Inter-capitalistic disputes, biomedicalization and hegemonic medical model


Inter-capitalistic disputes, biomedicalization and hegemonic medical model


IRIART, Celia  e  MERHY, Emerson Elias.

Interface (Botucatu)[online]. In press. .  Epub 23-Jan-2017. ISSN 1807-5762.

This paper is situated on the field of study of the working/productive process and the technological transition in health care. It examines the entrance of financial capital groups in the health sector and their struggles with the medical-industrial complex. It puts forward a comprehension of how the capitalist sectors, leaders of the restructuration of the working process in health, bet on the power of the creation of new subjectivities in order to transform and consolidate the current hegemonic medical model and the production/reproduction of the ways of the capitalism’s agency role. We use the concept of biomedicalization to understand a radical stage of medicalization, a commonly used concept, albeit insufficient to understand the observed changes. The comprehension of these phenomena allows the recognition of resistances and “lines of flight” that could allow for non-mercantilist options in health, which may create autonomy and reinforce the value of individual and collective life.

Key words : Medical-industrial-financial complex; Hegemonic medical model; Biomedicalization; Resistances and creation of new subjectivities; Market and health.

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