Paradoxes and contradictions in health under the effect of global pressures: the case of the Portugal-Brazil-Africa geopolitical space Carapinheiro, Graça Maria Gouveia da Silva
Necessary changes in the evaluation of graduate programs in Brazil
Barata, Rita Barradas
Dossier: Biopolitics and Governmentality in Health
“Being in the time of the world”: subjectivity and politics in Foucault and the feminisms
Rago, Margareth
The government of conduct and the risks of risk in health
Carvalho, Sergio Resende; Andrade, Henrique Sater de; Oliveira, Cathana Freitas de
Medical discourse on the emotions experienced in the interaction with patients: contributions to clinical practice
Castelhano, Laura Marques; Wahba, Liliana Liviano
Shared management: perceptions of professionals in the family health context.
Penedo, Rafaela Mossarelli; Gonçalo, Camila da Silva; Queluz, Dagmar de Paula
Medicalization, clinical diagnosis, and “treat and street” – networks of meaning at stake
Sancho, Karla Amorim; Pfeiffer, Claudia Regina Castellanos; Corrêa, Carlos Roberto Silveira
Incoming medical students and their perception on the transition towards an active learning
Torres, Vânia; Sampaio, Cristina Andrade; Caldeira, Antônio Prates
Rape culture and ostentatious violence: an analysis from the artifactuality of funk
Brilhante, Aline Veras Morais; Giaxa, Renata Rocha Barreto; Branco, July Grassiely de Oliveira; Vieira, Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza
The power of the bond for Healthcare production: what guiding users teach us
Seixas, Clarissa Terenzi; Baduy, Rossana Staevie; Cruz, Kathleen Tereza da; Bortoletto, Maira Sayuri Sakay; Slomp Junior, Helvo; Merhy, Emerson Elias
State of the art of integrated, multiprofessional and in professional Health area residencies
Torres, Rafael Bruno Silva; Barreto, Ivana Cristina de Holanda Cunha; Freitas, Roberto Wagner Júnior Freire de; Evangelista, Aline Luiza de Paulo
Racial equity and education of ethnic-racial relations in Health Care courses
Santana, Rebecca Alethéia Ribeiro; Akerman, Marco; Faustino, Deivison Mendes; Spiassi, Ana Lucia; Guerriero, Iara Coelho Zito
Mental Health professional education: reflections based on the conceptions of Subject, Collective and Institution.
Emerich, Ferrari; Onocko-Campos, Rosana
Taste and flavor in food experience: conceptual reflections.
Palazzo, Carina Carlucci; Meirelles, Camila de Souza; Japur, Camila Cremonezi; Diez-Garcia, Rosa Wanda
Between the particular and the general: constitution of “black madness” in the Hospice of Juquery, São Paulo, Brazil – 1898-1920
Machin, Rosana; Mota, André
Health care experiences of residents of Therapeutic Residential Services
Massa, Paula Andréa; Moreira, Maria Inês Badaró
Equity in Health undergraduate courses: legal framework, and political and methodological challenges
Rocha, Dais Gonçalves; Souza, Dyana Helena de; Cavadinha, Edu
Curricular reformulation of Occupational Therapy courses: results and challenges of a trajectory
Zimmermann, Ana Beatriz; Moreira, Adriana Belmonte; Silva, Derivan Brito da; Jorge, Iranise Moro Pereira; Camargo, Maria Jose Gugelmin De; Mariotti, Milton Carlos; Castanharo, Regina Celia Titotto; Pereira, Rita Aparecida Bernardi
Heterogeneity in the correction of portfolios in the Medicine course: student perception
Nery, Nathalia de Moraes Lebeis; Baracat, Emilio Carlos Elias; Bicudo, Angélica Maria
Virtual social networks and Health. A participatory experience about chronic kidney disease
Mercado-Martínez, Francisco J.; Huerta-Francisco, Victor A.; Urias-Vázquez, Jorge E.
