Table of contents
The Popular Education’s contribution to professional education in health
Vasconcelos, Eymard Mourão; Cruz, Pedro José Santos Carneiro; Prado, Ernande Valentin do
Community perceptions about dengue prevention in human settlements. Lima-Perú, 2015
Carmona, Gloria; Donaires, Luis Fernando
Violence as perceived by adolescent males in the affective-sexual interaction, in ten Brazilian cities
Cecchetto, Fátima; Oliveira, Queiti Batista Moreira; Njaine, Kathie; Minayo, Maria Cecília de Souza
Health care of children and adolescents in situation of sexual violence, in four Brazilian capitals
Deslandes, Suely Ferreira; Vieira, Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza; Cavalcanti, Ludmila Fontenele; Silva, Raimunda Magalhães da
The integration of the Emergency Care Units (UPA) with healthcare services in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Konder, Mariana Teixeira; O’Dwyer, Gisele
Difficult patients in primary health care: between care and order
Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone; Santos, Deisy Vital dos; Schveitzer, Mariana Cabral
Patient centred care in interprofessional collaborative practice
Agreli, Heloise Fernandes; Peduzzi, Marina; Silva, Mariana Charantola
Mental health care, risk and territory: crosscutting issues in the context of safety society
Barbosa, Valquiria Farias Bezerra; Caponi, Sandra Noemi Cucurullo de; Verdi, Marta Inez Machado
Weaving of the health bond on the family situation of chronic illness
Soares, Juliana de Lima; Araújo, Laura Filomena Santos de; Bellato, Roseney; Petean, Elen
Co-constyruction of the healthcare autonomy for person with diabetes
Baade, Rosilei Teresinha Weiss; Bueno, Edison
“Sadness kills!”: Social representations of people who have vitiligo assisted in the pharmacy of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Szabo, Iolanda; Brandão, Elaine Reis
From pathological to hygienic: the modern homes and the printed press in Brazil in the post-Second World War
Kobayashi, Elizabete Mayumy; Hochman, Gilberto
In-between policies (CEH – Continuing Education in Health and NHP – Humanization National Policy): Towards a way to educate in/ for the Brazilian National Health System (SUS)
Vasconcelos, Michele de Freitas Faria de; Nicolotti, Célia Adriana; Silva, Jeane Felix da; Pereira, Sônia Maria Lievori do Rego
The parrhesia as a formative experience dedicated to healthcare professionals
Maraschin, Renata; Dametto, Jarbas
The writing of narratives and the development of collaborative practices for teamwork
Oliveira, Cláudia Maria de; Batista, Nildo Alves; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva; Uchôa-Figueiredo, Lúcia da Rocha
Teaching-service integration and its interface in the context of reorienting health education
Vendruscolo, Carine; Ferraz, Fabiane; Prado, Marta Lenise do; Kleba, Maria Elisabeth; Reibnitz, Kenya Schmidt
Environment, health and work: generating subjects for education in health and safety at work in Acre, Brazil
Ribeiro, Josina Maria Pontes; Araújo-Jorge, Tania Cremonini de; Bessa Neto, Vicente
Palliative care training: experience of medical and nursing students
Costa, Álvaro Percínio; Poles, Kátia; Silva, Alexandre Ernesto
Open Space
Workshops and video games: mental health production?
Baum, Carlos; Maraschin, Cleci
Points, connections and seams: weaving an experiment from Bachelard’s the scientific pedagogy
Gazzinelli, Maria Flávia; Fernandes, Marconi Moura; Soares, Amanda Nathale; Barroso, Viviane Gonçalves
ADHD, education and culture: an interview with Ilina Singh (Part 1)
Santos, Luís Henrique Sacchi dos; Freitas, Claudia Rodrigues de
Resistir para experimentar parir: corporalidade, subjetividade e feminismo entre mulheres que buscam o parto humanizado no Brasil
Ferraz, Dulce Aurélia de Souza
Brief Notes
Pharmacists as part of mental health care teams in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS): a collective reflection in the city of São Paulo
Fegadolli, Claudia; Neder, Cibele de Toledo Câmara; Marques, Dirce Cruz; Spedo, Sandra Maria; Pinto, Nicanor Rodrigues da Silva; Hernandez, Ivette Reyes
Forms, formers and fragments: performance and auto-ethnographic exploration of gaps, breaches and cracks in academic knowledge production
Brilhante, Aline Veras Morais; Moreira, Cláudio