This article presents the educational processes that constituted strategies for the implementation of the National Policy for Popular Education in Health in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) and were developed with the pedagogical perspective of Popular Education (PE), as substantiated by Paulo Freire. These are namely: the Popular Education Course on Health for Community and Health Surveillance Agents (EDPOPSUS), the Research and Extension Project “Extension Experiences in Popular Education and Health in SUS” (VEPOP-SUS) and the Historical and Political Education Course for Students of the Health Care Area (FHP). Contextualization and methodological details of these experiences were pointed out, as well as approximations, complementarities and differences between them. Through explicit dimensions and approaches, it is indicated that the PE constitutes a powerful theoretical and methodological path for health education from the perspective of good living and human emancipation.
Keywords: Popular education in health; Learning; Health education; Professional education in public health; Community participation.