Critical history of hypnosis in psychiatry in the School of Medicine at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 1930 and 1970 (abstract: p. 14)
Alarcão, Gustavo Gil; Mota, André
“Male body with female gestures?”: a transvestite’s image made by nurses
Oliveira, Ester Mascarenhas; Oliveira, Jeane Freitas de; Porcino, Carle; Campos, Lorena Cardoso Mangabeira; Reale, Maria Júlia de Oliveira Uchôa; Souza, Márcia Rebeca Rocha de
Narratives of emotional distress in Primary Care in Brazil: contributions to a comprehensive and culturally sensitive Global Mental Health approach
Menezes, Alice Lopes do Amaral; Athie, Karen; Favoreto, Cesar Augusto Orazem; Ortega, Francisco; Fortes, Sandra
User embracement & access to oral health needs and professional practice in Primary Health Care
Warmling, Cristine Maria; Baldisserotto, Julio; Rocha, Evelise Tarouco da
The perspective of students and dental education: possible intersections with the Family Health Strategy
Forte, Franklin Delano Soares; Pontes, Aída Albuquerque; Morais, Hannah Gil de Farias; Barbosa, Ailma de Souza; Nétto, Otacílio Batista de Sousa
What do news-values say about the Brazilian National Health System? Exploring the theoretical-conceptual frameworks of newsworthiness
Langbecker, Andrea; Castellanos, Marcelo Eduardo Pfeiffer; Catalan-Matamoros, Daniel
Childbirth on TV: an outlook from the perspective of Ivan Illich
Odashima, Maiumy Huelida Gomes; Cavaca, Aline Guio; Oliveira, Adauto Emmerich; Silva, Thalita Mascarelo da; Santos Neto, Edson Theodoro dos
Love and violence at play: revealing the affective-sexual relations between young people using the gender lens
Oliveira, Rebeca Nunes Guedes de; Fonseca, Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da
On anorexia and bulimia: conceptions and etiological suppositions from the perspective of Health professionals
Costa-Val, Alexandre; Coelho, Vívian Andrade Araújo; Machado, Marília Novais da Mata; Campos, Rosana Teresa Onocko; Modena, Celina Maria
Magic or enchantment? Management committees in the Brazilian National Health System and changes in healthcare modes
Slomp Junior, Helvo; Merhy, Emerson Elias; Seixas, Clarissa Terenzi; Cruz, Kathleen Tereza da; Bertussi, Débora Cristina; Baduy, Rossana Staevie
Migration of demands between the public and private spheres from the point of view of gender relations: a study with nurses
Pereira, Audrey Vidal; Oliveira, Simone Santos; Rotenberg, Lucia
Oogun Àṣẹ : Candomblé practices and health care in New York City, USA.
Niel, Marcelo Máximo; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes
Relation, information and communication technologies (RICTs) as a tool for social integration
Bernal-Meneses, Lara; Gabelas-Barroso, José Antonio; Marta-Lazo, Carmen
Multiple tuberculosis: a praxiography at the Instituto Clemente Ferreira, in São Paulo (SP), Brazil
Posses, Isabela Pellacani Pereira das; Matsue, Regina; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes
Use of narrative in continuing Health education: educational directions, successes and limits
Azevedo, Cláudio Roberto Freire de; Gomes, Romeu
Implications of the experience of preventive detention for intimate partner violence: male narratives
Silva, Andrey Ferreira da; Gomes, Nadirlene Pereira; Estrela, Fernanda Matheus; Lírio, Josinete Gonçalves dos Santos; Lima, Vera Lúcia de Azevedo; Pereira, Álvaro
Overcoming the culture of physical immobilization of birthing women in Brazilian healthcare system? Findings of an intervention study in São Paulo, Brazil
Niy, Denise Yoshie; Oliveira, Valéria Clarisse de; Oliveira, Luma Rodrigues de; Alonso, Bruna Dias; Diniz, Carmen Simone Grilo
Organization and practices of pharmaceutical services in oncology within the Brazilian National Health System
Silva, Mario Jorge Sobreira da; Osorio-de-Castro, Claudia Garcia Serpa
Actor-networks and their influences on the informatization of Primary Healthcare in Brazil
Cavalcante, Ricardo Bezerra; Esteves, Cristiano José da Silva; Gontijo, Tarcísio Laerte; Brito, Maria José Menezes; Guimarães, Eliete Albano de Azevedo
Reflections of physicians on work in the Family Health Strategy under the management of Social Organizations
