v.8 n.15, mar./ago. 2004

Table of contents



Editor Notes

Editor Notes

Dossier – Time

Considerations on the idea of time in St. Augustine, Hume and Kant
Carneiro, Marcelo Carbone

Being and time in Bergson
Coelho, Jonas Gonçalves

The unicity and multiplicity of time: a transdisciplinary approach
Pereira Júnior, Alfredo; Guerrini, Ivan Amaral


Popular education in primary care: in search of comprehensive health care
Albuquerque, Paulette Cavalcanti de; Stotz, Eduardo Navarro

Participation and disabled people’s growing awareness of how to exercise their rights: an analysis of a community experience
Oliver, Fátima Corrêa; Tissi, Maria Cristina; Aoki, Marta; Vargem, Ester de Fátima; Ferreira, Taísa Gomes

Community participation in health management: an evaluation of the UNI Program experience
Mercer, Hugo; Ruiz, Violeta Adrina

Innovations in the education of social workers: an investigation concerning the impact of changes in the curriculum that attempt to incorporate new models of teaching and learning
Preciado Jiménez, Susana Aurelia; Covarrubias Ortiz, Elba; Alcaraz Munguía, Claudia Angélica; Arias Soto, Mireya Patricia

An analysis of the concept of the quality of teaching among course coordinators in the Sao Paulo schools of dentistry
Secco, Luciane Gabeira; Pereira, Maria Lúcia Toralles

Intersectoral approach: a practical experience or a challenge to be met? The Collective Subject Discourse of nurses in the Family Health Centers of the Western District – Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
Paula, Kelly Andressa de; Palha, Pedro Fredemir; Protti, Simone Teresinha

Theaching of health and the curricula of schools of veterinary medicine: a case study
Pfuetzenreiter, Márcia Regina; Zylbersztajn, Arden


Máquinas de sentido: processos comunicacionais em saúde
Araújo, Inesita Soares de


The building of clinical competence: from the concept of planning teaching to the expression of learning among nursing graduate students
Dell’Acqua, Magda Cristina Queiroz

Study on technics and health
Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues

An integrated clinic: experimentations on family health program
Mendes, Vera Lúcia Ferreira

Failure at school and the conditions of the lives of children from seven to ten years, in Sobral, Ceará
Sucupira, Ana Cecília

Healthcare and aging: the issue of caring for one’s self
Lima, Ângela Maria Machado de

Open Space

The dilemmas and challenges of professional training in health
Amâncio Filho, Antenor

A report on what was learned in the medical practice observation stage
Nobre, Moacyr Roberto Cuce; Domingues, Rachel Zanetta de Lima; Yamaguishi, Mariana Lie; Shiroma, Marcos Eiji

An inter-disciplinary experiment with health professionals carried out by psychoanalysts
Hirchzon, Cecilia Luiza Montag; Ditolvo, Heloisa Helena Sitrângulo


Dogville or when life is reduced to an endless cycle of production and consumption
Lima, Elizabeth Maria Freire de Araújo

Marcas, 2002, Botucatu, SP
Alvarenga, Elisete

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