v.18 supl.1, 2014

Table of contents


Pereira, Eduardo Henrique Passos; Oliveira, Gustavo Nunes de; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Souza, Tadeu de Paula


Support function: from the institutional change to the institutionalization of change
Paulon, Simone Mainieri; Pasche, Dário Frederico; Righi, Liane Beatriz

What is the potential of institutional support for the public health field?
Maia, Miguel Angelo Barbosa; Neves, Claudia Abbês Baêta

 Institutional support: democratic strategy in the everyday practices of the Brazilian Health System (SUS)
Andrade, Maria Angélica Carvalho; Barros, Sibelle Maria Martins de; Maciel, Noíse Pina; Sodré, Francis; Lima, Rita de Cássia Duarte

The development of the project “Networking Support” as an institutional strategy
Paixão, Lara; Tavares, Maria de Fátima Lobato

Comanagement and the intervention process of supporters of the National Humanization Policy (PNH)
Calderon, Daniela Baumgart de Liz; Verdi, Marta Inez Machado

The “caipira” supporter: the challange/art of articulating regional networks from single territories/wishes
Yahn, Pedro Ivo Freitas de Carvalho; Yasui, Silvio

Support research: participatory research and the Paideia method of institutional support
Furlan, Paula Giovana; Campos, Gastão Wagner de Sousa

Institutional support within Brazilian Health System (SUS): the dilemmas of integration between federal states and comanagement
Pereira Júnior, Nilton; Campos, Gastão Wagner de Sousa

Institutional support and militancy in the Brazilian Health Sistem: a reflection on the challenges of subjects’ mobilization in health production.
Salgado, Ana Cristina Soeiro; Pena, Ricardo Sparapan; Caldeira, Luiz Wagner Dias

Support as care for existential territory: Primary Care and the street
Macerata, Iacã; Soares, José Guilherme Neves; Ramos, Julia Florêncio Carvalho

Paideia support as a methodology for healthcare education processes
Figueiredo, Mariana Dorsa; Campos, Gastão Wagner de Sousa

Territorial support and multi-referential team: cartographies of the confluence between the method of support and the guidelines for harm reduction at a street-level among crack users and at the health network in the city of Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Souza, Tadeu de Paula; Carvalho, Sérgio Resende

Institutional support as one of the faces of the support function in Family Health Support Centers (FHSCs): going beyond the guidelines
Moura, Renata Heller de; Luzio, Cristina Amélia

Network management and institutional support: pathways in assembling mental health networks within the regional scenario of the National Health System (SUS)
Almeida, Aline Barreto de; Aciole, Geovani Gurgel

Application of Paideia methodology to institutional support, matrix support and expanded clinical practice
Campos, Gastão Wagner de Sousa; Figueiredo, Mariana Dorsa; Pereira Júnior, Nilton; Castro, Cristiane Pereira de

Institutional support as a conducting wire for the Maternity Hospital Qualification Plan: the National Humanization Policy defending Brazilian women and children’s lives
Vasconcelos, Michele de Freitas Faria de; Martins, Cátia Paranhos; Machado, Dagoberto de Oliveira

Institutional support and analysis of work in healthcare: evaluative dimensions and experiences in the Brazilian Health System (SUS)
Santos Filho, Serafim Barbosa

 Institutional support and the experience of the National Humanization Policy (PNH) in Freguesia do Ó, Brasilândia, São Paulo, Brazil
Pavan, Cleusa; Trajano, Ana Rita Castro

Experience of an educacion process linking humanization and institutional support within healthcare work
Roza, Monica Maria Raphael da; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Guedes, Carla Ribeiro; Santos Filho, Serafim Barbosa

Clinic-school: innovative institutional support to the practices of management and health care as part of the teaching-work integration
Saldanha, Olinda Maria de Fátima Lechmann; Pereira, Ana Lúcia Bender; Medeiros, Cássia Regina Gotler; Dhein, Gisele; Koetz, Lydia Christmann Espindola; Schwertner, Suzana Feldens; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg

Institutional support and co-management: the experience of the National Humanization Policy in Brazilian Health System (BHS) at the Federal District (FD), Brazil
Mori, Maria Elizabeth; de Oliveira, Olga Vania Matoso

 Institutional support as a method of analysis-intervention in Primary Health Care of the Federal District, Brazil
Shimizu, Helena Eri; Martins, Teresa

Institutional support – reordering of work processes: seeds sown for reflection-inducing management
Maerschner, Rosane de Lucca; Bastos, Evelyne Nunes Ervedosa; Gomes, Annatália Meneses de Amorim; Jorge, Maria Salete Bessa; Diniz, Selma Antunes Nunes

Experimentation with support as proposed in the National Humanization Policy – “Humanize SUS”
Martins, Catia Paranhos; Luzio, Cristina Amélia

Open Space

Institutional support as a device for implementing reception in healthcare services
Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Roza, Mônica Maria Raphael da; Guedes, Carla Ribeiro; Oliveira, Gustavo Nunes de

Statements by healthcare professionals about their experiences in situations of tragedy: the perspective of the Brazilian Humanization Policy (PNH)
Falk, Maria Lucia Rodrigues; Gonçalves, Ana Valéria Furquim; Santos, Denise Severo dos; Oliveira, Francisco Jorge Arsego Quadros de; Fagundes, Lani Brito; Ramos, Marcia Ziebell; Sikilero, Regina Helena Alves Salazar

The regional support in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an experience report
Pinheiro, Roseni; Peres, Ana Maria Auler Matheus; Velloso, Gabriel; Caldas, Marcela de Souza

Institutional support as a management guideline of the 7th Regional Health Board, Bahia, Brazil
Pinheiro, Mariza Eduane Costa; Jesus, Ligia Maria Martins de


Matricial and institucional support in Health: interview with Gastão Wagner de Sousa Campos
Righi, Liane Beatriz

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