BARROS, Débora Santos Lula; SILVA, Dayde Lane Mendonça e LEITE, Silvana Nair. Management of drug therapy by elderly people’s caregivers. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.54, pp. 527-536. Epub Set-2015. ISSN 1807-5762.
Aging of the population is increasing the number of caregivers of elderly people in Brazil. Pharmacotherapy involves a complex system of activities and its management is among the tasks performed these caregivers. Moreover, management of drug therapy may be subject to various problems relating to its implementation. In particular, there are difficulties in drug administration, lack of access to drugs, obstacles against conducting clinical observation and challenges in establishing effective communication between elderly people and healthcare professionals. The present study consists of a review that aims to expand the discussions on the abovementioned issues so as to provide theoretical support to programs and services within the field of gerontology.
Palavras-chave : Drugs; Elderly people; Caregivers; Management of drug therapy.