Ballarotti, Bruna; Corneau, Felipe Gonçalves; Junqueira, Virginia; Mendes, Áquilas
The teacher in active methodologies and the nuances between teaching and learning: challenges and possibilities
Lara, Ellys Marina de Oliveira; Lima, Valéria Vernaschi; Mendes, Juliana Delalibera; Ribeiro, Eliana Claudia Otero; Padilha, Roberto de Queiroz
Six proposals for graduation in Psychology: a dialogue between PET-Health and Italo Calvin
Santos, Renata Guerda de Araújo; Bernardes, Jefferson de Sousa
Doctor-patient relationships in the era of the expert patient: an epistemological analysis
Knorst, Gabriel Rocha Santos; Jesus, Victor Machado; Menezes Junior, Antônio da Silva
Medical training and abortion care from the perspective of residents from two public universities in São Paulo, Brazil
Machin, Rosana; Couto, Márcia Thereza; Rocha, Ana Luísa Smith; Costa, Maria Renata Mencacci
Health Education and pedagogy of death: perceptions and demands of academic staff in Spain
Pedrero-García, Encarnación
Mental health discourses: the construction of subjectivities and identities of children in the city of Buenos Aires
Barcala, Alejandra
Internet and hiv/aids: a virtual ethnography on Facebook
Oliveira Neto, Alfredo de; Camargo Júnior, Kenneth Rochel de
Are we talking about food? Journalists’ speech and content analysis of popular news
Oliveira-Costa, Mariella Silva de; Costa, Deivson Rayner Teixeira da; Mendonça, Ana Valéria Machado; Renaud, Lise
Telehealth services as support for Continuing Education in Primary Health Care: an evaluation framework
Dolny, Luise Lüdke; Lacerda, Josimari Telino de; Natal, Sonia; Calvo, Maria Cristina Marino
Discourses on the healthcare of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people adopted by doctors working in Brazil’s Family Health Strategy
Paulino, Danilo Borges; Rasera, Emerson Fernando; Teixeira, Flavia do Bonsucesso
Adolescence and mental health from the perspective of Primary Healthcare professionals
Silva, Jaqueline Ferreira da; Matsukura, Thelma Simões; Ferigato, Sabrina Helena; Cid, Maria Fernanda Barboza
Occupational accidents and the performance of the Occupational Health Reference Center in the pages of the Jornal de Piracicaba newspaper between 2007 and 2014
Jackson Filho, José Marçal; Garcia, Eduardo Garcia; David, Honasses Guardiola; Duracenko, Sandra Renata Canale; Simonelli, Angela Paula
Children of the prison: social representations of women about birth in prison
Matos, Khesia Kelly Cardoso; Silva, Susanne Pinheiro Costa e; Nascimento, Emanuela de Araújo
Learning, digital media and affection: proposals for a new paradigm in higher education
Dravet, Florence; Castro, Gustavo de
Maternal health services in Cuba – a biopolitical strategy for disciplining pregnant women’ bodies
Rollo, Rosane Machado; Ramos, Adriana Roese; Rocha, Cristianne Maria Famer
Physicians’ perception of obstetric or institutional violence in the subtle dimension of the human and physician-patient relationship
Sens, Maristela Muller; Stamm, Ana Maria Nunes de Faria
From fight to testimony. Audiovisual and interactive representations of cancer in video games
Gómez-García, Salvador; Navarro-Sierra, Nuria; Carrillo-Vera, José-Agustín
HIV/AIDS prevention in municipalities in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: gaps between global policy and local responses
Monteiro, Simone; Brigeiro, Mauro
The work and health of teachers and monitors in a public nursery in Vitória da Conquista, BA, Brazil
Silva, Daniela Almeida de Jesus; Souza, Katia Reis de; Santos, Gideon Borges dos
Health subjects, territory agents: the community health agent in immigrant Primary Care
Losco, Luiza Nogueira; Gemma, Sandra Francisca Bezerra
The hospital routine of children with prolonged hospitalizations: between body-care and possible mediations
Simonato, Mariana Pereira; Mitre, Rosa Maria de Araujo; Galheigo, Sandra Maria
Geoffrey Rose and the precautionary principle: to build the quaternary prevention in the prevention
Tesser, Charles Dalcanale; Norman, Armando Henrique
Floating Primary Health Center: a new approach to Primary Care in the Amazon, Brazil
