v.22 Supl.2, 2018



Education and interprofessional practice in line with the historical commitment to strengthen and consolidate the Brazilian National Health System (SUS)
Costa, Marcelo Viana da; Freire Filho, José Rodrigues; Brandão, Cláudia; Silva, Jaqueline Alcântara Marcelino da


The research group as a learning scenario in/on Interprofessional Education: focus on narratives
Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador; Santos Junior, Carlos Francisco dos; Medeiros, Nara Maria Holanda de; Medeiros, Lucilene Martorelli Ortiz Petin; Regis, Cristiano Gil; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva

Teamwork and collaborative practice in Primary Health Care
Peduzzi, Marina; Agreli, Heloise Fernandes

Communication in the dialogical perspective of collaborative interprofessional practice in Primary Health Care
Previato, Giselle Fernanda; Baldissera, Vanessa Denardi Antoniassi

Challenges in the education of health professionals: an interdisciplinary and interprofessional approach
Lima, Valéria Vernaschi; Ribeiro, Eliana Claudia de Otero; Padilha, Roberto de Queiroz; Mourthé Júnior, Carlos Alberto

Integration among curricula in Health professionals’ education: the power of interprofessional education in undergraduate courses
Ely, Luciane Ines; Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti

Interprofessionality in undergraduate Collective Health courses: a study on different learning scenarios
Paro, César Augusto; Pinheiro, Roseni

Teaching, Pro-Saude and PET-Saude: narratives of an interprofessional practice
Santos, Geovannia Mendonça; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva

Interprofessional education in the undergraduate Medicine and Nursing courses in primary health care practice: the students’ perspective
Santos, Lucas Cardoso dos; Simonetti, Janete Pessuto; Cyrino, Antonio Pithon

 Specialization courses offered in the scope of the More Doctors Program: documentary analysis from the perspective of Interprofessional Education

Freire Filho, José Rodrigues; Magnago, Carinne; Costa, Marcelo Viana da; Forster, Aldaísa Cassanho

Analysis of professional practices as a multiprofessional residency education tool
Lago, Luana Pinho de Mesquita; Matumoto, Silvia; Silva, Simone Santana da; Mestriner, Soraya Fernandes; Mishima, Silvana Martins

Preceptor’s best practices in a multiprofessional residency: interface with interprofessionality
Arnemann, Cristiane Trivisiol; Kruse, Maria Henriqueta Luce; Gastaldo, Denise; Jorge, Alan Cristian Rodrigues; Silva, André Luis da; Margarites, Ane Glauce Freitas; Pires, Cassio Lamas; Kuplich, Nádia Mora; Santos, Maite Telles dos; Condessa, Robledo Leal

Interprofessional Education in Master’s and Doctoral programs: postgraduate students’ perception
Freitas, Maria Aparecida de Oliveira; Demarchi, Gabriela Souza dos Santos; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador

Interprofessional education and aging: analysis of pedagogical health projects
Lima, Rafael Rodolfo Tomaz de; Vilar, Rosana Lúcia Alves de; Castro, Janete Lima de; Lima, Kenio Costa de

Interprofessional education and provision of care: analysis of an experience
Capozzolo, Angela Aparecida; Casetto, Sidnei José; Nicolau, Stella Maris; Junqueira, Virgínia; Gonçalves, Daniela Caetano; Maximino, Viviane Santalucia

Collaborative interprofessional practice in emergency services: specific and shared functions of physiotherapists
Batista, Ruth Ester Assayag; Peduzzi, Marina

Collaborative practices in emergency services in Health: the interprofessionality of the “PermanecerSUS” Program, Health Department of the State of Bahia, Brazil

Figueredo, Wilton Nascimento; Veras, Renata Meira; Silva, Gilberto Tadeu Reis da; Cardoso, Gustavo Marques Porto

Interprofessional health education: the experience of the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Baixada Santista campus, Santos, Brazil
Batista, Nildo Alves; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva; Silva, Carla Cilene Baptista da; Uchôa-Figueiredo, Lúcia da Rocha; Poletto, Patricia

Dimensions of interprofessional work and of collaborative practices developed at a primary care unit by a Family Health team
Escalda, Patrícia; Parreira, Clélia Maria de Sousa Ferreira

Analysis of interprofessional in-service education in a Psychosocial Care Center
Wetzel, Christine; Kohlrausch, Eglê Rejane; Pavani, Fabiane Machado; Batistella, Franciele Savian; Pinho, Leandro Barbosa de


Connections and boundaries of interprofessionality: form and formation
Ceccim, Ricardo Burg

Concerns, on my part
Merhy, Emerson Elias

Interprofessionality and health: connections and changing borders
Pereira, Márcio Florentino

Interprofessionality and daring: on “Connections and boundaries of interprofessionality: form and form-giving”
Mercer, Hugo

Reply On adaption, resistance and ethical competence in interprofessionality
Ceccim, Ricardo Burg

 Open Space

Path and implementation of interprofessional discipline in Health courses
Miguel, Edson Arpini; Albiero, Adriana Lenita Meyer; Alves, Rozilda Neves; Bicudo, Angélica Maria

Revising curricular matrices in an innovative pedagogical project: ways of strengthening interprofessional health education
Poletto, Patricia Rios; Jurdi, Andrea Perosa Saigh

Mobilizing students in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) defense: interprofessional experiences of VER-SUS – Sobral, CE, Brasil
Amaral, Vitória Ferreira do; Cavalcante, Ana Suelen Pedroza; Farias, Quitéria Larissa Teodoro; Ribeiro, Marcos Aguiar; Araújo Júnior, David Gomes; Gomes, Diógenes Farias

Planning an interprofessional education activity for healthcare professions
Griggio, Ana Paula; Mininel, Vivian Aline; Silva, Jaqueline Alcântara Marcelino da

Donwload the full volume: https://interface.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/v.22.Supl_.-22018.pdf

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