v.19 n.53, abr./jun. 2015

Table of contents


Towards a specific field of studies on migratory and health processes within Public Health
Goldberg, Alejandro; Martin, Denise; Silveira, Cássio


The concept of vulnerability and its biosocial nature
Oviedo, Rafael Antônio Malagón; Czeresnia, Dina

Structure, organization and working processes within tuberculosis control in municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Cunha, Natasha Ventura da; Cavalcanti, Maria de Lourdes Tavares; Santos, Maria Lúcia Freitas dos; Araújo, Vanusa de Lemos Andrade; Cruz, Débora Medeiros de Oliveira e; Pessanha, Gabriela Fonte; Kale, Pauline Lorena; Costa, Antonio José Leal

Strategic planning as an ethical requirement for primary healthcare teams and local management
Junges, José Roque; Barbiani, Rosangela; Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone

Violence in the lives of homeless women in the city of São Paulo, Brazil
Rosa, Anderson da Silva; Brêtas, Ana Cristina Passarella

Psychologists’ actions in disaster situations: reflections based on practice
Weintraub, Ana Cecília Andrade de Moraes; Noal, Débora da Silva; Vicente, Letícia Nolasco; Knobloch, Felícia

Communication of healthcare workers and users in caring for children under two years old in the context of a family health unit
Coriolano-Marinus, Maria Wanderleya de Lavor; Andrade, Rebecca Soares de; Ruiz-Moreno, Lidia; Lima, Luciane Soares de

From invisibility to epidemic: the narrative construction of autism in the Brazilian press
Rios, Clarice; Ortega, Francisco; Zorzanelli, Rafaela; Nascimento, Leonardo Fernandes

Health and prevention at schools: elements for evaluating social projects in Juazeiro, Bahia, Brazil
Ribeiro, Marcelo Silva de Souza; Ribeiro, Carla Valois

Multiprofessional residency in family health: the conceptions of healthcare professionals regarding nutritionists’ performance
Santos, Irani Gomes dos; Batista, Nildo Alves; Devincenzi, Macarena Urrestarazu

New reorientation spaces for healthcare education: students’ experiences
Leal, Juliana Alves Leite; Melo, Cristina Maria Meira de; Veloso, Rafaela Braga Pereira; Juliano, Iraildes Andrade

Paradigms and trends in higher education: the action research methodology as a teacher education strategy
Mendonça, Erica Toledo de; Cotta, Rosângela Minardi Mitre; Lelis, Vicente de Paula; Carvalho Junior, Paulo Marcondes

Open Space

Education, cinema and childhood: a look at cinema practices in a university hospital
Omelczuk, Fernanda; Fresquet, Adriana; Santi, Angela Medeiros

Training on alcohol and other drugs for health and social care professionals: report on experience
Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da; Mota, Daniela Cristina Belchior; Cruvinel, Erica; Paiva, Fernando Santana de; Gomide, Henrique Pinto; Souza, Isabel Cristina Weiss de; Martins, Leonardo Fernandes; Silveira, Pollyanna Santos da; Ronzani, Telmo Mota


Matrix support in Mental Health: constructing new ways of relation and intervention
Hirdes, Alice

Brief Notes

Meeting Art, Health and Culture: sharing knowledge and experiences in interface
Lopes, Isabel Cristina; Valent, Isabela Umbuzeiro; Buelau, Renata Monteiro

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