Kadri, Michele Rocha El; Santos, Brena Silva dos; Lima, Rodrigo Tobias de Sousa; Schweickardt, Julio Cesar; Martins, Fabiana Mânica
Interprofessional and interdisciplinary dialogues in university extension: a pathway towards incorporating a broader concept of health into academic education
Rios, David Ramos da Silva; Sousa, Daniel Andrade Barreto de; Caputo, Maria Constantina
Adapting educational messages for partners of pregnant women for use in mobile health technologies (mHealth)
Bonifácio, Lívia Pimenta; Souza, João Paulo; Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni
Dental treatment dropout in social programs from the perspective of participants and social operators: the Uruguay Trabaja case
Blanco, Silvana; Toassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti; Laurino, Carolina González; Abegg, Claides
“Something that is so simple to experience and control, yet difficult to share and defend”: HIV/Aids, secrets and sociability in an on-line social network
Damasceno, Éverson de Brito; Cortez, Lumena Cristina de Assunção; Ferreira, Fábbio de Souza; Silva, Mercês de Fátima dos Santos; Melo, Lucas Pereira de
Student drinking: an analysis of parties advertisements on an university campus
Curcelli, Emílio Martins; Fontanella, Bruno José Barcellos
Challenges faced by transgender people in accessing the transexualizer process of the Brazilian National Health System
Rocon, Pablo Cardozo; Sodré, Francis; Rodrigues, Alexsandro; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Wandekoken, Kallen Dettmann
Perceptions and expectations that promote treatment adherence among patients receiving treatment at Psychosocial Care Centers in Brazil
Alvarez, Patricia Elizabeth Sanz de
Experiences of women in gestating and giving birth to anencephalic fetuses: the multiple faces of obstetric violence
Fernandes, Iulia Bicu; Bento, Paulo Alexandre de Souza São; Xavier, Rozânia Bicego
The health research process and obstacles to the use of research findings by health professionals
Paula, Milena Lima de; Jorge, Maria Salete Bessa; Morais, Jamine Borges de
Health professional discourse on the sexual health of lesbian and bisexual women
Palma, Diana M.; Orcasita, Linda Teresa
Rehearsing floor-based clinical practice: mapping Mental Health in Primary Care in interface with dance
Barone, Luciana Rodriguez; Paulon, Simone Mainieri
The body denied by its “extreme subjectivity”: expressions of the coloniality of knowledge in research ethics
Raimondi, Gustavo Antonio; Moreira, Cláudio; Barros, Nelson Filice de
Between the woman and saving the baby: HIV-positive women’s experiences of giving birth
Bellotto, Paula Cristina Barth; Lopez, Laura Cecília; Piccinini, Cesar Augusto; Gonçalves, Tonantzin Ribeiro
Reality and myth about legal healthcare support and quality of life in the Brazilian elderly
Monte-Serrat, Dionéia Motta; Khan, Hafiz T.A.; Kabir, Russell; Soares, Daniela Witter; Silva, Sílvia
Physicians’ perception of the dimensions of obstetric and/or institutional violence
Sens, Maristela Muller; Stamm, Ana Maria Nunes de Faria
Violence and right to care in public policies on long-term care institutions for the elderly
Poltronieri, Bruno Costa; Souza, Edinilsa Ramos de; Ribeiro, Adalgisa Peixoto
Characterization of undergraduate Midwifery programs in South American countries
Cintra, Nayara Ruiz; Riesco, Maria Luiza Gonzalez
Transgender women and physical activity: fabricating the female body
Serrano, Jéssica Leite; Caminha, Iraquitan de Oliveira; Gomes, Isabelle Sena; Neves, Ednalva Maciel; Lopes, Diego Trindade
Health communication in campaigns to prevent human leptospirosis in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
Martins, Mário Henrique da Mata; Spink, Mary Jane Paris
Neo-liberalism, ethics, and academic output: subjectivation and resistance on graduate programs in Brazil
Maurente, Vanessa Soares
What can a policy do? Challenging the implementation of the More Doctors Program based on the experience of a Brazilian city
Santos, Mara Lisiane de Moraes dos; Bertussi, Débora Cristina; Kodjaoglanian, Vera Lúcia; Merhy, Emerson Elias
