ANDRADE, Selma Regina de; VIDOR, Ana Cristina; RIBEIRO, Janara Caroline e RIBEIRO, Cely Edna Pereira. Indicators and Care Network: an experience of the Education for Work in Health Surveillance Program. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, suppl.1, pp. 913-922. ISSN 1807-5762.
This paper reports the teaching-service integration experience, provided by the Education for Work in Health Surveillance Program, between students of the Santa Catarina Federal University and the professionals in the service of the Health Department Epidemiological Monitoring Service at Florianópolis, Brazil. This experience is related to the implementation of a project concerned with the analysis and monitoring of universal health indicators, by public managers, from the healthcare network perspective. Among other activities, it was possible to develop historical analyses and investigate indicators and monitoring instruments. Such actions enabled the integration of students to surveillance working dynamics and simultaneously contributed to the health services structuring, facilitating the improvement of the Health Surveillance processes and the Academy’s approach to the realities of public health.
Palavras-chave : Brazilian Health System; Education; Public health professional; Teaching care integration services; Public Health Surveillance indicators.