BAUM, Carlos e MARASCHIN, Cleci. Workshops and video games: mental health production?. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.59, pp.1053-1062. Epub 15-Ago-2016. ISSN 1807-5762.
This paper discusses the experience of children and adolescents participating in technological workshops in a mental health service, focusing on the use of video games. The aim is to explore the game beyond its educational use, analyzing whether they constitute tools for intervention in the mental health field. Analyzes of field journals extracts allowed to point out that the experience of playing can offer new conditions for the experimentation of self, being an occasion for the establishment of a regulatory function, capable of producing new rules of life and relationship. Video games are participatory spaces and experimentation of self because they invite players to inhabit new experience contexts and therefore, stand as an interesting feature in the mental health field.
Palavras-chave : Video games; Workshops; Mental health; Autopoiesis; Experience of the self.