Table of contents
Dossier – Health Family Program
Team supervision in the Family Health Program: reflections concerning the challenge of producing care
Matumoto, Silvia; Fortuna, Cinira Magali; Mishima, Silvana Martins; Pereira, Maria José Bistafa; Domingos, Nélio Augusto Mesquita
Team work in the PSF: investigating the technical articulation and interaction among professionals
Silva, Iêda Zilmara de Queiroz Jorge da; Trad, Leny A. Bomfim
A health education model for the Family Health Program: towards comprehensive health care and model reorientation
Alves, Vânia Sampaio
Ruptures and resolutions in the health care model: reflections on the Family Health Strategy based on Kuhn’s categories
Scherer, Magda Duarte dos Anjos; Marino, Selma Regina Andrade; Ramos, Flávia Regina Souza
Medical education according to a resistance pedagogy
Pereira, Ondina Pena; Almeida, Tãnia Mara Campos de
Once upon a time… fairy tales and psychodrama to help students at the end of the medical course
Ramos-Cerqueira, Ana Teresa de Abreu; Lima, Maria Cristina Pereira; Torres, Albina Rodrigues; Reis, José Roberto Tozoni; Fonseca, Neusa Maria Vilela
Compliance with treatment groups: a teaching and learning arena for healthcare professionals and patients
Silveira, Lia Márcia Cruz da; Ribeiro, Victoria Maria Brant
Discussing the relation between space and learning in the training of health professionals
Fagundes, Norma Carapiá; Burnham, Teresinha Fróes
Drug consumption prevention programs in Brazil: analysis of the scientific production from 1991 to 2001
Canoletti, Bianca; Soares, Cássia Baldini
Hermeneutics and narrative: mothers’ experience of children affected by epidermolysis bullosa
Caprara, Andrea; Veras, Maria do Socorro Castro e
Health from the viewpoint of institutionalized senior citizens: getting to know and value their opinion
Freire Júnior, Renato Campos; Tavares, Maria de Fátima Lobato
Permanent Education in the Healthcare field: an ambitious and necessary challenge
Ceccim, Ricardo Burg
Comentarios estimulados por la lectura del artículo “Educação permanente em saúde: desafio ambicioso e necessário”
Rovere, Mario
O desafio que a educação permanente tem em si: a pedagogia da implicação
Merhy, Emerson Elias
Ceccim, Ricardo Burg
Brief Notes
1º Seminário Nacional de Saúde da População Negra
Santos, Maria José Pereira dos
Ameaça de identidade e permanência da pessoa
L’Abbate, Solange
Open university for senior citizens at the Sagrado Coração university: a case study
Ferro Machado, Fabiana
The quest for humanized care: the perception of the hospitalized senior citizen
Cristina Prochet, Teresa
Conditions of life and health of physically handicapped people in Botucatu
Dantas Pacheco, Rosiane
Mouth health: development of an educational program at a Bauru public school
Regina Colombo Pauleto, Adriana
Open Space
The construction of a complex and transdisciplinary health model
Spagnuolo, Regina Stella; Guerrini, Ivan Amaral
The living newspaper: description of a teaching/learning experience in the health field
Ruiz-Moreno, Lídia; Romaña, Maria Alicia; Batista, Sylvia Helena; Martins, Maria Aparecida
“Give blood” project
Bossolan, Regina Pagotto; Pompiani, Paulo de Alencar; Hokama, Newton Key; Perosa, Gimol Benzaquen; Toralles-Pereira, Maria Lúcia; Zanini, José Mauro