Experimentations and reflections on institutional support within healthcare: study starting from HumanizaSUS

SILVA, Fabio Hebert da; BARROS, Maria Elizabeth Barros de  e  MARTINS, Cátia Paranhos. Experimentations and reflections on institutional support within healthcare: study starting from HumanizaSUS.Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.55, pp. 1157-1168.  Epub 18-Ago-2015. ISSN 1807-5762.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622013.0280.

The questions and reflections that make up this paper were constructed starting from the course followed by consultants within the National Humanization Policy (PNH) of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) in discussions with healthcare-sector workers. Experiences from training courses and discussions at workers’ healthcare reference centers (CERESTs) in the northern region of Brazil and participation in the National Committee for Health Promotion among SUS Workers and the SUS National Permanent Negotiation Table are presented. Some questions on the topic of health and work are formulated, with the aim of contributing through this debate towards indicating the positions adopted and proposals made within the PNH in experimentations within SUS. Creation of collective strategies for dealing with contextual challenges and making interventions, while considering the work as a process, may expand the power of collective action among healthcare-sector workers.

Palavras-chave : Institutional support; HumanizaSUS; Healthcare work; Occupational health.

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