Following McWhinney’s footsteps: from family medicine to traditional and complementary medicine
Norman, Armando Henrique; Tesser, Charles Dalcanale
Rethinking Health policies in Brazil: Continuing Education in Health focused on meeting and knowing from experience
Carvalho, Monica Sampaio de; Merhy, Emerson Elias; Sousa, Maria Fátima de
Communicating on Zika: prevention recommendations in contexts of uncertainties
Rodrigues, Raphaela Rezende Nogueira; Grisotti, Márcia
Oral health from people’s living with HIV/Aids perspective: contributions for dentists’ continuing education
Parola, Gustavo Barbosa; Zihlmann, Karina Franco
Journal coverage on issues of interest to Brazilian Collective Health: a literature review
Langbecker, Andrea; Castellanos, Marcelo Eduardo Pfeiffer; Neves, Robson da Fonseca; Catalan-Matamoros, Daniel
Spiritual healing and therapies in Brazil: a critical review and some reflections
Valente, Tania Cristina de Oliveira; Dias, Davi James; Marras, Stelio Alessandro
Research trends in specialist publications from the field of educommunication and media literacy in Latin America
Lotero-Echeverri, Gabriel; Romero-Rodríguez, Luis M.; Pérez-Rodríguez, Amor
Evidence-based science in public policies for reinventing alcohol and drugs use prevention
Pedroso, Raquel Turci; Juhásová, Michaela Batalha; Hamann, Edgar Merchan
The use of narratives and group device approach in education/continuing education of health professionals: a literature review
Diniz, Denise Scofano; Sá, Marilene De Castilho
The consolidation and effectiveness of matrix support in mental health in Brazil – bottlenecks and challenges
Treichel, Carlos Alberto dos Santos; Campos, Rosana Teresa Onocko; Campos, Gastão Wagner de Souza
Depression and frailty in old age: a narrative review of the literature published between 2008 and 2018
Nascimento, Priscila Pascarelli Pedrico do; Batistoni, Samila Sathler Tavares
Anti-Egalitarian Movements in Education and Health
Education and Health in dispute: anti-egalitarian movements and public policies
Miskolci, Richard; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes
Conservative restorations in Argentina and Brazil: the intimate and the public under attack
Pecheny, Mario Martín
On anti-egalitarian disputes and public policies: more arguments for the debate
Deslandes, Keila
Moral grammars, mortal risks
Nascimento, Wanderson Flor do
LGBTI+ in Brazil: the 2016 coup d’état and the 2018 stabbing
Andrade, Luma Nogueira de
Mortal inequalities: the fabrication of precarious lives in Brazil
Miskolci, Richard; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes
Construction of guidelines for institutional actions in cases of gender violence at university
Maito, Deíse Camargo; Panúncio-Pinto, Maria Paula; Severi, Fabiana Cristina; Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni
Is the university immune to social discrimination?
Meneghel, Stela Nazareth
Invisibility and trivialization of violence against women in the University: recognize to change
d’Oliveira, Ana Flávia
Violence against women in the university environment: an emerging reality in the región
López, Alejandra
The university as a reflection and transformative agent of society: the contradiction moving history
Maito, Deíse Camargo; Panúncio-Pinto, Maria Paula; Severi, Fabiana Cristina; Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni
Open Space
Permanent education on harm reduction: the experience of Psychosocial Care Course in Alcohol and other Drugs
Batista, Cássia Beatriz; Vasconcelos, Maria Paula Naves; Vecchia, Marcelo Dalla; Queiroz, Isabela Saraiva de
When experience is captured by representation: governmentalization of drugs in Health and the criminal justice system
Rosa, Pablo Ornelas; Pinto, Getulio Sérgio Souza
Multiprofessional Residency in Mental Health: a theoretical framework for professional education
Onocko-Campos, Rosana; Emerich, Bruno Ferrari; Ricci, Ellen Cristina
Challenges in the anthropological education of Healthcare professionals: a teaching experience in graduate studies in Collective Health
Ferreira, Jaqueline; Brandão, Elaine Reis
Sexed dolls workshop – an experience report.
