Human and Natural Sciences: dialogues and politics of collaboration
Rose, Nikolas; Carvalho, Sérgio Resende; Oliveira, Cathana Freitas de
Developmentalism and preventivism at the root of Collective Health: teaching reforms and the creation of Medical Schools and Departments of Preventive Medicine in Sao Paulo state, Brazil, 1948-1967
Mota, André; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Brazil and Latin America: an essential tool for projects, plans and policies
Abe, Karina Camasmie; Miraglia, Simone Georges El Khouri
From words to deeds: the right to health in Rio Negro, Argentina
Analía Perez, Soledad; Perner, Serena
Motivations for collective practices in Primary Care: perception of users and professionals
Friedrich, Thaís Lopes; Petermann, Xavéle Braatz; Miolo, Silvana Basso; Pivetta, Hedioneia Maria Foletto
User satisfaction with primary health care: an analysis of access and care
Gomide, Mariana Figueiredo Souza; Pinto, Ione Carvalho; Bulgarelli, Alexandre Fávero; Santos, Alba Lúcia Pinheiro dos; Serrano Gallardo, Maria del Pilar
From expectation to experience: humanizing childbirth in the Brazilian National Health System
Teixeirense, Marília Mendes de Souza; Santos, Sara León Spesny Dos
The social aspects in the identification of children’s mental health problems in two health services in Paris, France
Nakamura, Eunice; Planche, Maëlle; Ehrenberg, Alain
Health care professionals’ perceptions of coordination between levels of care in two large municipalities in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil
Jesus, Renata Patrícia Freitas Soares de; Santo, Antônio Carlos Gomes do Espírito; Mendes, Marina Ferreira de Medeiros; Samico, Isabella Chagas
The food practice concepts of Rio de Janeiro’s lower class women: transformation and reinterpretation
Oliveira, Tatiana Coura; Czeresnia, Dina; Vargas, Eliane Portes; Barros, Denise Cavalcante de
Hackathons in Brazil and the challenges they pose to the field of health
Guizardi, Francini Lube; Santos, Karina Fernandes dos; Lemos, Ana Silvia Pavani; Severo, Fernanda Maria Duarte
Responsibility and guilt: paradoxical feelings among professionals from a pediatric intensive care unit
Peixoto, Tereza Cristina; Passos, Izabel Christina Friche; Brito, Maria José Menezes
The humanities and the sciences: a reading from Van Rensselaer Potter’s Bioethics
Zanella, Diego Carlos
Vitiligo as a psychosocial disease: apprehensions of patients imprinted by the white
Bú, Emerson Araújo Do; Alexandre, Maria Edna Silva de; Scardua, Anderson; Araújo, Cristina Ruan Ferreira de
An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure: imaginary diseases in journalism
Gomes, Denise Cristina Ayres
Waldorf mothers: pregnancy and birth in an anthroposophical community
Bastos, Raquel Littério de; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes
Program for Improvement and Revitalization of Knowledge in Nursing & Health
Silva, Luiz Anildo Anacleto da; Soder, Rafael Marcelo; Oliveski, Cínthia Cristina; Frizzo, Mirian Natali
Reviewing processes: the Occupational Therapy curricular framework of the Federal University of Sao Paulo
Jurdi, Andrea Perosa Saigh; Nicolau, Stella Maris; Figueiredo, Lúcia da Rocha Uchôa; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador; Maximino, Viviane Santalucia; Borba, Patrícia Leme de Oliveira
The identity of the Public Health professional in Brazil: perceptions of Public and Collective Health students and graduates of undergraduate courses
Silva, Vinício Oliveira da; Pinto, Isabela Cardoso de Matos
Developing competencies among health professions students related to the care of people with disabilities: a pilot study
Castro, Shamyr Sulyvan; Rowe, Michael; Andrade, Luana Foroni; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb
Reorientation of professional education in Physiotherapy: a focus on practice settings
Gauer, Ana Paula Maihack; Ferretti, Fátima; Teo, Carla Rosane Paz Arruda; Ferraz, Lucimare; Soares, Maria Cristina Flores
Integrating emotions and rationalities for the development of competence in active learning methodologies
Mourthé Junior, Carlos Alberto; Lima, Valéria Vernaschi; Padilha, Roberto de Queiroz
Marketing of food and beverage in Brazil: scientific literature review on regulation and self-regulation of advertisements
Kassahara, Aline; Sarti, Flavia Mori
Open Space
Inventories of games and of playing: activating a memory of affections
Jurdi, Andrea Perosa Saigh; Silva, Carla Cilene Baptista; Liberman, Flavia
The teaching of health promotion and education for public health physicians
Medeiros, Roberto Henrique Amorim de
An experience of using narratives in medical students’ education
Claro, Lenita Barreto Lorena; Mendes, Anna Alice Amorim
ADHD, enhancement and medicalization in mental global health: an interview with Ilina Singh (Part 2)
Santos, Luís Henrique Sacchi dos; Freitas, Claudia Rodrigues de
Mortais – autonomia e solidariedade em resposta à insuficiência da medicina
Azevedo, Daniel Lima
Encontrar-te: poetic routes and invention of places
Asanuma, Gisele Dozono; Valent, Isabela Umbuzeiro; Mendes, Mariana Louver
Download the full volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/interface-65.pdf