v.9 n.17, mar./ago. 2005

Table of contents



Dossier – Collective intelligence

The performance of primary healthcare from the perspective of collective intelligence
Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues

On a new community concept: social networks, personal communities, collective intelligence
Costa, Rogério da

The collective construction of the Virtual Healthcare Library
Packer, Abel Laerte


The new transcultural psychiatry and the reformulation of the relationship between words and things
Peres, Maria Fernanda Tourinho; Almeida Filho, Naomar Monteiro de

Reception and attachment: integral practices in health care administration in large urban centers
Gomes, Márcia Constância Pinto Aderne; Pinheiro, Roseni

The professional trajectory of five physicians working in the Family Health Program: the challenges of building a new practice
Rocha, Ana Angélica Ribeiro de Meneses e

Intuition, thought and action in the clinic
Guimarães, Maria Beatriz Lisboa

On the relation between education and psychoanalysis in the context of new forms of subjectivity
Maciel, Maria Regina

The devil in “artificial paradises”: thoughts on healthcare communication policies regarding drug consumption
Marinho, Mônica Benfica

An experiment with PBL in higher education as appraised by the teacher and students
Ribeiro, Luis Roberto de Camargo; Mizukami, Maria da Graça

Competence: different approaches and implications in the training of healthcare professionals
Lima, Valéria Vernaschi

The knowledge of oral health of undergraduate students of Pedagogy
Ferreira, Jainara Maria Soares; Massoni, Andreza Cristina de Lima Targino; Forte, Franklin Delano Soares; Sampaio, Fábio Correia


The humanization of healthcare: a new fad?
Benevides, Regina; Passos, Eduardo

Humanization as a conflictive, collective and contextual process
Gastaldo, Denise

The humanization of healthcare: a project for defending life?
Campos, Gastão Wagner de Sousa

The ethical and political humanization project: concepts, methods and identity
Deslandes, Suely Ferreira

Benevides, Regina; Passos, Eduardo


Las historias en los tiempos del cólera
Fausto Neto, Antônio

Parto normal ou cesárea? O que toda mulher deve saber (e todo homem também)
Rattner, Daphne

A mediação da cultura docente na formação médica
Amoretti, Rogério


Looking after caretakers: cartographical notes regarding institutional intervention for setting up a healthcare team as a changing device for the production of life
Fortuna, Cinira Magali

Encounters and divergence between healthcare workers and users in transformation: a cartographic rehearsal of welcoming reception
Matumoto, Silvia

Teaching Medicine through Medical Humanities: an analysis of the movie “And the band played on” and its use in medical teaching and learning activities
Pereira, Ricardo Tapajós Martins Coelho

Public policies and social movements: attention to childhood and the Family’ Health Program
Malfitano, Ana Paula Serrata

The virus-like power of life: affection, writing and subjectivity
Donini, Ângela

Open Space

Occupational therapy and mental health: building places for social inclusion
Ribeiro, Marli B. Santos; Oliveira, Luiz Roberto de

The healthcare agent and change: from amazement to enchantment
Bichuetti, Jorge; Mishima, Silvana Martins; Matumoto, Silvia; Fortuna, Cinira Magali

O processo criativo e a tessitura de projetos acadêmicos de pesquisa
Pontes, Carlos Antonio Alves; Menezes Filho, Abel; Costa, André Monteiro


Doutores da ética da alegria
Masetti, Morgana

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