v.20 n.57, abr./jun. 2016

Table of contents


Where’s the patient’s voice in health professional education?
Towle, Angela


The waste of experience and precariousness of life: contemporary political moment of the Brazilian response to aids
Seffner, Fernando; Parker, Richard

Non-Governmental Organizations for Tuberculosis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: reasons and interests in the first decade of century XXI
Santos, Vivian Albuquerque Abreu dos; Souza, Fabiana Barbosa Assumpção de; Cunha, Fátima Teresinha Scarparo

Therapeutic design in Mental Health: practices and procedures in dimensions constituents of psychosocial care
Vasconcelos, Mardênia Gomes Ferreira; Jorge, Maria Salete Bessa; Catrib, Ana Maria Fontenelle; Bezerra, Indara Cavalcante; Franco, Túlio Batista

 The team as a place of education: the continuing education in a psychosocial attention center of alcohol and other drugs
Silva, Daniela Luciana Silva e; Knobloch, Felícia

Network Support: HumanizaSUS Network connecting possibilities in cyberspace
Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues; Ferigato, Sabrina; Lopes, Dalton Martins; Matielo, Daniela de Carvalho; Sardenberg, Maria Luiza; Silva, Patrícia; Martins, Luciane Régio; Pedroza, Rejane Guedes

The impact of internet on patients interaction: new scenarios in health
Frossard, Vera Cecília; Dias, Maria Clara Marques

Production of meanings among adolescents about self care during the pregnancy
Araujo, Nayara Bueno de; Mandú, Edir Nei Teixeira

Expression of the governmentality process in Health Care Residencies
Dallegrave, Daniela; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg

Family health nurses’ teaching practice in the health education development
Almeida, Edmar Rocha; Moutinho, Cinara Botelho; Leite, Maisa Tavares de Souza

University teachers’ development: an (im) possible task?
Vasconcellos, Maura Maria Morita; Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes de

Interprofessional collaboration: a case study between managers, teachers and family health professionals
Rocha, Francisca Alanny Araújo; Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha; Moreira, Ana Ester Maria Melo

Teaching in health: perceptions of graduates of a Nursing specialization course
Freitas, Maria Aparecida de Oliveira; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador

Teachers’ knowledge about teaching-learning process and its importance for professional education in health
Freitas, Daniel Antunes; Santos, Emanuele Mariano de Souza; Lima, Lucy Vieira da Silva; Miranda, Lays Nogueira; Vasconcelos, Eveline Lucena; Nagliate, Patrícia de Carvalho

Integrated Health Practices I: an innovative experience through inter-curricular integration and interdisciplinarity
Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti; Lewgoy, Alzira Maria Baptista

Open Space

When joy enters into the health center: an experience of health promotion in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bang, Claudia; Stolkiner, Alicia; Corín, Marcela

Lifelong Education on Mental Health: experience report
Medeiros, Gabriel Teixeira de; Nascimento, Fernando Aparecido Figueira do; Pavòn, Renato Gomes; Silveira, Fernando de Almeida

Development and implementation of a virtual learning environment in health education: a design-based research experience
Struchiner, Miriam; Ramos, Paula; Serpa Junior, Octavio Domont de


Clinical Medicine, Public Health and subjectivity: conversations with David Armstrong
Carvalho, Sergio Resende


Saúde, corpo e sociedade
Paula, Maria Fernanda Aidê Caldeira Brant Teixeira; Barros, Nelson Filice

Etnografias em serviços de Saúde
Rasia, José Miguel

Brief Notes

Multiplying genders in health practices
Val, Alexandre Costa; Gomes, Gabriela de Lima; Dias, Fernando Machado Vilhena

Download the full volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/v-20-n-57-abr-jun-2016.pdf

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