Meneghel, Stela Nazareth; Danilevicz, Vatsi Meneghel; Fonseca, Evirlene de Souza
Scientific literacy for global health: a reflection regarding education in research
Silva-Satlov, Iván; Pérez, Roberto Rivera
Diary of the journals: the everyday of sensitive writing in the shared formation in health
Guzzo, Marina; Federici, Conrado Augusto Gandara; Ricci, Éllen Cristina; Aleixo, Juliana; Dias, Beatriz Venancia; Skruzdeliauskas, Mariana; Alves, Grazielle; Liberman, Flavia
The Iandé Guatá Extension Project: the experiences of medical students with the Potiguara indigenous community
Luna, Willian Fernandes; Nordi, Aline Barreto de Almeida; Rached, Karolina Saad; Carvalho, Alice Ribeiro Viana de
Setting the wheels of continuing education in motion in the psychosocial care network: the challenges of caring for people suffering from psychoactive substance abuse in Brazil
Santos, Keli Lopes; Surjus, Luciana Togni de Lima e Silva
Today I’m going to be an artist! Health and citizenship in tuberculosis treatment in a hospital setting
Maffacciolli, Rosana; Conte, Marta; Dorneles, Leonardo Castro; Oliveira, Dora Lúcia Leidens Correa de
Teaching-service integration: experiences of the Health Work Education Program designed around the core theme Continuing Education
Garcia, Sandra de Oliveira; Sampaio, Juliana; Costa, Carla Rossana de Lima; Diniz, Rejane Soares; Araújo, Thamiris Aragão de
Open Dialogue Approach in Finland: interview with Jaakko Seikkula
Florence, Ana Carolina; Yasui, Silvio
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira: the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) and the State Managerial Reform in the 1990s
Nemi, Ana; Schraiber, Lilia Blima
Brazil’s National Men’s Health Policy by José Gomes Temporão
Hemmi, Ana Paula Azevedo
“Sexual democracy in the heart of democracy”. The central role of gender in interpreting the present – an interview with Éric Fassin
Pelúcio, Larissa; Paz, Diego
Health, disease and knowledge production
Sacramento, Jonatan
The Social Sciences teacher in the Medical Education
Ferreira, Flávia Carmo
From the daily “pressures” experienced by the popular segments to “high blood pressure” as a long-term illness
Barsaglini, Reni; Melo, Lucas Pereira de
Professional Education in Health: application of the Maguerez Arch in the teaching-learning process
Ferreira, Graziani Izidoro
About the humanization in Health work
Albuquerque, Guilherme Souza Cavalcanti de
Sensory laboratory: a proposal for activating the body
Alvim, Mônica Botelho; Reis, Alice Vignoli; Gutmacher, Luana; Silva, Ana Cléris Morais
Anonymous ways of living from an abandoned prison: marks of a dead society
Souza, Carlos Dornels Freire de; Albuquerque, Diogo de Azevedo Resende de; Moraes, Bruno Quintela Souza de; Ferreira, Ricardo Jansen Santos; Silva Junior, Adeilton Gonçalves da; Quirino, Túlio Romero Lopes; Machado, Michael Ferreira
Brief Notes
Brazilian Association for Research in Prevention and Health Promotion (BRAPEP): foundation announcement
Murta, Sheila Giardini; Schneider, Daniela Ribeiro; Nobre-Sandoval, Larissa de Almeida; Schenker, Miriam; Seidl, Eliane Maria Fleury; Polejack, Larissa; Conceição, Maria Inês Gandolfo; Leandro-França, Cristineide; Franco, Gisele de Rezende; Abreu, Samia
Ressurrecting the madness industry?!
Martins, Matheus Eduardo Rodrigues; Assis, Fátima Buchele; Bolsoni, Carolina Carvalho
Letters to the editor
An ode to lucid / thoughtful criticism
Vilaça, Murilo Mariano; Pompermayer, Fabiana Cunha Leão