Homosexual experiences of adolescents: considerations for healthcare

TAQUETTE, Stella Regina  e  RODRIGUES, Adriana de Oliveira.Homosexual experiences of adolescents: considerations for healthcare. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.55, pp. 1181-1191.  Epub 21-Ago-2015. ISSN 1807-5762.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-57622014.0504.

We aimed to ascertain the meanings of homosexual relationships among adolescents, in view of contexts of vulnerability that involve exercising sexuality in a homophobic society. We conducted interviews with nine male and four female adolescents who sought healthcare attendance and reported having homosexual experiences. For some of the boys, the homosexual experience occurred circumstantially, due to curiosity and experimentation; for others, it was associated with prostitution. For most of them, it was related to self-reported homosexual identity. Among the girls, two meanings stood out: homosexual activity associated with love and as a possible reaction to sexual violence suffered before the start of the homosexual experience. All the interviewees said that they had never been asked or guided about homosexuality at healthcare services. This study shows that there is a need for a comprehensive healthcare policy for this population, whose sexuality is different from the hegemonic pattern of society.

Palavras-chave : Adolescence; Homosexuality; Sexual and reproductive rights; Homophobia; Sexual violence.

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