The judicialization of Health in the perception of physician’s prescribing


The judicialization of Health in the perception of physician’s prescribing

CAMPOS NETO, Orozimbo Henriques; GONCALVES, Luiz Alberto Oliveira  e  ANDRADE, Eli Iola Gurgel. The judicialization of Health in the perception of physician’s prescribing. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.64, pp.165-176.  Epub 05-Jun-2017. ISSN 1414-3283.

This paper analyzes the possible interference of the pharmaceutical industry in prescriptions drugs used in lawsuits against the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). It presents the survey used to build the database with lawsuits by drugs, procedures and equipment for the treatment of various diseases against the State of Minas Gerais. It is the analysis of the perception of the prescribers in order to know their respective positions in relation to the theme of the interference of the pharmaceutical industry in decisionmaking relating to lawsuits. The theoretical model and methodology used highlights the profile of the interviewees. Finally, it exposes in detail the analysis of the perceptions of prescribers, correlating them with the topic of the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in the current growth of lawsuits.

Keywords : Judicial decisions; Physicians; Drug industry.

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