COVELO, Bárbara Souza Rodriguez e BADARO-MOREIRA, Maria Inês.Links between family and mental health services: family members’ participation in care for mental distress. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.55, pp. 1133-1144. Epub 08-Set-2015. ISSN 1807-5762.
Family members’ participation in care for mental distress is discussed through participant observation and interviews. It was possible to build up an analytical body of data on how the dimensions of care and distress are constituted within the family sphere. The data were treated through content analysis. Family members reported that they lacked time and space to take care of themselves, which caused discomfort because of the mental distress present in their lives. A territorial caregiving network is indicated as support for family members who play important roles within care provision. They have a need to talk about their day-to-day struggles, but healthcare services do not have strategies for attracting them towards participation, which gives rise to difficulty in making progress towards deinstitutionalization. Moments for listening to and comprehending family distress are presented as ways of welcoming and caring for family members.
Palavras-chave : Mental Health; Family; Psychosocial attention; Networks.