AMADOR, Arthur Calheiros e CASTRO, Eliane Dias de. The Collective (with) Laziness: meetings, streams, breaks and arts. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.56, pp. 267-280. ISSN 1807-5762.
The aim is to present some aspects of artistic production, the moments of creation and aspects that make work the Collective Laziness, – group device of experimentation in artistic languages and practices – which were born in actions developed in the interface between art and health and production. It was gained autonomy and emancipated itself in the forms of production and occupation of cultural territories. Training, participants, artistic languages and image inscription articulate a state of production-process based on the affections, in coexistence and equality of intelligence. These points deeply look at the poetic and expressive uttered fields and propose a common experience of research and inscription of the productions in the artistic cultural circuit. Artistic production is crossed by external or internal agents to the group and is a reciprocal influence that strengthens the collective body, and the participants.
Palavras-chave : Art; Creation; Collective; Subjectivity.