Table of contents
The “Paulista way”; building collective health in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mota, André; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita
HumanizaSUS policy: anchoring a ship in space
Martins, Catia Paranhos; Luzio, Cristina Amélia
The institutionalization of monitoring and evaluation practices: challenges and prospects in the view of the Brazilian National Health System managers
Carvalho, André Luis Bonifácio de; Shimizu, Helena Eri
Analysis of didactic and informative materials about dengue in Argentina
Garelli, Fernando; Sanmartino, Mariana; Dumrauf, Ana
Perceptions of professionals in an intersectorial network about the assistance of women in situation of violence
Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni; Hasse, Mariana
The workers’ perceptions about the multiprofessional team work at a Psychosocial Care Center in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Anjos Filho, Nilton Correia dos; Souza, Ana Maria Portela de
The paradoxes of teamwork at a Pediatric Intensive Unit: exploring the psychosocial joints in health care
Backes, Juliana Cristina; Azevedo, Creuza da Silva
The PET-Networks as transformer of practices of a Psychosocial Care Center
Rézio, Larissa de Almeida; Caetano, Daniele Aparecida Fernandes; Borges, Flávio Adriano; Fortuna, Cinira Magali
Biopolitical mutations and discourses about normality: foucaultian actualizations in the biotechnological age
Gaudenzi, Paula
Narratives on Down syndrome in Brazil’s International Disability Film Festival Assim Vivemos
Gilbert, Ana Cristina Bohrer
Judicial measures related to the mental health ofteenagers in conflict with the law
Soares, Ricardo Henrique; Oliveira, Márcia Aparecida Ferreira de; Leite, Keler Cristina; Nascimento, Gustavo Chiesa Gouveia
Mandatory food labeling of trans fat acids: qualitative analysis of the public consultation
Davies, Vanessa Fernandes; Jaime, Patricia Constante
Bodies in the “edge” and risk in resistance training: ethnography about acute and chronic pains
Silva, Alan Camargo; Ferreira, Jaqueline
“My story of overcoming”: suffering, testimony and therapeutic practices in cancer narratives
Lerner, Kátia; Vaz, Paulo
Reflective Portfolio: philosophical contributions to a narrative praxis in medical education
Stelet, Bruno Pereira; Romano, Valéria Ferreira; Carrijo, Ana Paula Borges; Teixeira Junior, Jorge Esteves
Betting on change in medical education: trajectories of a medical school
Teófilo, Tiago José Silveira; Santos, Nereida Lúcia Palko dos; Baduy, Rossana Staevie
Obstetric violence in Brazil and cyberactivism of mothers: report of two experiences
Sena, Ligia Moreiras; Tesser, Charles Dalcanale
Open Space
A psychiatric hospital in crisis: images of a deinstitutionalization experience
Kinker, Fernando Sfair
Brazilian researchers in Medical Anthropology Postgraduate Studies in Spain: Experience Report
Lemos, Stela Maris Aguiar; Gioda, Fabiane Rosa; Martinhago, Fernanda; Bueno, Rinaldo Conde; Martínez-Hernáez, Angel
Politics of life itself and the future of medical practices: dialogues with Nikolas Rose (Part 3)
Carvalho, Sergio Resende; Teixeira, Ricardo Rodrigues
Para desenvolver bons projetos também em Educação e Saúde
Gonçalves, Aguinaldo
Women of Norô
Liberman, Flavia; Alcântara, Luiza Maria Escardovelli; Gonçalvez, Nice; Maximino, Viviane Santalucia; Fidalgo, Thais Marques; Guzzo, Marina
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