v.8 n.14, fev. 2004

Table of contents



Dossier – Health

The biopolitics of health: reflections on Michel Foucault, Agnes Heller e Hannah Arendt
Ortega, Francisco

Biopolitics: medical power and patient autonomy in a new conception of health
Martins, André

The Great Health: an introduction to the Body without Organs medicine
Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues

Care and reconstruction in healthcare practices
Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita


The place, theory and professional practice of the physician: elements for a critical approach to doctor-patient relations in the consulting room
Aciole, Giovanni Gurgel

The process of curricular reform of two medical schools in Brazil and Argentina: a comparative approach
Koifman, Lilian

Explanations proffered by children hospitalized due to illness: implications for communication between healthcare professionals and patients
Perosa, Gimol Benzaquen; Gabarra, Letícia Macedo

Work related osteomuscular diseases: multifactorial etiology and explanatory models
Chiavegato Filho, Luiz Gonzaga; Pereira Jr., Alfredo

The symbolic market: a communication model for public policies
Araújo, Inesita Soares de

Brief Notes

The meeting of Popular Education and Healthcare movements and practices
Stotz, Eduardo Navarro

Africa teaching people
Oliveira, Sidney N. de


Hannah Arendt’s love of politics
Petry, Paulo

The virtual reality library as a collaborative environment
Matos, Andréa Toti

The regionalization of healthcare: an analysis of the demand for Emergency Services / Emergencies at a university hospital
Mendes, Heloisa Wey Berti

The teaching of Odontology in the state of São Paulo: the conceptions of quality among the coordinators of Odontology courses
Secco, Luciane Gabeira

Open Space

We and the “Twelfth”: novel thoughts on the most novel Health Conference in the country
Xavier, Caco

Inovação na Educação Superior
Masetto, Marcos


The Body and Health
Monteiro, João

Taller Experimental Cuerpos pintados

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