”
Castiel, Luis David; Póvoa, Eduardo Conte

Evidence Based Medicine: “a new paradigm for teaching and the provision of care?”
Atalla, Álvaro Nagib

Evidence Based Medicine: “a new paradigm for teaching and the provision of care?
D’Almeida, Fátima Adriana

Evidence Based Medicine: “a new paradigm for teaching and the provision of care?”
Facchini, Luiz Augusto

Evidence Based Medicine: “a new paradigm for teaching and the provision of care?”
Barata, Rita Barradas

Castiel, Luis David

Póvoa, Eduardo Conte

Brief Notes

The World Social Forum and Health: for the global ethics of life
Merhy, Emerson Elias


Contributions for the development of the curriculum of the Botucatu Medical School: description and analyses of cases from the Pediatrics and Collective Health courses as initiatives for making pedagogical changes in the third year of the medical course
Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb

Changes in medical education: the cases of Londrina and Marília
Feuerwerker, Laura Camargo Macruz

Medical education in Brazil and in Argentina: a comparative approach
Koifman, Lilian

The direction of centers and its metaphors: symbol, action and ethics. Case study
Vázquez Recio, Rosa

Open Space

Three formulas for understanding Durkheims “Suicide”
Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues


Photography in an Orthopedic Ward: researching areas of communication
Pereira, Maria Lúcia Toralles; Sardenberg, Trajano; Mendes, Heloísa Wey Berti

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